Fallout 3 makes list of most offensive video games

Vista sux like a Martian hooker sux ice creams. I got Vista with my new, shitty laptop and I thought I could make it and try to become friend with it...but NO! It's started being dirty and naughty. Asking me all the time stupid quastions about things I don't want to know but sometimes restarting my laptop whenever she...I mean "it" likes!
I want to go back to my ol' XP buddy, but I'm too lazy and have no time! And I hate reinstalling everything from the beggining :?

What's the topic again? Ohh.

Would be cool if Fallout 3 got banned in every country, so Beth would not be allowed to sell it again!! :evil:
Public said:
Vista sux like a Martian hooker sux ice creams. I got Vista with my new, shitty laptop and I thought I could make it and try to become friend with it...but NO! It's started being dirty and naughty. Asking me all the time stupid quastions about things I don't want to know but sometimes restarting my laptop whenever she...I mean "it" likes!
I want to go back to my ol' XP buddy, but I'm too lazy and have no time! And I hate reinstalling everything from the beggining :?

What's the topic again? Ohh.

Hm looks like you cant even configure simple OS...hm let me quess you got brother or sister that installed XP for you good for you :)

Also like you writed shity laptop so it was stupid to install vista on some pre war tech...

Btw where did you meat this Martian hooker?
gregor_y said:
About Bill Gates i respect him he had balls to do what he did plus brain...and about he be a philanthropist well its true and he is one of biggest if not best...so show him fucking respect i dident see apple or sony ceo to donate some money...

You love Bill Gates, that's your problem. Don't tell me to show him respect. Anyone that make billions from exploiting slave labour then turning around and donating a few tax deductible millions for the poor to look like the second coming of Christ doesn't merit any respect from me.

Oh and stop insulting people just because they don't like your idol.
gregor_y said:
Public said:
Vista sux like a Martian hooker sux ice creams. I got Vista with my new, shitty laptop and I thought I could make it and try to become friend with it...but NO! It's started being dirty and naughty. Asking me all the time stupid quastions about things I don't want to know but sometimes restarting my laptop whenever she...I mean "it" likes!
I want to go back to my ol' XP buddy, but I'm too lazy and have no time! And I hate reinstalling everything from the beggining :?

What's the topic again? Ohh.

Hm looks like you cant even configure simple OS...hm let me quess you got brother or sister that installed XP for you good for you :)

I have a half brother (he's younger than me) and older sister- she doesn't know how to defrag the HD. I was usually the one who would stay the whole night, figuring out the problems such as "Why this game doesn't work!", but it was long time ago, and I'm not into it anymore.

So stop guessing okay?

Btw where did you meat this Martian hooker?

Yeah, she was a nice piece of meat.
Critter said:
I know it's a typo.... but i giggled uncontrollably at this :D

Dammit, after I read that now I can't stop giggling uncontrollably.

Damn you!

heh hm i dident notice this typo earlier... :) oh well let people laught...

Public ok i will stop :)

Commiered said:
You love Bill Gates, that's your problem. Don't tell me to show him respect. Anyone that make billions from exploiting slave labour then turning around and donating a few tax deductible millions for the poor to look like the second coming of Christ doesn't merit any respect from me.

Oh and stop insulting people just because they don't like your idol.

Well you made me lol...

First its his money and according to law he earned it if it was up to me and my money i wouldent give even 1$ like most rich people and no body complains about them...

Secound where did i insult you?

Third i got T-Shirt with Bill Gates and its AWESOME :lol:
gregor_y sure he earned it. Just like war profiteers earn their money too, it's all legal. Doesn't make it morally correct though does it? If you compare yourself to Bill Gates then it seems I can understand why you admire him so. I complain about his cynical behaviour, you love him. Such is life.

You didn't insult me, it was Public that you insulted. You only ORDERED me to 'show fucking respect' for Bill. Sorry, but I respect my wife's grandmother who suffered under Ceausescu, was deported to a deserted area, raised children in poverty, had a hard tough life, lives on a meagre pension of 100 dollars a month and will share every cent of that and never complains or is not cheerful. That is a person that deserves my respect, not some billionaire who stole ideas from Apple and then flogged them off as his own to get rich.
Critter said:
I love that picture.

Who smiles for a mugshot?

You gota admint even if he ripped or raped someone no one would belive him...its just he looks lame he wouldent do it...its perk face of saint... :lol:
gregor_y said:
You gota admint even if he ripped or raped someone no one would belive him...its just he looks lame he wouldent do it...its perk face of saint... :lol:

Looking at that more closely, I think I own a shirt just like the one he's wearing underneath his sweater thing. The collar looks close, hehe
gummy said:
Crni Vuk said:
I ask my self what is so offensive about Fallout 3 though. I mean ... a good dozen of games did violance, slavery and other things even sexual content a lot more detailed and still got away with it.

You can shoot women/minorities and then proceed to hack at their dead bodies. limb from limb. The game can be quite offensive if you try to make it so.

The thing is, if those features were removed from the game no one would notice or care. It adds no value to the game whatsoever.
Well if this is really everthing they care about then I really have to say that its a serious problem with "what" they think is dangerous. If I just tourn on the TV in the prime time I see a lot more controversial and offensive stuff I ever would have encounter in Fallout 3. I am more worried about the fact how with easy kidz share violant videos with their mobile phones today ... anyway.

To say it that way to a different topic. If Fallout 3 would have become, letz say ... controversialy discussed, cause it rahter contains more controversial themes (like homosexuality for example and marriage with it of some sort, just as example, think about the shotgun weding here or trying to persuade a character even when hes from the same sex) instead of just nothing else then violance I would be happy. Why? cause it would show me that some company HAS the balls to make a game for ADULTS! and expects from them to handle controversial topics and take the fight to have the rights to express this. Seriously. They were talking from the first day Fallout 3 would be a game for adults. THough I fail to see that. There is no real controversial ethics in the game nor anything that would make someone "think". This game is not more different then many other games. They definetly designed the game in a way that anyone with the mindset of a 14 year old can enjoy the game and has no problem what so ever to follow the "games" morale.
Commiered said:
That is a person that deserves my respect, not some billionaire who stole ideas from Apple and then flogged them off as his own to get rich.

Apple stole from Xerox much of their stuff.

IBM made the IBM PC and gave Microsoft the rights to the OS but only partially, Compaq the first successful PC clone witch is what allowed MS to break with IBM, team with Intel and conquer the world.

Apple where simply total control freaks (hardware and software) and they and also IBM's with the PCjr made MS look like saints.

If Apple would have focused on the software alone, teamed with Intel, and licensed its OS to Compaq and other cloners companies, things would have been different.
DOF_power, well I don't like Apple either, the whole bunch of those 70's-80's entrepreneurs were particularly loathsome, arrogant bastards.
Kanhef said:
according to the Christian values of investment firm The Timothy Plan. Beaten only by GTA IV, Saints Row 2, and Bioshock, and tied with Manhunt 2.

Clearly they never played Fallout 2. Cause I'm pretty sure that would have topped their list.