Fallout 3: PC or Xbox 360?


First time out of the vault
For those few of you that actually seem to want (or maybe just want to get to hate) Fallout 3, which version do you think will be better/ more likable? The PC version obviously goes back to Fallouts roots while the 360 version will be able to run beautifully without the need of a mid/high-range PC.

Im currently in limbo on it myself

Input appreciated

As of now, i'm just going to stick with the 360 version, plus I already bought the collector's edition. I will wait later when the PC version get's cheap enough and with a editor on it. Also I barely use my computer for gaming anymore.
im actually getting the PC version (if i get it at all) since you can mod it (hopefully) to be more in line with what i consider proper fallout...
I think it will be good either way. The 360 because there is DLC and Bethesda makes a great RPG as we saw in Oblivion. However I think the PC version will be equally great, due to the heavy modding that will go on upon a few dyas-weeks of release. In my book I think they will both tip the scales for a RPG.
BarbedBubble said:
Bethesda makes a great RPG as we saw in Oblivion.

And the winner for funniest quote of the week: this guy!

As for the original question, I'm getting it on my PS3.
Lepidus said:
PC version, because I have my 360 for ages now, and it could crash any day.

I'm I just that lucky? I have one of the first 360s and no Red Rings.
Same here, but I still fear that day.

I know it's coming soon, since it's been acting crazy lately (Making louder and louder screeching sounds and putting out more heat than I remember).
The red rings largely depends on how much you play your 360 and what enviroment as well.
People who play it a lot in hotter areas tend to red ring more often because the heat is melting the solder and causing the red rings.

For me definitely PC. Modding and it generally looking nicer coupled with a mouse and keyboard win out against buying it for my 360.
Alphadrop said:
People who play it a lot in hotter areas tend to red ring more often because the heat is melting the solder and causing the red rings.

It's not solder melting, it's the PCB of the motherboard warping due to heat. On-again off-again in a badly cooled environment causes it to warp and damage the connections. That's why the oven 'fix' exists, where you pretty much put your 360 in a low-temp oven that remelts the solder to make connections that were pulled out.

I'm getting it for my 360 so I can play on the fancy TV with the fancy sound. It's just not practical to hook the PC up to the TV. 42" > 22". Maybe I'll buy another copy for my PC once some Mod's come out, but I don't get much time to play games these days so vanilla should keep me busy for a while
rcorporon said:
BarbedBubble said:
Bethesda makes a great RPG as we saw in Oblivion.

And the winner for funniest quote of the week: this guy!

As for the original question, I'm getting it on my PS3.


I would like to run it on the PC for the mods and such, but I doubt my laptop will run it, or if it does at a really slow speed. I figure by the time I get my next computer, I can pickup Fallout 3 for the PC (for dirt cheap) and it should (hopefully) have a ton of mods to try out.

Still for the moment PS3 should be fine for me.
I've pre-ordered the collectors edition for the 360 already. Once the mod tools are released I'll get it for the PC.

I am hooked on achievements.
Aah fuck, If I enjoy it I will probably get the PS3 version first then the PC version. (Which is very unlikely in my opinion)
There's no question about it: PC. Obviously for the possibility of amazing mods in the future that might make the game rise from 'passable' to 'great.' Also, I can't handle FPS-like shooters with a control stick, at all - I'm much too used to the precision and smoothness of using a mouse for all my aiming needs.
I with rcorporon and Pasta on this one... I'm partial to my PS3 versus 360 (not an xbox fan)... I mean I would love it to be worth while on the PC but seeing as it's more of a First-Person-Shooter (as Ive seen from videos of gameplay and reviews) I think it will be better on the PS3.
I am afraid I have to buy it for the PS3 if I want to play the game when it comes out. My laptop is over 3 years old, so...
On the plus side I get to play on the relatively new big screen tv and connected to the new stereo (which is also the reason I cannot afford a new laptop anytime soon)
I am one of those who think the game is broken when released and will only get better with mods, so I probably have to get the pc version when I can afford a new laptop.