Fallout 3 The Pitt Reviews

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This ghoul has seen it all
Yip, it's that time again. Eurogamer likes it, rating it 8/10.<blockquote>The joyful revelation once you get inside this mini-dystopia is how much more it falls into line with Fallout 3's better moments. Regardless of how you approach things, you lose all your gear shortly after the start, but it's a blessing in disguise. Rather than romp around armed to the teeth in your energy armour, blasting everything in sight with your plasma rifle, you're reduced to scavenging in your skimpy slave garb, without even a knife to your name. It's a refreshing change, and ensures that you're tackling the task at hand on a level pegging.

Upon your arrival it becomes apparent that the rapidly mutating slave population is desperate to turn the tables on its despotic ruler, Ashur, as well as find a cure for the condition that's causing many of them to turn into feral Trogs. Early on, a simple fetch-quest for steel ingots turns into a valuable scavenging exercise, with many of the weapons, ammo and armour items you've been stripped of scattered around the sprawling, multi-tiered factory complex. It's worth taking the time to explore, too, because before long you find yourself in several fight-to-the-death arena battles against a series of opponents. It goes without saying that coming prepared helps, but if, like me, you're already a level-20 character, none of it presents much of a challenge.</blockquote>Multiplayer Report loved Operation: Anchorage, but notes The Pitt pales in comparison, giving it a 6.5/10.<blockquote>It's tough to talk about the narrative issues without giving away spoilers. What I will say is that, you get two very distinct paths in which to complete this content, but I didn't want either. It feels like there was a third choice that was missing. I either had to be a kidnapper or a murderer. I wanted to be neither, but from the options I had, I didn't get that choice. My last conversation with Midea ended in ridiculous fashion and there was really no need for it to be that way. If we are to truly get to decide the fate of our friends and enemies how about some logical choices instead of the copout way of killing everyone? How many morality quests in Fallout 3 have ended with you choosing who to kill? Too many of them.

There's also a very badly missed opportunity with drama involving Ashun. He's the ruler of The Pitt and he actually ends up being a decent guy. Yet...he seems to have no problem enslaving people and letting his guards torture and beat them. What the heck is that about? This guy is working on a cure for their people and wants to free the slaves, yet, he lets this go on? Give me a break. The morale decisions I made were to help the people but my choices ended in a lot of slaves getting destroyed. It makes no sense.</blockquote>
There's also a very badly missed opportunity with drama involving Ashun. He's the ruler of The Pitt and he actually ends up being a decent guy. Yet...he seems to have no problem enslaving people and letting his guards torture and beat them. What the heck is that about? This guy is working on a cure for their people and wants to free the slaves, yet, he lets this go on? Give me a break. The morale decisions I made were to help the people but my choices ended in a lot of slaves getting destroyed. It makes no sense.

Funny, since the lack of a goody-two-shoes ending is actually the best thing about The Pitt.
Bethesda managed to get the moral ambiguity right, but once again they pull the whole "It may be a lawless wasteland, but we're still going to judge you in an arbitrary way" stunt.

[spoiler:461037dc93]The perk you get for helping Ashur out says "Try not to think about what you did to get this"[/spoiler:461037dc93]

It's very irritating.
That guy is a bleeding idiot, just look at the name of the site he writes for.

The, and I hate to use this, consoletard barely did anything more than go through it, he expected the game to play itself.

I enjoyed much more than OA, and am loving the little twist in the end, and at least now we know where the hell all the slaves in the capital wasteland are going.
Bethesda managed to get the moral ambiguity right, but once again they pull the whole "It may be a lawless wasteland, but we're still going to judge you in an arbitrary way" stunt.

No to mention the broken Karma system and Ashur being considered evil by the game mechanics.
Ex Brotherhood caring father who has a long term vision of freedom and prosperity is evil?

Gotta disagree with Eurogamer about starting with nothing as within the first few minutes you already have one of the best melee weapons in the game and an assault rifle is right infront of you when you enter the dangerous area.
Also you end up with stimpacks and weapons up the wazoo just like in the vanilla game which makes the already weak trogs incredibly easy.
Ausir said:
No to mention the broken Karma system and Ashur being considered evil by the game mechanics.

