Fallout 3 Proper Endings


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I personally, was extremely dissapointed at the ending of Fallout 3. I hear all these complaints about the game, but really the ending was what turned it from being mildly good to awful for me in a couple of seconds. I had done all these quests, helped all these communities, killed so many people just for an ending that left me thinking. "Ok, that was a nice cutscene now when does the actual ending come along." and then after googling for half an hour, realizing that there is no possible way to find out how my actions effected the wasteland.

I found a lot of people complaining about the ending to Fallout 3 here(Along with many other things), and even found suggestions to make a mod that changed the ending, but in the end all plans to do anything seem to have been given up. Now, I'm not a modder, and have next to no experience in that field, but I instead decided to spend a few hours writing what I think would be a good series of endings for 3. Please note that this is just an early draft, and may not be that good, I would appreciate it if I was given ideas for improvements. I will post improved versions of this on later dates.

Also, if Fallout 4s ending is as disappointing as Fallout 3s, which I have strong reason to believe it may be(Please don't do this again Bethesda) then I will make another copy for Fallout 4.

Neither Raven Rock or Adams Air Force Base are destroyed, Modified FEV is released
“In the years to come, The Enclave eventually took over the capital wasteland, declaring it to be part of the newly reformed United States of America. The Capital Wasteland became a place of Democracy and Law, where the citizens were free from harm. The Enclave however, tried to cover up that such a nation was founded on little more than mass genocide.”
Neither Raven Rock or Adams Air Force Base are destroyed, Modified FEV is not released
“The Enclave remained in the Capital Wasteland, constantly plotting on how to conquer it. They had very little support from the outside however, as people started hearing of the atrocities they were willing to commit to realise there goals.”
Either Raven Rock or Adams Air Force Base are destroyed
“The Enclave, severely weakened, fled the Capital Wasteland. Eventually, they went on to find other Enclave bases throughout the ruins of America.”
Both Raven Rock and Adams Air Force Base are destroyed
“The Enclave went down in history for there overwhelming defeat. No survivors were left in the Enclave to tell the tale."
Megaton 1(FEV)
(This is only shown if Modified FEV has been released in to the Jefferson Memorial and the Megaton Bomb hasn’t been detonated)
FEV Released, Water Pipes not repaired
“With the Water Pipes broken, Megaton quickly ran out of clean drinking water, and had to resort to Aqua Pura. Slowly, the population of Megaton died off, until the once thriving town was little more than another ruin in the wasteland.”
FEV Released, Water Pipes repaired
“The town of Megaton surprisingly survived the mass genocide which took place across The Capital Wasteland. Though they suffered from lack of trade, life went on.
Megaton 2
(This is only relevant if either the Modified FEV was never released, if the Modified FEV was released and the Megaton bomb was detonated, or if Megaton survived the modified FEV)
Megaton Bomb Detonated(This ending overrides all others)
“Everyone knew that the Bomb in Megaton would eventually go off one day, though most assumed it wouldn’t be this soon. Many caravans found on there way through the capital wasteland, that there was nothing but a crater where the town of Megaton once was.”
Enclave Take Over Capital Wasteland(See Enclave Endings, This ending overrides all others but the Megaton Bomb)
“Megaton however, didn’t get to celebrate the satisfaction of survival for long. Though the town was able to stand against the Enclave for a short amount of time, eventually however, the town was destroyed by persistent attacks”
Both Lucas Simms and Moriarty still alive
“Life in Megaton continued much as it always had done. The townsfolk continued on with there lives, not realizing the major impact the Lone Wanderer had on the Wasteland.”
Only Lucas Simms Alive
“Moriarty’s death greatly benefited Lucas Simms. Lucas started enforcing stricter laws upon Megaton. The town became a far more peaceful and quiet place thanks to the new laws. Harden Simms started training, hoping one day that he too would keep the peace in Megaton.”
Only Moriarty Alive, Modified FEV not released
“Lucas Simm’s death was a huge tragedy in Megaton, to everyone but Moriarty. The town of Megaton however, gained a lot of new business thanks to Moriarty, and his saloon became far more successful than he had ever imagined. Many of Megatons residents however, believed that the wrong kind of attention was being drawn to Megaton. One day, Harden Simms took over the role of Sheriff, though he often struggled enforcing law as well as his father once had.”
Only Moriarty Alive, Modified FEV Released
“Moriarty had always imagined that once Lucas Simms was out of the picture, he would be able to take over Megaton, however with the genocide that took place across The Capital Wasteland, Megaton got nowhere near as much business as it used to. Moriarty’s Saloon, like many other Businesses in Megaton, was forced to shut down. Harden Simms grew up to be the new Sheriff of Megaton, however enforcing laws on the now poverty stricken streets of Megaton wasn’t as easy as he thought.”
Neither Moriarty or Lucas Simms alive
“With nobody running the town, Megaton soon become a far more lawless place. The town got a reputation for being one of the rougher areas of the Capital Wasteland. Eventually, Harden Simms became the new sheriff of Megaton, but often struggled to keep the peace.
Megaton 3(Atomic Bomb)
(This is only shown if the Megaton Bomb wasn’t detonated)
Enclave take over Capital Wasteland(This ending overrides all others)
“Everything of value within the town was taken by the Enclave Military, who then ordered that the ruins of the town be resettled by the Enclave Citizens. The atomic bomb in the town center was disassembled for parts.”
Megaton Destroyed by FEV, Bomb Not Deactivated
“The Ruins of Megaton however, didn’t last long. The live atomic bomb in the middle of the town eventually gave in, and the remains of the town were destroyed, along with a team of scavengers within the town.”
Megaton Bomb Not Deactivated, Megaton not destroyed by FEV
“Though the town lasted for quite a while, eventually the Atomic Bomb finally gave up. Though many of the townsfolk were able to escape, there were still a few who didn’t survive the explosion, and unfortunately died.”
Megaton Bomb Deactivated, Megaton not destroyed by FEV
“The town could however, last much longer than anyone would have expected. Thanks to a traveler who passed through the town, Megaton was no longer at risk of being destroyed by a live atomic bomb.”
Megaton Bomb Deactivated, Megaton not destroyed by FEV
“The ruins of Megaton stood for many years, as a symbol of the genocide that had been committed. The town was eventually torn apart by scavengers, who took apart the town one piece at a time.”
Arefu and the Family

