Fallout 3 looks majorly disappointing from demo clips


First time out of the vault
I dont care what they are saying about fallout 3.

It became quite apparent to me, after about 2 minutes that this game is not going to retain any of the charming qualities from the original games.

It looks and feels stiff, arcadish, and colorless. It is a shoot em up for kids "look what I can do mom", who were too young to play the orginal fallout anyway. Its all style and no substance.

Lifeless polgyonal debris has replaced the original warm blooded art concepts. No more bullet riddled corpses in a more realistic photodigitized format. NOPE. Look, I didnt expect the same dated graphics, but I didnt expect this pathetic first person shooter either.
The optional turn based combat is an insult to our intelligence.
From day one they had no intention of being faithful.

I dont see any of the tongue in cheek humor. Its a rather depressing greyish desolate landscape with a handful of sporadic 'baddies'. With a whole bunch of stupid over the top bazookas and missiles to kill them with.

There doesnt appear to be any cerebral influences. The original fallout was inspired by sci-fi films, 50's culture, political commentary.... Just the other day I watched a 70's post apocalyptic film "A boy and his dog" and I realized yet another awesome reference by Fallout with the scruffy dog and the NPC character Vic.

It was so amazing what they did in the originals!

So why the f$ck call this fallout 3? Why buy the franchise?
I didnt wait 10 years for this garbage.

It might be a good game... but this isnt fallout.

This is Oblivion:Far Cry 3.

I hope I am wrong. I really do.
:) Wow! I'm amazed and curious of just one aspect of that: Do you really think that having seen 2 minutes (amounting to perhaps 0.01 % of the full game) of an unfinished game you can say all those things with such confidence? I mean, there was practically nothing about the story or dialog in the demos (I don't blame them, it's good that most of the game is kept secret until release!)
Or think of it this way: If you had seen only 2 minutes of the first Fallouts, and much of it combat, how much could you really have deduced about the depth and real nature of the game??
Wow, just wow. You can actually tell what the humor and intelligence of the game is going to be from that?
pevvy in his trolling is just unable to understand that it's bethesda that has shown us only combat. 2 months before its release. Because, y'know, it's not like they could've done other demos earlier.

If you had seen only 2 minutes of the first Fallouts

I would get the playable demo. WHOOPS CAN'T DO THE SAME WHEN IT COMES TO FO3!

Here's a thing- bethesda's paranoid about info, they want to release as little info as they can. They finally released a demo and turns out it doesn't really have any good sides- both as a rpg and fps.
It's logical. They can't really depend on the game's quality so they have to depend on hype. To make hype effective you have to keep consumers in the dark.
I think it is fair to deduce the visceral feel of this game in the 2 minute demo.... and it completely lacks the conceptual art. Its all just polygons... polygons polygons... blowing up in spectacular fireworks fashion. (i know its the bloody mess perk).

If Bethesda was so hell bent on making an oblivion style post-apocalypse... why bother with the fallout franchise.

Other than to guarantee themselves the $$$ from fans who have been waiting 10 years for the game.

I have kept my mouth shut for the last few years while they were making this game, but now I have seen enough.

Im sure it will be a good game like they say... but its not going to be the fallout experience I have been waiting for.
ashley52 said:
If Bethesda was so hell bent on making an oblivion style post-apocalypse... why bother with the fallout franchise.

Other than to guarantee themselves the $$$ from fans who have been waiting 10 years for the game.

You basically just answered your own question.

Let's assume that your right, and that like skeptics have been saying all along, F3 is just going to be Morrowind with guns. Bathesda is a video game company, a business. Their ultimate goal is to make money, and the easiest way to do that is to take a concept that they know will bring in cash (a sequel to a popular game) and give it a treatment that they know works (updated/altered for their own target audience). If you are right, they have only done what is logically the easiest way to make a profit, and you can't really blame them for that.

I agree that if Fallout 3 turns out to be a mirror image of every other shooter that Bathesda has come out with, it'll be pretty lame. But that being said, because they are keeping it so tight I doubt we'll find out anything conclusive before it's released, and many of us are still going to buy it just because it's called Fallout 3 and therefore might be better than the rest of the fairly sub par PC games coming out lately. It's still just a video game, and our hopes of ever seeing the real Fallout 3 completed (IE Vanburen or something like it) are so far gone that we might as well hope for the best with this one.
InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit said:
If you are right, they have only done what is logically the easiest way to make a profit, and you can't really blame them for that.

We can blame them just like we can blame a hitman for killing people just to make a profit. Of course, raping and selling out a game title isn't illeagal but it's not "ethical" either.
Kahgan said:
InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit said:
If you are right, they have only done what is logically the easiest way to make a profit, and you can't really blame them for that.

We can blame them just like we can blame a hitman for killing people just to make a profit. Of course, raping and selling out a game title isn't illeagal but it's not "ethical" either.

You raise a good point. I suppose I should have worded it differently: we can't really blame them for wanting to make money, though we can still hate the game if it sucks, and the company for making it. I guess I can understand how you'd think of them as being unethical for using the Fallout franchise as a pawn to make money, and I'm not exactly pleased about it either. But on the other hand, as far as I can see they have only done what they thought would make the game entertaining to the widest audience of people, and I can't really be pissed about it until I've played the game myself.
I see what you mean, but I just can't get myself to have any sympathy with them, they are masturbating on the only game I ever really liked enough to play over and over again. (not counting C&C and Red Alert) And I really truly hate them for it.
pevvy said:
I mean, there was practically nothing about the story or dialog in the demos (I don't blame them, it's good that most of the game is kept secret until release!)
Awwww, look, he's being naively optimistic! How adorable! Yes, desire to avoid spoilers is why Bethesda have yet to demonstrate a single example of half-way competent writing in FO3. The Fairy Godmother told me so, so I'm sure it's true.

