Templates For Success
Templates For Success
This general game entertainment news presented by a game entertainment media mouth has latent information value.
Can see what was deemed ''POP" for 15 minutes this day.
Can get the drift (rudderless), or stampede (herd migration) of the smart money as they shape their products to fit the market while the market is groomed by the media coconspirators to salivate over the 'once and future' products.
SEEDing the need may not be the diligent vintner toiling for years in the fields but an unscrupulous hunter baiting turkeys with corn. Hit and run.
When a game dev talking head, say Pete Hines of Bethesda, croons that Beth is making ""their game"", we may be able to discern when Beth's 'innovation' is
' ! ""NEW AND IMPROVED"" !',
and when their cutting edge may only be the razor used to cut a copy of a muddled out market trend consensus.
A tried and tired template,
if not re-glossed in the big shiny, '! gold da Bloom-s !', then clothed in the same sycophantic flattery that adorned that naked emperor in the child's cautionary tale of old.
The media has an investment in this status quo.
Anticipate flattery, let the reader beware.
In the continuing discussion of what FO3 IS, and IS NOT, Bethesda is just as guilty of misdirection as any other interest with an ideological, and / or, financial agenda.
Acquiring, digging up a "dead" franchise, and draping a different product in unearned laurels gleaned from the tomb,
may be only a part of a company's 'slam dunk' program to cut a 'template for success' and seize the might to print money.
It will be interesting to see how much more smoke is blown to make this title all things to all target demographics.
What is real innovation, and what has back seat cup holders because Gears Of War had back seat cup holders.
Cup holders for the Pip-boy 3000? With big bawls, energy drink product placement ? -- Too drool -- real rad' -- and NEX GEN!
Can at least credit a company for riding the horse in the direction it is going,
but pretending they are actually directing the traffic has all the praise due: at best a carnival barker, at least -- a costumed fence post, the street sign.
Let the buyer beware.