Fallout 3 reviews round-up #44

Bodybag said:
Which version of Halo did you play?
Yeah, you can only carry a couple of weapons in Halo (what is it two or three?). Many FPSs have improved in realism on stuff like that since days of yore - some haven't (Half-Life, Doom/Quake?, Unreal?, etc.).

The point is that Bethesda is making an RPG based on an existing series which emphasized harsh, gritty realities. And while Bethesda has certainly come up with some of their own inconvenient RPG gameplay conventions (looking for water/food, degrading weapons) they have ignored some of the conventions that the series was built upon (such as ammo weights).
You know, these people don't even try to make it sound like they know what they are talking about. In their case - it's not important to actually know the subject you are writing about, but to be able to convince everyone ELSE that you know the subject you are writing about. And they fail even at that.
zioburosky13 said:
There are many dumb people out there who can't differentiate a chocolate tart and a turd.... :shock:
Or who don't know how may weapons you can carry in Halo (2).
Bodybag said:
zioburosky13 said:
There are many dumb people out there who can't differentiate a chocolate tart and a turd.... :shock:
Or who don't know how may weapons you can carry in Halo (2).
Because putting excellence, originality and innovation over the overblown piece of mediocrity that is Halo 1-2 (haven't played #3) is nothing but dumb... :roll:
Ranne said:
Bodybag said:
zioburosky13 said:
There are many dumb people out there who can't differentiate a chocolate tart and a turd.... :shock:
Or who don't know how may weapons you can carry in Halo (2).
Because putting excellence, originality and innovation over the overblown piece of mediocrity that is Halo 1-2 (haven't played #3) is nothing but dumb... :roll:

There's like a whole team of wacky detectives here missing one vital clue: IT'S NOTHING LIKE HALO (ROLLEYES EVEN HARDER).
Why are we talking about Halo anyway? The only similarity it has to FOO is that both are mediocre. Granted, Halo is more fun and is less buggy though.
In my short amount of time I spent playing this game, I quickly forgot that it was a fallout, but then was reminded of it every time I opened up my pipboy. I don't know, it seems like a decent game, just a poor fallout game.