Kill the people of Arefu and The Family(This Ending overrides all others)
“The Family and the people of Arefu were both slaughtered by the Lone Wanderer. Little evidence that either communities existed remained.”
Just kill the people of Arefu, but infect water source with modified FEV(This ending overrides all those below)
“The Lone Wanderer killed the innocent people of Arefu. Soon after The Family were also found to be dead, killed by the infected waters of the Capital Wasteland.”
Just kill the people of Arefu(This ending overrides all those below)​
“The People of Arefu, already weakened by the family, were unable to defend against The Lone Wanderer. The Family, needing a new source of prey, moved on to other towns.”
Modified FEV infects the water source, Kill the Family(This ending overrides all those below)
“The people of Arefu thought that the death of The Family would result in the end of there troubles. Nothing could be further from the truth. The people of Arefu didn’t last against the FEV infected water.”
Modified FEV infects the water source, do not kill the family(This ending overrides all those below)
“Arefu and Meretsi became nothing more than ghost towns, destroyed by the infected water.”
Issue with The Family not solved
“Eventually, all the residents of Arefu were killed by the Family. The Family then moved on to other towns, needing a new source of prey.”
Family make peace with Arefu
“Even after The Family had been dealt with, Arefu was still not at peace. The creatures of The Wasteland continued to attack Arefu, and eventually the town was abandoned, as residents went to go live in more peaceful areas. The Family also moved on to other towns, looking for a new source of prey”
Family Killed
“Even after The Family had been destroyed, Arefu was still not at peace. The creatures of The Wasteland continued to attack Arefu, and eventually the town was abandoned, as residents went to go live in more peaceful areas.”
Family persuaded to protect Arefu
“Under the protection of The Family, Arefu prospered. The town grew, as people from across the Wasteland settled down in the town, hoping for a quiet life.”

