Fallout 3 tidbits

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Via Planet Fallout comes a small update on the promised patch of Fallout 3.<blockquote>Hey all, I wanted to give you an update on this…

It looks like this patch might not being going up today, but you should expect it sometime this week. You should know the patch only fixes some crashing on exiting the game, as requested by Microsoft.

We’re also moving along with pulling together a more extensive update. We’re still in the process of going through and looking at any issues/fixes, and once that is done there is lots of additional testing/fixing that has to be done before it can be released. Similarly, we're looking into matters on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

When I’ve got more information, I’ll pass it along.</blockquote>IGN is next up to interview Inon Zur.
strange how any bugs people are getting. my game runs almost perfectly. I've had 2 crashes in many many play hours and never encountered anything in-game except for enemies clipping into terrain, which you see in pretty much all games nowadays.
5 crashes in 45 hours, plus about 10 crashes on exit. One bug with paladin Hoss spawning in my house in Megaton when fast travel. Those are the only bugs I encountered.
aenemic said:
strange how any bugs people are getting. my game runs almost perfectly. I've had 2 crashes in many many play hours and never encountered anything in-game except for enemies clipping into terrain, which you see in pretty much all games nowadays.

My game crashes on average about 2 times/h. EXTREMLY frustrating!
aenemic said:
strange how any bugs people are getting.

That's PC gaming for you, people get variable amounts of bugs.

It's been nearly impossible to run this game for me, at times, just starting it up is a delicate matter involving lots of horseshoes and knocking on wood. I can't even begin to count how many times it has crashed, not to mention the myriad of graphical glitches (including but not limited to clipping), the game generating NPCs way up in the sky, quests being bugged (Bigtown).

The Vault already has a nice, fairly large list. But I'm guessing Bethesda is busy working on their DLCs? Grrrlol. This thing should've had a 0-day patch, no doubt.

Oh, and they really, really should have playtested 3rd person gameplay. It's pretty broken, on multiple points.
it'd be interesting to know what hardware you people who are having such problems use, but let's not turn this into that thread.

I'd say it's likely some hardware incompatibility when it comes to crashes. maybe they were lazy with supporting video card chipsets.

and yeah, I've barely used 3rd person (maybe that's a reason why I haven't experienced a lot of a graphical glitches) because once I saw how your character moves I immediately went back to first person and decided never to change again....
It ran well for me. Usually would crash after a few hours, but not guaranteed to. At the least, it didn't cause a BSOD into instant reboot like Far Cry 2 does.
It crashes constantly. I've had enemies that I have killed disappear through the floor and some radroaches that seem to have spawned in mounds of dirt.

The most annoying one of course would be when you have perfect sight on someone, then go into vats and it shoots the wall that you are ducking behind or some pipe or perhaps the corner of a wall. It's maddening because your crosshair is on the motherfucker, but for some reason the bullet chooses to take some weird path, or the gun is physically in a weird location. It's annoying as hell.

Edit: Going through that bug list BN it says that there should be a robot at Big Town? I didn't see any robots whatsoever. However when I fast traveled there once, a robot did fall from the sky.....
50 Hours of playing time. Two crashes. Not bad. Not bad at all. Good game too. Runs flawless on my laptop with everything maxed.

Not sure if anyone cares but:
Alienware m9750
Core 2 Duo T7400 2.16GHz
nVidia GeForce 8800m *Hotfix
3GB Ram

*Ask about this when you order m9750, it's well worth it. Otherwise they will stick you will an 8700m.
lol buggy?
I've had the odd crash (about 5 - 7 )
Total gaming hours so far 30.

It runs dam well too.

You guys have probably not played Stalker Clear Sky yet.
Im yet to play it I've had to restart 6 times now since patches make saves invalid.
and awesome game breaking bugs that can be encountered a hour into the game. THATS! buggy a odd crash here and there Is run of the mill to be honest.
Other games I've played this year that are bugzilla are.
Mercenaries 2 (Pandemic are nowhere to be found.)
Sacred 2 (great and patched it dam fast.)

People also tend to forget that their PC could be at fault Drivers / crappy backround apps / or having a aging pc and trying to push the game way up.

my two caps.
I hard one freeze that I had to force quit from task manager from, and one nasty lockup that forced a hard boot, other than that it runs like buttah.

I mean, it's certainly no STALKER (or, god forbid, STALKER CS [shiver]).
EnglishMuffin said:
Edit: Going through that bug list BN it says that there should be a robot at Big Town? I didn't see any robots whatsoever. However when I fast traveled there once, a robot did fall from the sky.....

