sonicmerlin said:
As soon as you suggested the isometric perspective, you made it an either/or situation.
Either you have the original combat system, or it sucks.
I'll quote myself again to disprove this:
"Also, is it somehow impossible for a game to switch perspectives? You know, 1st-person perspective for one thing, third-person perspective for another? No? Then why, again, do you make this seem an either/or question?"
sonicmerlin said:
His criticism was silly. Questioning a random number generator is just inane. It's true that they're not truly random, but not to the extent that any one person would notice.
Yes, note my quip on being Fooled by Randomness (great book).
sonicmerlin said:
What I was trying to say is that FO3 was committed towards having a first-person combat system. VATS was a way of incorporating some semblance of the original system into the combat. And from what I've played of the game it's not so bad.
Meh, seems like the worst of both worlds to me.
It removes most of the twitch gaming that is attractive in FPS games, but it's nowhere near the tactical system turn-based gamers want to see.
In other words, it pleases neither camp.
Of course, an FPS gamer could just not use VATS, but the game plays pretty poorly as a straight-up shooter.
sonicmerlin said:
And my little skit was to illustrate how silly a turn-based combat system (in first person or isometric perspective) would feel when you're walking and looking around such a lush, 3D world.
I liked it in F1 and 2 because of the limitations of the hardware. It made sense for a 2D game. But putting it in F3 would have just screamed arbitrary restriction.
There was no restriction in Fallout 1 to prevent it from being a real-time game. Any and all technological restrictions are figments of your imagination.
And I really don't see how improved graphical detail has an impact on how well turn-based combat fits.