Fallout 3 Preview Madness

Big T said:
I took that to mean that there will not be any children in the game. Something of a leap, but given their absence in Morrowind and Oblivion, not that big of one.

Also, if there were children, even "unkillable" ones, you could still attack them, which I gather is also something of a legal issue.
Children have been confirmed to exist in the game. Officially, they haven't decided yet whether or not to make them killable.

Although, one somewhat positive note was that there will be no functional vehicles.
buah ...the whole game is SHIT !
and fuck VATS ...what fuck does it mean to pause the game to kill enemies and wait for action points to reload ? is this Fallout 3 or max payne ?
but simply ...the most ÜBER REDICILOUS thing about this game are the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers , acting like a bunch G.I Joe soldiers trying to save the day.

R.I.P Fallout .
Sander said:
Big T said:
I took that to mean that there will not be any children in the game. Something of a leap, but given their absence in Morrowind and Oblivion, not that big of one.

Also, if there were children, even "unkillable" ones, you could still attack them, which I gather is also something of a legal issue.
Children have been confirmed to exist in the game. Officially, they haven't decided yet whether or not to make them killable.
Yeah, i just copped for that in the Joystiq round up. Still, I'm wondering to what extent they will feature in the game. After all, it has been stated that part of the Character Creation/Tutorial will include you as a child, so that might be the full extent of it.

Damn, all this talk of whether or not we will be able to kill children makes us look like freaks. You just know that there are some people who are noting that but ignoring any explanation of moral shade of grey.

Although, one somewhat positive note was that there will be no functional vehicles.
But there is fast travel. I suppose the fast travel could still include random encounters, just not actually show the movement over the worldmap.
Hey, you know, this looks like a really good game. I think as soon as it hits stores, I will upgrade my computer and then do something better than buying it, I will borrow it from some source and never return it. Muahahaha.

Heh, in one of the news articles it stated that there would be a "isometricishness" that should basically make us purists happy. Hmm, nope, whats the point? It seems like they are trying hard to put references of fallout in fallout so then people who loved fallout can say, hey I remember something like that from the previous fallouts.

Big T said:
Damn, all this talk of whether or not we will be able to kill children makes us look like freaks. You just know that there are some people who are noting that but ignoring any explanation of moral shade of grey.
You mean the communists :twitch: ?
Bunkermensch said:
Bobbleheads, very creative for Bubbleheads :clap:



Found these on DAC.

1up preview:

Gamedaily preview:

From what I can tell, mostly the same rubbish, comparing with Oblivion instead of the original games.

Here's a highlight from Gamedaily that seems to say it all:

Despite the attention to detail and enjoyable looking combat, Fallout fans looking for a more traditional sequel may be disappointed. At the same time, Oblivion sold millions of copies, and applying a cool license to a quality formula will prove successful.

Applying the Fallout license to the Oblivion formula, there it is folks.
Briosafreak said:
Do read all the articles, the amount of new information is staggering (the GI guy really did a poor job) and some time is needed before making definite conclusions. I'm getting something new in every bit I'm reading :?

Capital Wasteland? Level scaling Morrowind style (not Oblivion)? Unkillable NPCs? We need a new FAQ fast...

In the secret "Big Brother" organizations... The amount of conflicting information would be part of a "Snow Job" op. Saturate the media with information confusing and disorienting the public. It's like giving a 5 year old a candy bar to get him to shut up and were that 5 year old.
I'd have no problems with having some kinda food/water system, in which you might have to eat a corpse to survive, in a PA game (provided it was done in a sensible manner), but I can't think of a way to fit it into the Fallout universe.

igunana Bobs sticks? (i forgot whos name it was in the first Fallout that sold human meat sticks)
Yay maybe we can even cut off fingers, lips, ears, noses, toes, etc.. and string them on a necklace and wear. Hungry? Just pull a juicy snack from your necklace and scarf it. xD

Maybe in a town someone will ask you, "Hey is that lips?" and you can say, "No it's a clitoris", thereby demonstrating that you're not just a dumb cannibal, but an educated one. 8-)
Mikael Grizzly said:
Communists are a keyword - when I say Communists - I also mean their spiritual brothers and fathers Twitch .

Senator, the Witchhunts ended years ago! D:
No, the Communists are playing two sides. Their brothers were hunting them, but their fathers control both Communists and their brothers.
Their brothers want to control what we do so that a worldwide Communist superstate ruled by their fathers could be created :dance: .