Fallout 3 Operation: Anchorage reviews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Just a few more reviews for any stragglers still doubting about buying this DLC. Gameplay Monthly C-.<blockquote>Once you’ve completed the whole scenario, which should roughly take two or three hours, you’re rewarded with a few unique items, but if you’re playing this after your playthrough of Fallout 3, those items are worthless. Operation Anchorage is a pretty disappointing first attempt at Fallout 3’s DLC, where the pretense of it being a simulation seems to be enough excuse for Bethesda to half-ass their own game design. If you really enjoy the shooting elements of Fallout 3, I’d say give it a shot if you really wanted to play through a linear sequence of combat, but otherwise, skip this venture.</blockquote>GameZone 7.9.<blockquote>The problem with Operation Anchorage is that the whole affair is very short and quite linear. Due to the constant ammo and health refreshers placed generously throughout the map, there’s really no reason that any Fallout 3 player shouldn’t be able to blow through the pack’s four missions in a few hours. While there is a subquest that has you searching for ten pieces in intel in order gain the Covert Ops perk (which will grant you a permanent boost in Lockpick, Science, and Small Arms), there’s still not a lot here beyond the combat. Additionally, once you’re done with the simulation, that’s it, and you can’t come back to it unless you load up a previous save. All that you’ll have is your new equipment to remind you of your Anchorage exploits.</blockquote>OXCGN 6.5.<blockquote>The problem with such an open-world game such as Fallout is the timing. Jump into this at a high level and you will find it all a very easy and fast experience. I am unsure why your character starts with set given weapons in the simulation however they maintain your current level, gain XP and bring any perks along with them.

While it might be much more challenging attacking this earlier on the rewards seem quite high then for a low level however next play through with this game I am going to give this option a try. Level 18 seemed far too high to find this a challenge but the story and experience still kept me playing through however it certainly didn’t take the four or five hours I was expecting.</blockquote>
The thing I'm noticing with these reviews is that now that the hype and media blitz behind FO3 is long gone, the reviews for the DLC seem to have come way down to the level I thought the original FO 3 should have got: mid 6.
you should not confuse a review about a DLC with those of the full game. It seems that with such "add ons" you have a bit more freedom in the criticism cause the developer can always stand up saying "its just a bonus".

I would not be surprised if the Pitt would now get the same kind of positive reviews as like Fallout 3 (with less hype of course) calling it moraly extreeeemly gray and such with much RPG freedom.
I'd say it's also got a lot to do with the marketing machine behind it. Bethesda really throws around it's weight when it's dealing with their traditionally released games (including expansions) but DLC they don't put as much energy into. I'm not quite sure why this exactly is, possibly they don't want to sully their image by heavily promoting products that even they know are mediocre.
I have a question for OXCGN, when was this game ever hard? I played through it twice (good guy/bad girl) and i died twice. Once because i shot a rocket launcher at something i shouldn't have shot at and once because my level 3 speech based character was torn to pieces by a death claw. I fail to see when this game is challenging, and what point would "everyday gamers" throw up their hands in disgust and walk away vowing to never play this insanely hard game again!? 99.9% I felt like i was blowing kittens in half with a 30-06 . . . in slow motion.