Fallout 3 looks majorly disappointing from demo clips

You just compared Fallout to a real life situation. RPGs are about as real life as the dragons and fairies that inhabit them.
Eyenixon said:
You just compared Fallout to a real life situation. RPGs are about as real life as the dragons and fairies that inhabit them.
Except this one doesn't have dragons and fairies, and attempting to make an rpg realistic within the rules of its universe is perfectly acceptable.

BTW, is that an Ultima 9 - Shrine Janitor avatar?
Quaid said:
Eyenixon said:
You just compared Fallout to a real life situation. RPGs are about as real life as the dragons and fairies that inhabit them.
Except this one doesn't have dragons and fairies, and attempting to make an rpg realistic within the rules of its universe is perfectly acceptable.

BTW, is that an Ultima 9 - Shrine Janitor avatar?

No 'tard, read the sig, it's from Ultima 6.

And Fallout has supermutants, laser weaponry and radiation bugs, your point?
Eyenixon said:
And Fallout has supermutants, laser weaponry and radiation bugs, your point?

What's this? The "fantasy has dragons, so it's OK if someone explodes from having a paper clip thrown at them, because DRAGONS" argument, which was discredited circa 1492?
Per said:
What's this? The "fantasy has dragons, so it's OK if someone explodes from having a paper clip thrown at them, because DRAGONS" argument, which was discredited circa 1492?

I do believe it was discredited when Columbus attempted to subjugate the islands of the Caribbean armed with a primitive Swingline and a box of paper clips.
generalissimofurioso said:
I do believe it was discredited when Columbus attempted to subjugate the islands of the Caribbean armed with a primitive Swingline and a box of paper clips.

But that man was an idiot. Everyone knows that natives have +3 against stationary!
you sound incredibly bitter.

neither farcry nor oblivion had:

limb targeting
death claws
nuka cola
super mutants
50' future
super sledges
brotherhood of steel

Fallout does. it may not be your kind of fallout. but its fallout.

and in regards to dialog and story. i have seen nothing that indicated that the story or dialog will be bad. so until we play the game whether it is retains the "fallout" feel is still a question.
HellVaultBoy6660 said:
and in regards to dialog and story. i have seen nothing that indicated that the story or dialog will be bad. so until we play the game whether it is retains the "fallout" feel is still a question.

1 - what DO you know about the dialogues? Those from the new batch of screenshots looked utterly dissapointing.
2- seen the trailer? I did - it doesn't retain the feel of Fallout. Too much EKHSPLUOZIONS!!11!11!!11

Anyway, the only thing that came to my head when I saw this thread's topic was .... "no shit? and you really need to start a new topic to say it?". Not that I don't agree with the main statement of it, but I see this thread as a rather pointless one.
Ravager69 said:
HellVaultBoy6660 said:
and in regards to dialog and story. i have seen nothing that indicated that the story or dialog will be bad. so until we play the game whether it is retains the "fallout" feel is still a question.

1 - what DO you know about the dialogues? Those from the new batch of screenshots looked utterly dissapointing.
2- seen the trailer? I did - it doesn't retain the feel of Fallout. Too much EKHSPLUOZIONS!!11!11!!11

what do i know? i know that it will have 40000 lines of choosable dialog. which is 20x the amount of fallout 1. what that means for keeping the same fallout charm thats to bee seen.

i have read that many previewers felt feelings of distrust, amusement and empathy towards certain NPCs. which is a good sign of a well written dialog.

and im not sure what trailer you mean? the vault salesman one?
HellVaultBoy6660 said:
what do i know? i know that it will have 40000 lines of choosable dialog. which is 20x the amount of fallout 1. what that means for keeping the same fallout charm thats to bee seen.

When talking about dialogues, it's quality, not quantity we're looking for (at least I am). There's a new batch of screenshots with dialogues in the News section and from what I've seen on them, they don't look so promising. I don't like the feel of them.

HellVaultBoy6660 said:
i have read that many previewers felt feelings of distrust, amusement and empathy towards certain NPCs. which is a good sign of a well written dialog.

When it comes to Bethesda games, don't trust previews and reviews. Remember Oblivion?

HellVaultBoy6660 said:
and im not sure what trailer you mean? the vault salesman one?