Infect the water with Modified FEV(This Ending overrides all others)
“The Super Mutants were no longer a threat to the capital wasteland. The Modified FEV virus killed the entire population of Supermutants, with no survivors.”
Reveal the location of Vault 87 to the Brotherhood of Steel​
“Thanks to the Lone Wanderer, Vault 87 was destroyed before the Super-Mutants became too many in number to stand. The remaining Super Mutants left the Capital Wasteland, in order to escape total destruction”
Do not reveal the location of Vault 87, help Big Town learn methods of defending against Super Mutants
“The Communities of The Capital Wasteland learned to fight against The Super mutants. With a lack of new recruits to dip in to the vats, The Vault 87 Super mutants were neutralised. Though the Super Mutants always remained a threat, there numbers were slowly declining.”
Do not reveal the location of Vault 87, do not help Big Town
“Super Mutants continue to pose a threat to the Capital Wasteland. No matter how many die, there numbers do not seem to be getting any thinner.”

Canterbury Commons

Infect the water with Modified FEV(This Ending overrides all others)
“Canterbury Commons, like many other communities, is killed off by the FEV infected waters.”
Do not deal with the AntAgonizer or the Mechanist
“The AntAgonizer and the Mechanist continue to terrorise Canterbury Commons. Caravans stop passing through though the town. The town is soon after abandoned, left a ghost town.”
Deal with AntAgonizer or the Mechanist
“The AntAgonizer and the Mechanist seemed to stop showing up at Canterbury Commons. Business in the town quickly went back to normal, and soon everyone forgot about the nuisance caused by them.”
Deal with Antagonizer and the Mechanist, and unite the caravans
“With your assistance, Canterbury Commons becomes a major centre of trade in the Capital Wasteland. With all the new business being brought in, the town prospers.”

Infect the water with Modified FEV(This Ending overrides all others)​
“The Raiders in The Capital Wasteland initially take advantage of the widespread death throughout the wasteland, but eventually it catches up to them as well. The Raiders are more victims of the mass genocide across the Wasteland.”
Do not enter Evergreen Mills​
“Raiders continue to be a threat for travellers in the Capital Wasteland, and pillage many settlements throughout.”
Enter Evergreen Mills but don’t kill enough Raiders
“Although the Lone Wanderer fought many groups of Raiders, some Raider Gangs still continue to terrorise travellers on the roads throughout The Capital Wasteland.”
Enter Evergreen Mills and clear out all the raiders
“Thanks to the persistence of The Lone Wanderer, most of the Raiders in the Capital Wasteland who hadn’t yet been killed, were driven out of the wasteland. The roads became a lot safer for caravans.”


Kill Harold
“The Lone Wanderer went ahead with Harold’s wish, and put an end to his life. The Treeminders mourned the death of Harold, and the Oasis ceased to grow.”
Do not Kill Harold, add Modified FEV to Water Purifier(This ending overrides those below)
“The Modified FEV Virus eventually got to the Oasis. Harold’s wish for death finally came to him. Of course, The Treeminders too died with him.”
Confine Harold’s Growth to Oasis, or do not help Harold
“Harold’s growth eventually came to a stop. Harold, in pain, wished for death every day of his life.”
Accelerate Harold’s Growth
“Harold’s seeds spread across The Capital Wasteland. The land became fertile and full of life. Although much good had come from him, Harold still ultimately wished that the Lone Wanderer had ended his life."

Infect the water with Modified FEV(This Ending Overrides all others)
“The Ghouls of Underworld learn quickly what had happened to the water in The Capital Wasteland, unfortunately, its a little too late. None of the Ghouls survive.”
Reprogram Cerberus to get rid of his Combat Inhibitor
“Disaster fell upon Underworld, as the Mr Gutsy Guardian, Cerberus, was hacked. Many of The Ghouls died at Cerberus’ hands, and those that survived fell victim to attacks from Super-Mutants and Raiders. Underworld, true to its name, no longer has any living souls left in it.”
Kill Cerberus
“The Death of Cerberus didn’t end well for The Ghouls of Underworld. Eventually, due to attacks from Super-Mutants and Raiders, Underworld was abbandoned, The Ghouls having to survive out in the Wasteland.”
Do not Kill or Reprogram Cerberus
“Life in Underworld continued as it had before. Eventually, the Ghouls of Underworld began trading with neighbouring communities, and although they aren't greeted in open arms by many of those communities, the Ghouls of Underworld live prosperous lives."

