Fallout 3 Screenshots

MorbidMind said:
Hence its a highpoint. Its funny in the sense that it makes you chuckle when you first see it.
well... yeah. I mean, i can't imagine it always delivering bellows each and every time I read it. I mean this isn't a timeless stand-up act :)

Still it would deliver a chuckle to a lot of people... and it is probably meant to be a chuckle. Hell most of the humorous stuff I find in FO 1 and 2 (of course, mostly 2 - I found FO 1's humor to be less blatant than in 2)) delivered a first time chuckle and that was it... how is this different?
Its a sight gag. You see it and chuckle, But think about it. Its saying you completely owe your existence to the overseer. The overseer didn't build the vault, thats common knowledge, its not the original overseer, so why do we really owe him anything? It trys to make the vault a dystopia, but the atmosphere of the vault doesn't really contribute to it at all, not to mention the inhabitants general attitude.

*edit* Realized I didn't really answer your question :P. I suppose if you only really got a chuckle out of the first two then it won't be too different. I found a lot of things in the original and 2 to be hysterical (The torr dialogues were just such a brilliant touch).
You don't owe him anything, I just chuck it up to the fact that it is US/Vault-Tec propaganda built into the GOAT test - to give you that feeling of that you should behave, always do what the overseer says, and never ever leave the vault.

Then you eventually go and promptly not do any other that :)
Southpaws said:
Am I missing something about the jaw of that Deathclaw?

How I'm seeing it:


Jaw's as flat as the clay model's. I really don't understand how you guys can complain about the 3D model.

I thought this is its jaw

Edit: Did you see that nerd ghoul?

Public said:
I thought this is its jaw

That's exactly what I was seeing as well. The grooves in the jaw from the teeth seem to run down quite a bit. Hard to say without seeing it in the game, though.