Fallout 3 pacifist run?


First time out of the vault
Is there any demand for a Fallout 3 pacifist run( not killing anyone or anything besides the radroach at the start)? I was thinking of playing it on very hard mode and maybe even a mod to add hardcore mode to the mix. I was just wondering if anyone would watch the videos if I uploaded them as a "let's play" series. So would anyone watch?
Nope, there is no reward. And you would need to just run and pump stimpaks to accomplish it. Sounds kind of boring.
Walpknut said:
Nope, there is no reward. And you would need to just run and pump stimpaks to accomplish it. Sounds kind of boring.

Okay, might do it anyway just for fun. Won't post it on the forums though.
Languorous_Maiar said:
You can't do it, at specific moment you must kill all mutants in Project Purity.

People tried it, and failed.

Say, I've never tried this, but I've always wondered; won't Super Mutants follow you if you enter a door with them nearby?

What if you led all the mutants to the front door, lured them outside, and let James and the other scientists kill them?

Anyway, if that doesn't work, you can just add those mutants to the radroach on the "have to die" list. I'd still be interested in seeing a Fallout 3 pacifist runthrough.
Snikers said:
Languorous_Maiar said:
You can't do it, at specific moment you must kill all mutants in Project Purity.

People tried it, and failed.

Say, I've never tried this, but I've always wondered; won't Super Mutants follow you if you enter a door with them nearby?

What if you led all the mutants to the front door, lured them outside, and let James and the other scientists kill them?

Anyway, if that doesn't work, you can just add those mutants to the radroach on the "have to die" list. I'd still be interested in seeing a Fallout 3 pacifist runthrough.
Lure them so someone else kills them is not pacifist IMO. Pacifist run would be, as I understand it, to minimize the killing, not just the ones on you but in general (except when those are unforeseen consequences for the PC, e.g., when optimizing Gecko's plant in FO2 without doing the diplomatic work involved, the Chosen One has no way to know in advance that Vault City is going to seize them).
That depends on your interpretation of "unforeseen consequences". :wink:

The Lone Wanderer was just discovered by the Super Mutants and chased outside! And he even yelled "RUN!" to everyone outside (or, well, maybe he just meant to yell it. It was a stressful situation). He just wanted to fall back so we could discuss how to solve the problem nonviolently! How was he to know everyone would draw down and start shooting each other?
Snikers said:
That depends on your interpretation of "unforeseen consequences". :wink:

The Lone Wanderer was just discovered by the Super Mutants and chased outside! And he even yelled "RUN!" to everyone outside (or, well, maybe he just meant to yell it. It was a stressful situation). He just wanted to fall back so we could discuss how to solve the problem nonviolently! How was he to know everyone would draw down and start shooting each other?
I'll just shoot randomly, and if you happen to get in the way of the bullet, that's your fault :lol:
Fo3 isn't game of persuading or solving things.
It's just game of get some items to kill green monster, black evil man, bunch of lunatics and zombies.
Fallout 3 is a first person shooter.
It is implicated that you must shoot things, in order to progress the game.
The majority of quests rely on - not only shooting - but a whole huge ammount of bullet rains.
It isn't a role play game in the sense that FO1 and 2 were.
I did it to an extent but you do have to kill things. I had to kill a radroach in the tutorial and about seven super mutants in project purity. You can do a lot of the side quests without killing. But the main quest can't be done in full which is a shame. But it is worth doing in New Vegas, I've done it twice there, once with Yes Man and once with NCR.