[spoiler:8cdeeaf26d]Yip, that's it. There's supposed to be (I think) a Protectron and a Sentry Bot in Bigtown, but when the game spawns them they are shot into the sky and fall to their grizzly deaths. One of the solutions for closing the Big Trouble in Bigtown quest is to fix said bots, but obviously this is broken.[/spoiler:8cdeeaf26d]

Go5u said:
lol buggy?
I've had the odd crash (about 5 - 7 )
Total gaming hours so far 30.

Will people ever learn not to equate their personal experience with the level of buginess of a game? The first time I played Bloodlines I encountered nearly 0 bugs, but you don't see me jumping up and down claiming that was a bugfree game.

Go5u said:
You guys have probably not played Stalker Clear Sky yet.

Haven't played it, but indeed I heard it's buggy as hell. Thankfully, we don't live in a world where "the other releases are buggy too!" is a valid excuse for releasing a buggy game. It wasn't for Fallout 2, it isn't for Fallout 3.

Go5u said:
People also tend to forget that their PC could be at fault Drivers / crappy backround apps / or having a aging pc and trying to push the game way up.

No, people don't. My PC is fine though it has an outdated graphics card but I'm not trying to push the game (playing it at low graphic settings). The drivers are all up to date and meanwhile the computer purrs like a kitten while running FarCry 2 (which - however - does have a game-ending bug that made me uninstall that mediocre game).

I've been in this game long enough to know that especially for PCs it tends to be you who is at fault, but that does not seem to be the case here (though no doubt it is for some lock-ups, and my computer not being state-of-the-art certainly explains the long loading times for me), but remember, this is also a game that is having more than the average amount of problems on both the Xbox 360 and PS3. It is an unpolished game that wasn't ready for release, that's simple fact.

Like I said; Bethesda dedicated a big part of its team to start on DLC before this game was released. Why in Inle's name weren't those people working on a release-day patch?

Mr Teatime said:
I'm sure I read you saying somewhere that you wouldn't be playing the game, BN. Change of heart?

Someone donated to NMA and PMd me expressing that this donation was meant for me or another staffer (Per, but his computer is too old) to play the game and produce content for NMA. Since that makes it a free game for me, I wasn't about to refuse.

Not really a change of heart, just a change of circumstances. Can't say I greatly regret it, the game has its moments.
It'd be great to have reviews from NMA members as well as from VD. It'd be nice to have you write something up BN.

And I'm also getting constant crashing. I thought I had solved it via some ini tweaks I saw, but no luck. It's strange since when I played it the first time it went a really long time without crashing, but once the first crash reared its ugly head I'm getting them really often. Very annoying.
Starwars said:
It'd be great to have reviews from NMA members as well as from VD. It'd be nice to have you write something up BN.

Vince is doing the review, but I already have several staff and member impression pieces I'll put in one big article (hopefully in a few days), and I'll have my own article which isn't exactly a review but I think you guys'll like it anyway.

Don't worry, you won't be wanting for opinions. We love to talk.
Go5u said:
People also tend to forget that their PC could be at fault Drivers / crappy backround apps / or having a aging pc and trying to push the game way up.

my two caps.

Well, I've been playing on PC for 11 years now and I KNOW how to do clean installs of my drivers and to turn off background apps. My pc is brand new and rather powerful. Yet, I'm having the infamous memory leak bug on Fallout 3. Word is that it can be fixed by playing the game in windowed mode but I didn't bother trying this since I hate the game anyway. Moral of the story is : it's not because you have no problems with a game that people who DO have problems with the game are automatically retards. Because guess what, I have no problems with Clear Sky whatsoever besides the fact that it sucks donkey balls.
Appreciate it's a different kettle of fish but have had no bugs or crashes on the 360 version so far. Pretty seamless really apart from the crazy ragdoll physics on a few dead critters.
I take it you didn't play Clear Sky?

So far the biggest issue I'm having is lock ups. The thing isn't tasking my machine it just freezes up every now and then for no apparent reason. I have to summon the task manager to kill the process. Alt + Tab is also broken. The only way I can get this thing to run for more than an hour is by running it in a window.

Oh well, Left 4 Dead demo today. Hoo-ray. :mrgreen:
The game has crapped out my PS3 twice (it's the only game ever to do that), and the "freeze on online notification" bug drives me up the wall.

Seems though, that rather than actually fix these things, Beth is busy making dogmeat armour to sell to the 360 fanboys.

Not surprising really.
I have had it hard freeze once, forcing me to totally shut the computer down. Another time it crashed, but I managed to Ctl-alt-delete out of it. It has crashed three or four times on exiting on my desktop, and virtually everytime on my laptop...

Still only annoying, but not broken. I have seen worse but this seems to be par for the course with bethesda (despite the fact that they are still my favorite gamng company).
