Fallout 3 Preview Madness


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
And more and more previews come trickling in:
Destructoid has released a Fallout 3 preview. The most notable snippet:<blockquote>In the meantime, ponder this: between areas, the loading screen will display various character stats and figures, like how many miles walked. One of the stats was simply "Corpses eaten." When asked about that fascinating statistic, Todd Howard smiled and hesitated before refusing to go into more detail. But I'll say this much: any game where you can eat a corpse is worthy of your attention, and Fallout 3 from Bethesda Softworks looks like it's definitely going to be worth the wait.</blockquote>Critical Hits has also released their preview.
Their most notable snippets:<blockquote>After a quick pan through of lots of conceptual art and screens from the original game, Howard finally got behind the controls of an X-Box 360 and fired the game itself up for us to bear witness. Immediately he began to explain the most obvious design choices as to why the game is not in an isometric view but is primarily first person. The reasoning is quite simple; they want to make the game feel like it is real. The best part of this, while he seemed to be saying that the game plays in first person, is shortly afterwards he zoomed out to an over-the-shoulder view that really blew us all away.
Everything that is visual about this game looks stunning in motion, so much so to the point that it looked natural to be playing the game from over-the-shoulder, and at one point Todd zoomed all the way out and up to an isometric view while running and it still looked beautiful. For all of you purists out there, I’m not sure if you can play the entire game from that view. We didn’t get to see how it would act when indoors or in more confined spaces, but outdoors it worked like a dream. Forget calling this game ‘Oblivion with guns’, that’s like saying that Half Life 2 is just ‘Doom< with a story’.
The combat has been a hot bed of questioning lately, and from what we saw it is a complicated thing to convey properly. The game is in real time, not turn based, and enemies will move and act in real time when you fight them. The key is when you activate the VATS (Vault-Tec Assisted Targeting System) button that it becomes interesting: the game pauses entirely as your view zooms into an enemy and you see the parts of their body highlighted with different percentages. While the game is paused the player assigns actions to be taken using their given number of Action Points. i.e. – shoot them in the head 3 times) Once this has been done, the system is deactivated and the assigned actions play out in a matter of seconds in what is really a seamless mini-cinematic. And if the player has succeeded the mutant’s head explodes in glorious 3D with guts and eyeballs flying all over the place. It is vague at this point about how fast action points refresh and therefore how often this can be done, but in the demo Todd was using this system repeatedly in each combat over and over again. It seems that when used in the game, it really borders on becoming a turn-based game where things simply happen in real time between player turns which really just means the turns are more fluid. We will have to wait and see exactly how this turns out.</blockquote>They also have a Fallout 3 developer Q&A that seems to confirm that there will be no killable children in the game and a few unkillable NPCs, although they want to have as few unkillable NPCs as possible. The total playing time is estimated at 40 hours, including all sidequests.

And spotted over at the Bethesda Blog is the Joystiq preview and list of major points. The blog also lists a Next-Gen Preview, a German buffed.de preview, a Worthplaying preview and a Eurogamer preview.

Destructoid Fallout 3 preview
Critical Hits preview
Critical Hit's Fallout 3 developer Q&A
Bethesda Blog
Joystiq preview
Next-Gen Preview
German buffed.de preview
Worthplaying preview
Eurogamer preview
IGN preview
Todd Howard video interview at IGN
VooDoo Extreme preview
Gavin Carter video interview at Game Trailers
1Up preview
GameDaily preview
Kotaku Fallout 3 facts
Kotaku on the press event

Thanks Briosafreak and Duck and Cover!
As I stated in one of my posts before, it's an invasion. No, THE invasion. They're throwing all at us... Even paratroopers.

But to no avail.
I like how they use the 'immersion' defense for the first-person perspective.
Awww... I have said it before:


I have lost my interest in Fallout 3 since the first preview was released.

Actually I have been quite liberal in my approach towards FO3 and Dethesta... I was disgusted by some comments of Fallout fundamentalists, as I was always believing in the credo:

"Everything can be changed and enjoyed as long as the people behind it use their creativity and their imagination"

From what I have seen, read and interpreted know their is nothing Fallouty in FO3 anymore, nor can I see any creativity.

Its like warmed up soup... not the real deal.
I can see all the fan boys now arguing the game has Iso :/

You could zoom out like that in Oblivion, but it was useless - the fact Todd didn't want to show it off indoors pretty much rules it out as a play mode. I've got to laugh at the journalist being 'blown away' by Todd demonstrating the 3rd person viewpoint, like that has never been done before!

Realistic because it's first person? Right... so VAT's and it's pausing of time and out of body cinematic is also realistic, I presume? Fallout never made any pretence of being real, it was EC comic book style all the way.

The Suck-o-Tron, and Rock-it sound retarded, someone there's been playing too much HL2 it would seem.

Cannibalism is plausible, if it has the same impact as the childkiller tag. I suspect though they will make a gory comedy feature out of it (judging from Todd's fascination with the red stuff).

