Fallout 3 patch 1.6 released


Vault Consort
Staff member
Supposedly it does fix a few problems such as the some of the mod incompatibility that 1.5 introduced. It's just that Beth didn't think that was worthy of putting in the patch notes and achievements are far more awsum.
Ausir said:
FO3 fans care more about new achievements than about bug fixes, silly.

You would be suprised at how many people are annoyed that they never bother to show the bug fixes/problems.
Especially as there is such a large modding community there.
Ausir said:
FO3 fans care more about new achievements than about bug fixes, silly.
That are not the "fans" we talk about here. You mean the Fallout tourists. They come cause of the setting only.

By the way even if Bethesda would fix every known bug and even the smallest glitch. There would be still the bigest glitch around. Fallout 3s storyline and main quest.
I said FO3 fans, not Fallout fans. And many of them don't come for the setting, but for their favorite Bethesda style of gameplay.
true as well but many have come only attracted by the "post apoc setting" thats what I meant. The tourists. For them its not important if Fallout ever was about the "morale of the wasteland" or only about the "pew" "pew"of plasma/laiser/minigun weapons in a nuked world. The post apoc setting is only the icing on the cake.
Sadly, FO3 fans are not Fallout fans... and the inverse is true as well.

No surprise in terms of the patch. They left over 1300 bugs in Oblivion, and sold us horse armour rather than patch the damned game. They let the fans do that.
rcorporon said:
Sadly, FO3 fans are not Fallout fans... and the inverse is true as well.

I know feelings run high here, but no need to be this ignorant.

Also: the link goes to Patch 1.5, not 1.6. Not sure what that's about.
Frankly, considering that Bethesda puts out patches that don't do anything except add achievements (and more importantly add bugs), I'm glad they're not fixing bugs. If they tried, could you imagine what would happen?
terebikun said:
Also: the link goes to Patch 1.5, not 1.6. Not sure what that's about.

No, they go to 1.6. It's just the descriptions that haven't been updated, I guess because there's not much in them to update.