Fallout 3 reviews round-up #39

If tetris is king, Fallout 3 is its whiny bitch daughter who has a slew of pimples and hides them with tons of makeup. She is a stupid spoiled teenager.
Air Rifle said:
I have a feeling the character models and animations are for the most part the fault of the game engine rather than the artists. I say this because I, uh, "know someone" whose 3D character modeling reel was more impressive than anything seen in the Bethesda games (Fallout 3 included) and he was kind of blown off when he applied for a job there. Said someone is currently in LA working for a major 3D/SFX company doing stuff for feature films and the like.

Could be entirely wrong, but this has made me wonder.

And I swear I am not that someone.

No its not the fault of the game engine. If you look at the texture and skin mods for Oblivion you can easily see what they could have done since the mods look ten times better.

It is either laziness, lack of skill, or maybe stupidity.