Hmm, do Wanamingos really deserve a place in the FO universe- or was it a one shot deal?And, even though they seemed to be created to take the place of Deathclaws, the Wanamingos didn't do it too well.
I still prefer to go for simplicity - as in separate communities, because then we don't have to make up another explanation for it to make sense. The Super Mutant worshippers are still very interesting if they don't originate from the Area 51 community. They were just the regular Nevada Vault Dwellers (question- did everyone alive originate from the Vaults?) who had never seen a Super Mutant before the big bad druggie mutant leader showed I don't think so. If you had the player encounter the village first(and only a bit of the Super Mutant's army), then he'd be surprised at the moment where he should be surprised: when he arrives there.
Hey, thats a nice touch...And to ultimately go take the Vats back....yes.
Again, I'd have to go with simplicity, or else it convolutes the story- not to mention makes the scripters want to kill you. We could still have the dual area effects on the ending without the backtracking and having to account for different dialogues depending on where they went first, and endless potential for plot and ending bugs. While that would make the ending progression more linear (Mutant God -> Area 51 -> Ending), the other parts of the lower Nevada area (as well as the original NCR area) would not be- we could set up a lot of different plot lines between Henderson, Boulder City, Lower Vegas (the Mutant God would be in North Vegas) as well as the smaller villages all related to how miserable the situation is. The good thing about those places is that they're all extremely close together.If we allow for an escape possibility(or several of them: Speaking, sneaking, digging, and possibly fighting), but make the community so strong that you wouldn't make fighting your way all the way through, then they would have to come back.
Btw, can you think up a plot for Henderson? Right now, I have it pegged as the only semi-reasonable town around there (the Klamath of the NV area), where you get to hear all the problems related to the mutant cult and abductions. But I don't know if it's interesting enough. All Klamath had were minor stories and a rat infestation, so maybe we don't need to be too creative with this one. Or Lower Vegas could be the 'decent' town, and Henderson could be something else. The places wouldn't be called their original names anymore though. Boulder City could be called Hooverton or something like that.
If you guys or anyone else for whatever reason feel like making documents for any of these areas or other ones you think up, here are the section headings I lifted from the *shudder* Burrows design document on FO Bible 7:
Who Rules:
Armed Forces:
Notable Location:
Notable People:
Current Situation:
When Character First Enters:
Adventure Seeds:
And of course, the different results to be described in the ending sequences.