The Run-and-Gun gameplay videos.
HellVaultBoy6660 said:
and in regards to dialog and story. i have seen nothing that indicated that the story or dialog will be bad. so until we play the game whether it is retains the "fallout" feel is still a question.
One question:
Have you played Fallout 1 or 2? If you have, you know what's the difference between Black Isles dialog and Bethesdas Dialogs. What I've have seen every conversation has three options:

In Fallout 1 and 2 it was more like:
Good but partly offending
Offending ( or bad )
Bad, but partly neutral

Bethesda talks about the allmighty "immershun", but they forgot the freakin' dialog, which is IMO really big part of "immershun".
In Fallout 3 it's easy to deside ( or what I've seen ) what will do what, but in Fallout 1 for example you never knew what would happen if you chose one of the options.

I really don't care about the graphics, but Enclave is one thing what they could have left out, and BoS should had stayed as organization, not turn into some police force.
zioburosky13 said:



Oh my F'ing G that was hilarious

But serously, he's onto something, be a pessimist that way if the games good your gleefully running around Aimed shotting mutants in the balls.
And for the record I think all you Dog pack type cats sitting in the card room in the back puffing cigars and playing the golden forms of Fallout (1&2)

Are pissing on any possible chance it has of being enjoyed by the younger generations, who have a rather lax expectation towards the things they are given, as far as games go.

Personally I'm just glad someone's trying another Fallout, period.

SainnQ said:
Personally I'm just glad someone's trying another Fallout, period.

That line would work better in a universe that didn't have PoS.
In Fallout 1 and 2 it was more like:
Good but partly offending
Offending ( or bad )
Bad, but partly neutral

To be fair, it all leads to the same thing. Anything offensive you say might anger the NPC and anything good/neutral you say will lead to another bit of dialog. Unless a game has a deep relationship system where individual points are recorded based on the exact responses you give (like in Arcanum... and so far only in Arcanum) then I could care less if a dialog tree looked like:

1. What's going on? -leads to dialog tree A
2. Tell me information now! -leads to dialog tree A
3. You smell. Give me quests. -makes npc angry then leads to tree A
4. I'm going to kill you. -you fight the NPC

2- seen the trailer? I did - it doesn't retain the feel of Fallout. Too much EKHSPLUOZIONS!!11!11!!11

I killed everyone I could in the first two Fallout games. If anything, the expanded combat is one of the selling points for me. People seem to forget that Fallout was a pretty diverse game that appealed to a broad demographic and I enjoyed killing both in turn based and in Fallout Tactic's real time.
Cow said:
To be fair, it all leads to the same thing.
But there is a huge difference for players who want to role-play. And the basis of Fo is to be a simulation of p'n'p experience. People on the wastes might not treat your character differently whether he's pure good, only want money from them and is rude unless he helps them for whatever the reason he finds but I care about his personality because it changes my game experience.
Jim Cojones said:
Cow said:
To be fair, it all leads to the same thing.
But there is a huge difference for players who want to role-play. And the basis of Fo is to be a simulation of p'n'p experience. People on the wastes might not treat your character differently whether he's pure good, only want money from them and is rude unless he helps them for whatever the reason he finds but I care about his personality because it changes my game experience.

Fair enough but I think there should still be some sort of reward for choosing a certain path and only that path. Pretty much every RPG lets you load an old save to choose a different option that nets the player the largest reward when the rewards themselves should be unique to the character you're building.

I'm not expecting anything huge but I noticed Fo3 counts arbitrary things like "corpses eaten." If characters in Fo3 are actually repulsed and disgusted by your habit I'll be impressed.
SainnQ said:
And for the record I think all you Dog pack type cats sitting in the card room in the back puffing cigars and playing the golden forms of Fallout (1&2)

Are pissing on any possible chance it has of being enjoyed by the younger generations, who have a rather lax expectation towards the things they are given, as far as games go.

Oh goodie, the old 'all you want is Fallout 1/2 again' with 'why do you think Fallout 1/2 are perfect- they're not and you'll never get a game that's like them again and that's why it's okay for Beth to make such a different game' all rolled into one.

I've TOTALLY never heard these arguments before, they're completely new to me.

No, FO 1/2 weren't perfect; that's why the NPC AI was slightly improved in FO2, why there were many more melee options in 2, why the quest time limit was lifted in 2... etc. And yes, there were lots of dumb things in FO 2. So what?

The game's still solid, and here's the important part: it still was doing what the original game was supposed to do: be PnP simulation with turn-based combat in a consistent world.

Beth's game won't do any of that. It's a RT game with bullet time, fairly ugly graphics (pretty much the main selling point), idiotic frat-boy humor and some of the same faction names and (supposedly) the same stat system pasted on what appears to be an Oblivion mod. Sorry, but that won't cut it.