Brotherhood of Steel

Release the Modified FEV in to the water(This ending overrides all others)
“Neither the Brotherhood nor the Outcasts survive the slaughter that takes place across the Capital Wasteland. Though a few members are able to flee to the north before its too late, most of the Brotherhood lie dead.”
Destroy the Citadel and kill Henry Casdin
“The Citadel lay in ruin, and the Brotherhood Outcasts had been destroyed. Those few Brotherhood members who survived the Lone Wanderer’s actions settled in to communities in the Wasteland.”
Just Destroy the Citadel
“With the Citadel destroyed, the Outcasts took over the Brotherhood of Steel. They go back to there original mission of gathering technology. All the respect for the Brotherhood of Steel suddenly vanishes, as they push aside the people of the Capital Wasteland to further there own agenda.”
Just kill Henry Casdin
“A short conflict occurred between The Brotherhood and the Outcasts, but the Outcasts suffered a major defeat. The Brotherhood of Steel goes back to protecting The Capital Wasteland, and becomes a major force for good.”
Neither Destroy the Citadel or Kill Henry Casdin
“Civil war falls upon the Brotherhood of Steel, as huge amounts of ex-brotherhood members join the outcasts. The war is bloody, and many die. The two sides seem to be in a stalemate.
Vault 101
Kill the Overseer after completing trouble on the home front(This ending overrides all those below)
“There was mass chaos in Vault 101. The Vault Dwellers fought amongst themselves, and eventually were killed by a Radroach infestation.”
Release the inhabitants of Vault 101 and Enclave Takes over(This ending overrides all those below)
“With Vault 101 opened, the inhabitants went to live out in the wastes. Though Amata was executed for ‘abusing the role of Overseer’, the rest of the Vault Dwellers were declared Enclave Citizens, and made to resettle the wasteland.”
Side with the rebels and kill the Overseer
“The Rebellion in Vault 101 was successful, and the vault was broken open. The dwellers of Vault 101 went out to start new lives in the wasteland.”
Side with the rebels and persuade the Overseer to stand down
“As the Overseer of Vault 101 stood down, Amata took over as the new overseer, and opened Vault 101, allowing the residents to leave. Most of the dwellers went out to start new lives in the wasteland, however Amata and her father suffered a quick execution at the hands of The Enclave.”
Side with the Overseer and kill Amata
“The Overseer of Vault 101 crushed the rebellion, thanks to the help of The Lone Wanderer. The residents of the vault continued to live in fear of the Overseer, and the Vault Experiment continued as normal.”
Side with the Overseer and convince Amata to stand down
“The people of Vault 101 continued living in the vault as they always had done. The Vault experiment continued as normal.”
Destroy Vault 101s Water Chip
“With the destruction of Vault 101’s water chip, the residents were forced to leave the vault. Most of the vault dwellers went out to start new lives in the wasteland, however Amata and her father suffered execution at the hands of The Enclave.”
Point Lookout 1

Complete the Point Lookout DLC
“With Professor Calvert dead, the tribals of Point lookout go their seperate ways, separating in to many much smaller tribes.”
Do not complete the Point Lookout DLC
“Professor Calvert continues to lord over the naive tribals of Point Lookout, he starts teaching them battle tactics in hope that he may one day take over the whole of Maryland.
Point Lookout 2
Do nothing with the Krivbeknih or Give the Krivbeknih back to Obadiah Blackhall and then kill him without taking the book back.
“The Swampfolk of Point Lookout hold on to the Unholy Book known as the Krivbeknih, continuing to make sacrifices to some forms of dark deity.”
Return the Krivbeknih to Obadiah Blackhall
“Having his book rightfully returned to him didn’t end as well for Obadiah Blackhall as he had hoped. The Swampfolk, out of vengence attacked Blackhall Manor and killed Obadiah, taking the Krivbeknih back for themselves.”
Either Destroy the book, or keep it without returning it
“Unable to find the Krivbeknih, the Swampfolk soon realise they have nothing holding them toghether. Swampfolk families start fighting one another for dominance over Point Lookout.”
The Pitt

Finish the Pitt DLC and then kill whoever is left in control
“The Pitt soon vanishes in to the Wasteland, destroyed by Trogs, Feral Ghouls, Raiders and nearby Tribals.”
Leave Ashur in control, or do not complete the DLC
“Ashur was able to successfully crush the Pitt Uprising. A cure for the Troglodyte Degeneration Contagion was eventually found and administered to the slaves. Unfortunately however, due to progress being halted, Ashur had to keep using slave labour indefinetely. He sometimes wondered if he would ever be able to free The Pitt Slaves.”
Help the Pitt Rebellion overthrow Ashur
“After the uprising, slavery soon disappeared from The Pitt. The Pitt suffered greatly from attacks from Raiders, as well as Trog infestations, and life is tough for the freed residents of The Pitt, but they at least take solace in the fact that they are free.”


