Fallout 3 looks majorly disappointing from demo clips

I want to share a bit .... I have known this Fallout disputes for a long time, the optimistic views and the pessimistic views. Originally I come from the optimistic view... but that was before I play Oblivion with mods :) and then I visited this forum and read the posts, and then I prepare a very long posts to be posted here. I prepared the post for, like, umm, 2 days, seriously ... but after I finished I couldn't put it anywhere in the forum because it contains lengthy comparison to Oblivion and Daggerfall. So here I am ....

Ok the point is this. I am now in the pessimistic side, and I am sure that Bethesda will release Fallout 3 soon and it will become a great game which has nothing to do with the previous Fallout gaming experience. All the differences between FO1 and FO2 with FO3 can be summed up as this one point. Different gaming experience, as in Daggerfall is different than Oblivion (oops). We can talk long about the new VATS vs the old, the isometric vs FPS, the whatever, but it finally boils down to this one. After seeing the demo and trailer, I am certain that it will be the case.

Blasting your enemies while listening to some radio from your Pip Boy.... seems to me like, euhh it's just different, even wrong. I cannot exactly say which part is wrong, but, I think it seems too modern thing to do. Too 80's perhaps? Instead of 40's or 50's (I imagine they won't invent Walkman inside the Vaults). Racks with too many various items... Useful items everywhere. Wrong. All I can say is that. The experience will be different.

I am now depending on the mod community to set it straight.
Moving Target's post should be required reading for anybody who registers an account here.


I don't post too much, but that's mainly because I let folks say what they need to say... if a point's been made, I don't feel the need to repeat it.

Really, though, all my points about FO are things that have been documented. I'm just re-hashing the FO1/2 developer intentions, and all their points are available....er.... somewhere around here.

Used to be some good stuff in Roshs' sig, but he seems to be busy with something else.

Oh, except for my personal stuff, but that's just anecdotal.
I'd like to hop on the bandwagon here...

OMG OMG t3h grafixx ar3 soo teh cool..

or not.

YAY fallout 3, oh wait I'm watching game play from stalker with nob's on. to all the "it's got several fallout™ items in it IT MUST BE FALLOUT!" people.. seriously, are you on Jet? this game (as I have seen so far) has as much to do with fallout as a good morning coffee has to do with the middle east crisis. Yes I'm sure the two can be linked together in some tenuous way, but lets all be honest, they are in no real way, the same thing. So far FO3 is all flashy graphics, physics effects and whuppedy-do a targeting system somewhat like that used in the REAL fallout games. It is a big disappointment for me to witness ANOTHER (anyone not yet blocked out that terrible BoS shooter from their memory?) 1st person dribbling retarded offspring of the once virile game that was Fallout.

I give total respect that the content of fallout is all there, heck i even quite like that i get to see some fallout tech' up close, but it really is a shame not to have the PnP style of fallout, character building, plot progression and general all round light hearted approach that was so prevalent in the original games (here referred to as FO1, FO2 and because it was fun FO:tactics) I was eager, nay, chomping at the bit ready to gun down anyone in my way of buying the latest Fallout game. That was before. Now i have seen the light (bloom effect included with particle shading etc etc) and could no longer give a flip about this so called Fallout 3. I'm off to reinstall FO2, i got some real gaming to be done.