Or think of it this way: If you had seen only 2 minutes of the first Fallouts, and much of it combat, how much could you really have deduced about the depth and real nature of the game??
Two screenshots were sufficient to intrigue me. One 15-minute interactive demo was sufficient to dazzle me. Weeks before I even touched the full game there was no doubt in my mind that I had stumbled into a masterpiece and that my view of roleplaying and gaming in general would never be the same again.
Hi, I must share my misery with you guys! :D

Well, the demo was a big disappointment to me. I'm from the optimistic side, and hoped for something fallout like game. Stalker is still much closer...
What the hell was that aiming system in the game??? It even ruined the fps feeling. :D LOL! Bethesda wins the LOL-Award for this demo from me.
And the unoriginal, forced use of blood. That was disgusting. My favourite perk was bloody mess, but hey! That wasn't why I played fo or fo2. What were they thinking?
And that baby-nuke OMG! OMG!!! Who thought it out? I can imagine the meeting where they accepted it...
I hope they go bankrupt very soon, and they sell the fo license.
zioburosky13 said:



LOL. I was just about to post this!

Leave it to Yahtzee to say it how it really is. FO3 plays like piss.
Sigh. I completely agree and relatively speaking I was one of the optimists.

I gave up all hope of a game truly in the vein of Fallout and Fallout 2 a long time ago but I still nevertheless expected the game to be a RPG, not some b@stardised FPS-Adventure-RPG mess. When I saw the FPS style combat my heart sank.

I had expected to end up with something along the lines of the quasi real turn based KOTOR combat system which had problems but at least it didn't remove the skill factor from the character and place it in the hands of the gamer (with the exception of the ability to move uninhibited in real time).

To be honest, I haven't played Morrowind so I have no idea how your character's skill level with a ranged weapon can clearly influence gameplay when you have FPS levels of control. Are we going to end up with some BS system whereby the cursor ways less the more skilled your character becomes?

This kind of worked in Deux Ex because it was a FPS shooter with RPG and adventure elements and the character development was very limited. Fallout however was a pure pnp RPG and some of the elements of that have been left in to fool everyone that the game isn't really an FPS adventure game.

And I totally agree about the setting too. I actually liked the look of some of the screenshots but from the gameplay videos it looks like any other FPS/third person game set in war torn cityscapes.
Karandras said:
To be honest, I haven't played Morrowind so I have no idea how your character's skill level with a ranged weapon can clearly influence gameplay when you have FPS levels of control. Are we going to end up with some BS system whereby the cursor ways less the more skilled your character becomes?

Didn't they already state that they nerfed the RPG aspect of ranged combat ? Skill only influences the amount of damage you do now, if you hit or not is depending how leet you are with your FPS skills...just like a good RPG should be....oh wait...

And to the guys questioning people being able to judge this games humor by the amount of videos and previews on the net....yeah, sure....a scene where that FO3 boss guy Ted something or whatever that goon is called is shooting some raider with friggin teddybears AND that shot at raider is desintegrating into red fog and body parts from that....yeah, that is totally Fallout humor *groan*.

Thinking that about 1 year ago I still had hopes for this game....oh well, it will be a huge success and all you yay-sayers can then say "we told you so", problem is, that doesn't make this game a good Fallout RPG ! It just means that you can sell crap to lotsa people if you hype it enough,
Faile said:
Didn't they already state that they nerfed the RPG aspect of ranged combat ? Skill only influences the amount of damage you do now, if you hit or not is depending how leet you are with your FPS skills...just like a good RPG should be....oh wait...

Originally, your stats drastically affected your shot accuracy, but playtesting showed that the players hated the feel and lack of feedback. They haven't elliminated the accuracy correlation, they've just toned it back and adjusted damage stats to compensate. Same net damage over time, but a more enjoyable experience. STALKER did something similar in one of their patches, where accuracy scaling was pulled back because it just wasn't fun to play.

Not gone, just tuned.
Phancypants said:
Faile said:
Didn't they already state that they nerfed the RPG aspect of ranged combat ? Skill only influences the amount of damage you do now, if you hit or not is depending how leet you are with your FPS skills...just like a good RPG should be....oh wait...

Originally, your stats drastically affected your shot accuracy, but playtesting showed that the players hated the feel and lack of feedback. They haven't elliminated the accuracy correlation, they've just toned it back and adjusted damage stats to compensate. Same net damage over time, but a more enjoyable experience. STALKER did something similar in one of their patches, where accuracy scaling was pulled back because it just wasn't fun to play.

Not gone, just tuned.

Oh well in that case...

Hell they should have just started you off at 100% in all weapon skills in fallout 1 and 2 becuase "I don't like it I never hit them becuase my skills are so low wah wah wah"
shapeshifter said:
Oh well in that case...

Hell they should have just started you off at 100% in all weapon skills in fallout 1 and 2 becuase "I don't like it I never hit them becuase my skills are so low wah wah wah"

I think the forums are broken. Your name shows up as "shapeshifter" when it should be displaying 'strawman'.

If you want to discuss Fallout 3 from a realtime RPG perspective, between increased damage scaling, and decreased accuracy, the DPS will be about the same between the two. Looking at it from the VATS perspective, accuracy is heavily influenced by skill so the discussion is moot. From an FPS perspective, it provides a less annoying low-level play experience while still creating insentive to level (to increase accuracy and damage).

Just because they've reduced accuracy scaling it doesn't mean they elliminated it. Ever fire a handgun? The first time you fire it, the bullets don't go madly wild. You might not connect, and you're not going to land it right where you wanted it, but it'll end up close (assuming you're within pistol range). With training (your skills going up in the game), your character will refine their aim, improve their grip, squeeze rather than pull the trigger etc.