Release the Modified FEV(This ending overrides all others)
“With huge amounts of Slavers and Slaves dying due to infected water in The Capital Wasteland, the slave industry grinds to a halt.”
Overthrow Ashur in The Pitt(This ending overrides all those below)
“With Ashur overthrown, the market for slaves decreases majorly, as the main customers of the Slave Trade are no more. Though some wealthy clients still purchase slaves for labour, the business becomes far less profitable.”
Kill all the slavers in Paradise Falls(This ending overrides all those below)
“With Paradise Falls destroyed by The Lone Wanderer, Slavery in the Wasteland becomes far more disorganized, with most of the industry now run by Raiders.”
Do not complete any Slaver Quests
“The Slave trade continues as normal in The Capital Wasteland, Paradise falls continues to be a successful place of business, and questionable figures from all over the Wasteland are seen rallying there.”
Complete at least one Slaver Quest
“The Slave trade prospers in the Capital Wasteland. A lot of small communities throughout the Wasteland are destroyed by Slavers, and breeding pens are set up in Paradise Falls. Soon, major towns and cities are forced to accept slavery.”

Temple of the Union

(This ending doesn’t appear if Modified FEV is released in to the waters)
Do not help the Temple of the Union take the Lincoln Memorial or kill Hannibal Hamlin
“The Escaped Slaves in the Temple of the Union fall to attacks from Raiders. Those who don’t die, find themselves back in slave collars.”
Help the Temple of the Union take the Lincoln Memorial
“The Lincoln Memorial became a place where escaped Slaves from all over the Wasteland could find freedom. The Memorial prospered, and became a thorn in the backside of those associated with the Slave Trade.”
Rivet City

Violently Kill at least 7 people in Rivet City, or destroy it at Adams Air Force Base(This ending overrides all others)
“Rivet City was destroyed by the Lone Wanderers Hands, and soon the inner city of Washington DC became a far more inhospitable place than ever before.”
Release Modified FEV in to the waters(This ending overrides those below)
“Not even Rivet City could survive the Modified FEV in the waters. Without Rivet City, the ruins of Washington DC became far more desolate than before."
Rivet City still standing
“Rivet City remained the biggest city in The Capital Wasteland. It continued to be a major center for trade for many years.”
Tenpenny Tower

If Tenpenny Towers isn’t taken over by Ghouls, kill both Alistair Tenpenny and Gustavo, if it is kill Roy Phillips(This ending overrides all others)
“Tenpenny Tower was in ruins by the hands of the Lone Wanderer. Scavengers took everything of worth that they possibly could from the ruins.”
Help get rid of the Ghouls or do not complete Tenpenny Tower
“Tenpenny Towers continued to be a major place for the rich of the Capital Wasteland to stay. Soon the Ghouls were driven from the Warrington Metro Station by bands of mercenaries.”
Help the Ghouls take over Tenpenny Tower
“With Roy Phillips in charge, Tenpenny Towers became a place of refuge for Ghouls across the Capital Wasteland. Humans however, were mistrusted, and anyone who showed even the slightest signs of Anti-Ghoul Bigotry was often executed by the new owner.”

You put much thought and time developing your own narrative of these endings, but I have to ask why you would expect something like this to be implemented into a Bethesda game.
Honestly, the fact Bethesda did not think this through or ignored it entirely (I will go with the former), makes it hard to believe how they can get so much praise in the video game community. Bethesda should just hire writers from Obsidian, but that would be the day pigs fly.
Maybe this is an old joke, but isn't it appropiate his last name sounds like Plagiarism?
Maybe this is an old joke, but isn't it appropiate his last name sounds like Plagiarism?

Doesn't sound too much like it to me, but given how much of the story was stitched together from themes versus detailed ideas, it's a bit appropriate. Not just for him but most of Bethesda.