He is?

Well I found him to be a hypocrite but Werhner, once exposed isn't that much better either.

And what is the point of staying in The Pitt if the place is a toxic hell?
What I will say is that, you get two very distinct paths in which to complete this content, but I didn't want either.
Too bad.

It feels like there was a third choice that was missing. I either had to be a kidnapper or a murderer. I wanted to be neither, but from the options I had, I didn't get that choice.
beth gives you all the choices you need. NevR4get.

My last conversation with Midea ended in ridiculous fashion and there was really no need for it to be that way. If we are to truly get to decide the fate of our friends and enemies how about some logical choices instead of the copout way of killing everyone?
How bout quit complaining about beths awesome RPG style?

How many morality quests in Fallout 3 have ended with you choosing who to kill? Too many of them.
Killing is roKTastik, what more do you need?

There's also a very badly missed opportunity with drama involving Ashun. He's the ruler of The Pitt and he actually ends up being a decent guy. Yet...he seems to have no problem enslaving people and letting his guards torture and beat them. What the heck is that about? This guy is working on a cure for their people and wants to free the slaves, yet, he lets this go on? Give me a break.
Never question the mighty beth...I have prepared a pseudo intelligent mantra: let teh game play U not you play with your mind game *scratches head* (it sounded more awesome in my head).

The morale decisions I made were to help the people but my choices ended in a lot of slaves getting destroyed. It makes no sense.
Makes no sense? Yeah but tha game izz not surpozed 2 be reel n make centz n stuff!! Durrrr. Witness my awesome argument and bow.

For those wondering, yes my comments are dripping with sarcasm and I'm actaully agreeing with the guy.
Not sure where to post this, but here goes anyway : Gamekult.com gave it a 6/10 (Operation : Anchorage got a 3/10)

Nouvel arrivage de contenu pour Fallout 3, qui hérite enfin d'une quête plus consistante ouvrant l'accès à une zone inexplorée du Wasteland, The Pitt, où des esclaves à la peau abîmée par les radiations triment pour une armée de fortune à la solde d'un certain Ashur. Accessible comme la précédente via un message radio, cette nouvelle mission est beaucoup plus réussie que l'affreux Operation : Anchorage, même si l'on reste dans le très classique. De nombreux dialogues inédits, une intrigue convenable gravitant autour des sempiternelles notions de bien et de mal, de maigres objectifs secondaires et beaucoup de combats, The Pitt et ses deux ou trois heures de jeu proposent donc une expérience sympathique à défaut d'être inoubliable. Au rayon nouveautés, on profitera notamment d'une arme supplémentaire, un trancheur mécanique efficace au contact mais vite supplanté par l'arsenal classique, ainsi que de nouveaux ennemis, les Trogs, sorte de mutants sauvages se promenant généralement en meute. Assez facile pour les personnages de haut niveau, c'est à dire probablement 95% de la population actuelle des joueurs de Fallout 3, cette seconde extension remplit correctement son cahier des charges grâce notamment à ses environnements magnifiques et son atmosphère très particulière, avec son aciérie et ses zones industrielles. L'aventure est donc agréable bien que pleine d'idées déjà croisées ici et là (les combats en arènes), que l'une des récompenses finales, la presse à munitions, peine un peu à créer l'enthousiasme, et que le tout ne soit pas sans petites incohérences. Notons qu'il faut en théorie être connecté au très lourdingue Games for Windows Live pour accéder au contenu dans le jeu, même s'il existe d'autres solutions.

Bottom line : much better than Anchorage, but doesn't stray far away from what Fallout 3 was offering in the first place. New dialogues, a decent plot around good and evil but with some inconsistencies, few secondary quests and lots of combat. It takes about 3 hours to finish.
Hell yes, keep bringing out DLC and let's ride this backlash all the way to the Fallout 4 is turn based and not written by a hack bank