Their right about this not being Oblivion with guns, it's increasingly sounding like Postal2 with vaultboy.
Do read all the articles, the amount of new information is staggering (the GI guy really did a poor job) and some time is needed before making definite conclusions. I'm getting something new in every bit I'm reading :?

Capital Wasteland? Level scaling Morrowind style (not Oblivion)? Unkillable NPCs? We need a new FAQ fast...
If I didn't already know enough about FO3 to know that it's going to be a console kiddy's wet dream, I probably would read all of those previews. As it stands however, I'm just going to wait for some summaries. This game no longer interests me.
I just had a little peek at that Q&A thing.
Q: Does all Radiation in the game dissipate over time?
A: There are a few events which cause extreme levels that will never go away, but most radiation from things like blown up cars (nuclear engines) and the mini-nuke weapon will dissipate given a little time.
Oh noes! To be honest, I have never really thought that "nukular catapult" was really a mini-nuke weapon. Oh dear...

but it really doesn’t seem like children will be killable in this game simply because of legal issues.
So it is legal to kill adult, but not children?
Per said:
Briosafreak said:
Unkillable NPCs?

That would be... bad. Unkillable cats on the other hand...
Unkillable NPCs were confirmed in the Critical Hits Q&A. Apparently, though, Bethesda isn't happy with having unkillable NPCs.
Which begs the question: why can't they create a storyline that doesn't actually need unkillable NPCs?
Sander said:
Which begs the question: why can't they create a storyline that doesn't actually need unkillable NPCs?

Or simply go with the Morrowind routine : "By killing that NPC you've screwed your chances of ever completing the main quest. Would you like to load a saved game or continue your actual game ? you prick.."
Their right about this not being Oblivion with guns, it's increasingly sounding like Postal2 with vaultboy.

No, no. As it was already said by someone else around here, it's nothing more than a glorified Oblivion.
See how they keep saying "feature x is now better than it was in Oblivion".

They don't even try to make a Fallout game. They just do what they do better.

And... indeed, what the fuck is with the bobbleheads? Power-ups? Well, no wonder in a FPS.

Oh, and I have to ask about those mushroom clouds from the mini nuclear explosions. How the hell such a small explosion creates a mushroom cloud? They added them only because mushroom clouds are teh awesome, didn't they? Or maybe mushroom clouds are independent of the explosion scale. :roll:

So it is legal to kill adult, but not children?

I never got this bullshit either.
To a certain extent I can understand children having privileges in real life (although why raping a kid is worse than raping an adult is still beyond me, for example), in games I really can't understand it. Only people who fail to see the difference between entertainment and real life can think like this. Or people with nothing better to do than militating against various random stuff.
Sander said:
Which begs the question: why can't they create a storyline that doesn't actually need unkillable NPCs?
What storyline? Abandon every hope, ye who buy this.

No, really, after the fuckup with bobble-heads, nuke-launchers and God-knows-what-not, what should we expect from the storyline?
Wiggum said:
but it really doesn’t seem like children will be killable in this game simply because of legal issues.
So it is legal to kill adult, but not children?
I took that to mean that there will not be any children in the game. Something of a leap, but given their absence in Morrowind and Oblivion, not that big of one.

Also, if there were children, even "unkillable" ones, you could still attack them, which I gather is also something of a legal issue.

Critical hits Q&A said:
Q: Is this just the Oblivion engine?
A: It is a very supped up version of the same engine, with shorter load times
I'm not convinced that they haven't used some of the character models too. The pose of the mutant with the warhammer looks too much like the Minotaurs in Oblivion.
Yep, it's madness alright...
Eating corpses...
Nuclear catapults
Blowing up cars.
Invicible kids and some NPCs

And on top of that, more and more Fallout3_lovers on beth's forum!
Fahrplan: "Detesta Softworks"? I like it :D

Also, just the other day I played Might and Magic IX for the first time ever (having played MMVI and completed MMVII and MMVIII) and I found out one fundamental truth: The only thing worse that NPCs being inkillable by virtue of bing huddled away in buildings where combat can't be initiated are NPCs unkillble by virtue of simply taking on immense amounts of punishment without even a blink.

God, why unkillable NPCs? At lease try to make them G-Man style unkillable...

And before someone trolls, yes, I knew Fallout 1 had an unkillable character. Although I prefer t think of him as "ultimately badass armoured" :) (would be easier to take if the gun nest was domed...)
Unillenium said:
Agility increases your small guns...have a nice day.
Erm ...

"Corpses eaten."
I'd have no problems with having some kinda food/water system, in which you might have to eat a corpse to survive, in a PA game (provided it was done in a sensible manner), but I can't think of a way to fit it into the Fallout universe.
But I've come up with a theory... Maybe it's just some prank. Perhaps they really did do a good job at making fallout 3 and they are using all this to play a practical joke. (yeah wouldn't that be nice.)

Eheheh... I had a similar passing thought. Might it be because all these things revealed are so incredibly retarded? It all sounds like a stupid joke...