And here's another point: before you go and say 'well, I think it's fine that they've moved to FPP/RT/whatever else, and that Bethsoft has a right to do that,' you're correct in the sense that they *can*, but, they're not making a Fallout sequel. The purpose behind the various design choices have been documented; the silly choices in 1/2 have been discussed to death, raised from the dead, and discussed to death again.

This has nothing to do with what Beth *wants* to do, or what we're okay with in the game. They have deviated, badly, and have made no effort to say "sorry Fallout fans, this is the way we're doing it." They've simply chosen to ignore the purpose behind the design decisions, disregard the fanbase as 'rabid' 'glittering gems of hatred' or just plain 'NMA' (see ANY thread about FO3 over at SA for the wonderful blame-fest; any ol' wingnut who spams the boards against FO3 gets blamed as an 'NMA infiltrator'), and focus their entire PR campaign toward the Oblivion fans. The same fans who are willing to admit, most of the time, that un-modded Oblivion sucked donkey balls, and who now, as if in an abusive relationship, are trying to tell themselves that this time, it'll be different.

So, yea... a bit miffed? Betcha.

On a more personal note: I was looking forward to Fallout 3. My friend (who's even more of a cRPG nut than I am) told me about it, and showed me the really early demo video.... which I thought was amazing. Then I looked into who was making it. Bethseda. They made Morrowind, and I had the XBox version.... At the same time, I heard all this bashing going on about "NMA." "Ooo, they're soooo rabid," everyone was saying. So, to see if it was true, I checked this place out.

It was a few months after the demo that SuAside and Brother None got to see. The summary was helpful in understanding the game- and even from that little bit, it didn't look like Fallout to me. Not even considering the perspective, because there are lots of great cRPGs with FPP. The Wizardry series comes to mind; Ultima Underworld also springs up.

Then I started reading the documented facts about the purpose of the perspective, turn-based combat, etc, in the first two FO games. And I got much less enthused about any ol' game being called Fallout.

It was about that time that I decided to play Morrowind. Now, I've heard that the XBox version was crappy compared to the PC version, but still... I really tried to get into the game, I really did. I played for several hours, walking around randomly, not really having any direction... did some standard fetchit quests for individuals and guilds... then got incredibly bored and stopped.

This got me worried. Morrowind was supposedly still a *good* game. And if Bethsoft's quality had gone downhill since then (apparently it has, though for some...hmm....*strange* reason it was only apparent about a year after their most recent release) I got VERY worried for the game's quality, and even moreso if they were going to use their own games as the model for Fallout 3.

So I waited.... a bit more news trickled out.... TB was out for sure, 3rd person camera was pretty much useless.... the concept art wasn't that good or 'Fallouty', except for the PipBoy and the Vault.... the FatMan... dear lord, the FatMan.... and then..... E3!

Finally, a chance to prove us wrong! That it won't just be a stat-based shooter with a few factions named the same as FO1/2!

What does Beth do? Show us a stat-based shooter with a few factions from the original games! Gah!!!

So of course people here are pissed. And of course lots of us are tired of 'wait and see.' We waited, we've seen. Barring some miracle- and based on Beth's past PR lies and scripted presentations, I'd say it's unlikely- the game will probably be WORSE than what we've seen.

But it's your money. You can do whatever you want with it. Just don't expect too many of us to back you up on your points.

Personally I'm just glad someone's trying another Fallout, period.

csirifiszkio said:
Hi, I must share my misery with you guys! :D

Well, the demo was a big disappointment to me. I'm from the optimistic side, and hoped for something fallout like game. Stalker is still much closer...
What the hell was that aiming system in the game??? It even ruined the fps feeling. :D LOL! Bethesda wins the LOL-Award for this demo from me.
And the unoriginal, forced use of blood. That was disgusting. My favourite perk was bloody mess, but hey! That wasn't why I played fo or fo2. What were they thinking?
And that baby-nuke OMG! OMG!!! Who thought it out? I can imagine the meeting where they accepted it...
I hope they go bankrupt very soon, and they sell the fo license.
You know for all the flaws of STALKER, I would much rather Fallout 3 be STALKER in a post-apocalyptic future-wasteland-world than Oblivion with guns. I mean I understand Fallout is its own game and comparing games to other games can often be like apples to oranges, but really the guys behind STALKER who I'm sure have much less experience with RPGs than Bethesda can still put a better FPSRPG together than ol'Beda
EDIT: Wow, i'm really tired and type and sound like I'm mildy drunk. What I mean to say is if you're going to fuck with fallout I rather have it fucked with right