Fallout 3 reviews round-up #42

Quit filling the news page with the reviews. WE GET THE FUCKING MESSAGE!!! Nearly every site that wants ad money is going to worship the holy Bethesda and Fallout3. We get it.
:evil: :wall: :falloutonline:
Please stop complaining about the flood of reviews. We post what we spot, period, we're not going to put the brake on posting reviews because some people have a compulsive disorder forcing them to read it all.
Seymour the spore plant said:
There's still that review from Vince coming up sometime soon though...
Will be handed to BN by the end of the week.

... I expect it to be worlds better than this atrocity.
Exclusive sneak peak!

"Fallout 3 is the third installment in the award-winning series beloved by children and young adults. The game continues mature themes of exploring a huge world, looting everything that isn't nailed down, and leveling up. While there were other games in the series, Bethesda has decided to ignore Arena and Daggerfall and stick with Morrowind and Oblivion for the purpose of determining what exactly they "do well".
VDweller said:
"Fallout 3 is the third installment in the award-winning series beloved by children and young adults. The game continues mature themes of exploring a huge world, looting everything that isn't nailed down, and leveling up. While there were other games in the series, Bethesda has decided to ignore Arena and Daggerfall and stick with Morrowind and Oblivion for the purpose of determining what exactly they "do well".
As snarky as ever, huh? Should be a fairly entertaining read.
Pope Viper said:
Plissken said:
Can we please stop with the reviews? It's getting annoying. Not the scores but the posting of them. If NMA has nothing else to post then just don't. Posting of the reviews is fine but on the front page it's just littered....

While you may be tired of them, others are not.

Yeah, they annoy me too (not the posting of them, what they write in the reviews), but personally I do like seing them, they remind me of why I shouldn't take any review seriously and they also make the flame for the game(s) I love burn even stronger. (by making my blood boil due to their praise of it and other "RPG's" and so on when I'm still to find a game that comes as close to proper RPG'ing as the first two...)

I did expect most reviews to be what we've seen, almost biblical "all praise FO3 and Beth.", but some of them even amaze me with what they write, I was certainly not expecting the codex to put up a review of the sort they did.

In the end it's all up to NMA what to post, it's their decision, it's their page and it's their hard, unpayed, work that goes into this page, a page I'd guess all of us here at the forum loves. (so I'll also take this time to say thanks to the NMA staff for all you do)
I'm rather glad the Codex review wasn't full of major psychotic fucking hatred. While I'm tuning out all the "SUPER RAD!" reviews, I'd just as soon tune out a "FUCK DIS SHIT!" review, because both really have an ulterior motive.

I read it and pretty much agreed with all points Chefe brought up, both good and bad.

If you want a review that does nothing but violate the game in a satisfactory way, wait for the Zero Punctuation review. Just as people are paid to praise a game, there are people paid to hate a game. Objectivity doesn't mean you have be a holier-than-thou jerk about it.
Gooscar said:
Objectivity doesn't mean you have be a holier-than-thou jerk about it.

True, but claiming it to be a cRPG is stretching the imagination a bit, Beth. haven't a good history when it comes to releasing any of those. (I can't say how it was pre-Morrowind, didn't play those)

Morrowind was a dungeoncrawl, I can stretch it to hack'n'slash, but not marketed as one, I enjoyed Dungeon siege for the hack'n'slash it was, I enjoyed Morrowind for the dungeoncrawl it was, when it comes to cRPG even a self-acclaimed hack'n"slash as Icewind Dale was more of a cRPG than Morrowind ever will be... (why call a duck a swan when it's a duck?)

Beth. knows what they're best at doing and they're sticking to it, why do they (and reviewers) feel a need to call it something more than it is? (if I make a car I and call it an aeroplane I am certainly not expecting that the word would be changed into "anything that can move people", even if I claim that it's an aeroplane it's still a bloody car....)
I've been playing for quite a bit the last couple of days, and not only is the game as much Fallout as BOS is (somwhat exaggerated), but the game itself - if you disregard the fact that it's supposed to be a valid sequel to the originals - is above mediocre, at best. It has that sense of polish and time put into it that is typical of high-budget games these days, but that doesn't make the game great. It's a decent experience, but nothing i feel especially thrilled to be playing.
I liked the Codex review, kinda like my opinion on the game. Very fun, good modern RPG, though not much of a Fallout; more like with Fallout elements. Only played a little at my friend's though, need to buy the game myself yet.

Still waiting for VD's review, just to see what he has to say about the game.
The problem with this so-called "review" from the Codex is that it's nothing more than thinly-veiled trolling, as confirmed by the author himself. Why on Earth would this go on the front page this far after the April 1st is beyond me.

Vince said:
Exclusive sneak peak!

Haha, awesome. Can't wait for the whole thing.
Is someone forcing you guys to read these reviews? If you don't want to read 'em, don't read 'em. Whining about it on the forums does nothing but waste bandwidth.

Personally, I enjoy the reviews. Even though most of them suck, they're good for a laugh every now and then. Can't say I'll be sorry when NMA stops posting them, though.
I was very disappointed that Chefe was tapped for the Codex review. Chefe has contributed to the codex in the past (his comics and American Hare are all great) but he was literally banned a couple of months ago. In two months he went from spamming "decline of the codex" in every thread to writing the official codex review of one of the most controversial games in gaming history. I was confused to say the least. As someone said on the codex, chefe has grown up from spamming decline to declining the codex himself.