And more and more previews come trickling in:
Destructoid has released a Fallout 3 preview. The most notable snippet:<blockquote>In the meantime, ponder this: between areas, the loading screen will display various character stats and figures, like how many miles walked. One of the stats was simply "Corpses eaten." When asked about that fascinating statistic, Todd Howard smiled and hesitated before refusing to go into more detail. But I'll say this much: any game where you can eat a corpse is worthy of your attention, and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks looks like it's definitely going to be worth the wait.</blockquote>Critical Hits has also released their preview.
Their most notable snippets:<blockquote>After a quick pan through of lots of conceptual art and screens from the original game, Howard finally got behind the controls of an X-Box 360 and fired the game itself up for us to bear witness. Immediately he began to explain the most obvious design choices as to why the game is not in an isometric view but is primarily first person. The reasoning is quite simple; they want to make the game feel like it is real. The best part of this, while he seemed to be saying that the game plays in first person, is shortly afterwards he zoomed out to an over-the-shoulder view that really blew us all away.
Everything that is visual about this game looks stunning in motion, so much so to the point that it looked natural to be playing the game from over-the-shoulder, and at one point Todd zoomed all the way out and up to an isometric view while running and it still looked beautiful. For all of you purists out there, I’m not sure if you can play the entire game from that view. We didn’t get to see how it would act when indoors or in more confined spaces, but outdoors it worked like a dream. Forget calling this game ‘Oblivion with guns’, that’s like saying that Half Life 2 is just ‘Doom< with a story’.
The combat has been a hot bed of questioning lately, and from what we saw it is a complicated thing to convey properly. The game is in real time, not turn based, and enemies will move and act in real time when you fight them. The key is when you activate the VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) button that it becomes interesting: the game pauses entirely as your view zooms into an enemy and you see the parts of their body highlighted with different percentages. While the game is paused the player assigns actions to be taken using their given number of Action Points. i.e. – shoot them in the head 3 times) Once this has been done, the system is deactivated and the assigned actions play out in a matter of seconds in what is really a seamless mini-cinematic. And if the player has succeeded the mutant’s head explodes in glorious 3D with guts and eyeballs flying all over the place. It is vague at this point about how fast action points refresh and therefore how often this can be done, but in the demo Todd was using this system repeatedly in each combat over and over again. It seems that when used in the game, it really borders on becoming a turn-based game where things simply happen in real time between player turns which really just means the turns are more fluid. We will have to wait and see exactly how this turns out.</blockquote>They also have a Fallout 3 developer Q&A that seems to confirm that there will be no killable children in the game and a few unkillable NPCs, although they want to have as few unkillable NPCs as possible. The total playing time is estimated at 40 hours, including all sidequests.
And spotted over at the Bethesda Blog is the Joystiq preview and list of major points. The blog also lists a Next-Gen Preview, a German preview, a Worthplaying preview and a Eurogamer preview.
Destructoid Fallout 3 preview
Critical Hits preview
Critical Hit's Fallout 3 developer Q&A
Bethesda Blog
Joystiq preview
Next-Gen Preview
German preview
Worthplaying preview
Eurogamer preview
IGN preview
Todd Howard video interview at IGN
VooDoo Extreme preview
Gavin Carter video interview at Game Trailers
1Up preview
GameDaily preview
Kotaku Fallout 3 facts
Kotaku on the press event
Thanks Briosafreak and Duck and Cover!
Destructoid has released a Fallout 3 preview. The most notable snippet:<blockquote>In the meantime, ponder this: between areas, the loading screen will display various character stats and figures, like how many miles walked. One of the stats was simply "Corpses eaten." When asked about that fascinating statistic, Todd Howard smiled and hesitated before refusing to go into more detail. But I'll say this much: any game where you can eat a corpse is worthy of your attention, and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks looks like it's definitely going to be worth the wait.</blockquote>Critical Hits has also released their preview.
Their most notable snippets:<blockquote>After a quick pan through of lots of conceptual art and screens from the original game, Howard finally got behind the controls of an X-Box 360 and fired the game itself up for us to bear witness. Immediately he began to explain the most obvious design choices as to why the game is not in an isometric view but is primarily first person. The reasoning is quite simple; they want to make the game feel like it is real. The best part of this, while he seemed to be saying that the game plays in first person, is shortly afterwards he zoomed out to an over-the-shoulder view that really blew us all away.
Everything that is visual about this game looks stunning in motion, so much so to the point that it looked natural to be playing the game from over-the-shoulder, and at one point Todd zoomed all the way out and up to an isometric view while running and it still looked beautiful. For all of you purists out there, I’m not sure if you can play the entire game from that view. We didn’t get to see how it would act when indoors or in more confined spaces, but outdoors it worked like a dream. Forget calling this game ‘Oblivion with guns’, that’s like saying that Half Life 2 is just ‘Doom< with a story’.
The combat has been a hot bed of questioning lately, and from what we saw it is a complicated thing to convey properly. The game is in real time, not turn based, and enemies will move and act in real time when you fight them. The key is when you activate the VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) button that it becomes interesting: the game pauses entirely as your view zooms into an enemy and you see the parts of their body highlighted with different percentages. While the game is paused the player assigns actions to be taken using their given number of Action Points. i.e. – shoot them in the head 3 times) Once this has been done, the system is deactivated and the assigned actions play out in a matter of seconds in what is really a seamless mini-cinematic. And if the player has succeeded the mutant’s head explodes in glorious 3D with guts and eyeballs flying all over the place. It is vague at this point about how fast action points refresh and therefore how often this can be done, but in the demo Todd was using this system repeatedly in each combat over and over again. It seems that when used in the game, it really borders on becoming a turn-based game where things simply happen in real time between player turns which really just means the turns are more fluid. We will have to wait and see exactly how this turns out.</blockquote>They also have a Fallout 3 developer Q&A that seems to confirm that there will be no killable children in the game and a few unkillable NPCs, although they want to have as few unkillable NPCs as possible. The total playing time is estimated at 40 hours, including all sidequests.
And spotted over at the Bethesda Blog is the Joystiq preview and list of major points. The blog also lists a Next-Gen Preview, a German preview, a Worthplaying preview and a Eurogamer preview.
Destructoid Fallout 3 preview
Critical Hits preview
Critical Hit's Fallout 3 developer Q&A
Bethesda Blog
Joystiq preview
Next-Gen Preview
German preview
Worthplaying preview
Eurogamer preview
IGN preview
Todd Howard video interview at IGN
VooDoo Extreme preview
Gavin Carter video interview at Game Trailers
1Up preview
GameDaily preview
Kotaku Fallout 3 facts
Kotaku on the press event
Thanks Briosafreak and Duck and Cover!