Fallout 3 tidbits


Vault Consort
Staff member
It's the time of the tidbits. Moo! Firstly, DLC Trophies are now on the PS3! Even though the DLC isn't out yet! The Sixth Axis is one of many places to note this and list the trophies.

Power armour is very deep! So says Destructoid.<blockquote>The Brotherhood of Steel armor says a lot about Fallout 3. Lead designer Emil Pagliarulo gave me his input, pegging they Brotherhood member’s aggressiveness as the reason for the plating and the environment for its construction.

“You know, I think in a post-apocalyptic game like Fallout 3, when you put on a suit of Power Armor, you’re saying to the Wasteland, saying to the world, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it.’ These are the guys who have gone beyond survival. They’re no longer on the defensive, and are bringing the fight to the enemy. Because, when you think about it, so much of the equipment used by the guys in Fallout 3 is pure crap. The guns have decades-old tape on the stocks, everything is near broken, lots of stuff is cobbled together from spare parts. Everyone is barely surviving. But the Power Armor is constructed, and maintained. It’s a step above what any average Wasteland dweller has. And having access to equipment like means you’re probably part of an organized group, like the Brotherhood of Steel or Enclave -- those are the guys with the resources and determination to strap themselves into Power Armor and go on the offensive.”</blockquote>Finally, the Bethesda Blog notes that OXM magazine lists the 100 best Xbox games of all time! Reportedly, Fallout 3 is no worse than number 7!
I have this feeling that the Brotherhood uses power armour because it's a piece of powerful pre-war battle gear that they've had since before the war and that they'd be stupid not to use, and that you could maybe have asked some entirely different people about the ideas behind power armour, but what do we know etc.
Emil would have a point if there wasn't so much fucking Power Armor in Fallout 3! You can't swing a cat in the Capital wasteland without hitting a BoS Paladin/Knight/whatever, an Outcast scouting party or, later in the game, an Enclave encampment.

On the west coast, the Vault Dweller had access to a grand total of two suits of Power Armor. BoS Initiates were given Combat Armor.

On the east coast, every non-Scribe BoS member outside the Citadel (with one exception) had a full suit of Power Armor. Every member of the Outcasts had a suit of Power Armor. Every Enclave soldier had a suit of Power Armor. That's a lot of Power Armor for such a tiny location!
Well they could have scavenged it from military bases... oh wait your the first person to think of scavenging the military bases and they barely have any power armour in.
Of course the Enclave makes theirs... except you go to their main base (and their main other base in the DLC) and there are no munitions factories to be seen.
Continuity happens to other games I guess.

Also how is everyone barely surviving? There is tons of food, ammo and purified water (heck, the average mister handy can purify it) for people and they cope surprisingly well despite having no farms and being outnumbered by raiders and orcs by 500 to one.
This whole thing confuses me. The power armor is a testament that these guys are beyond survival and are no longer on the defensive?

Isn't armor a defensive item? I don't see how using it and keeping up to date is a way of showing you're intending to go out and kill everyone.
Ad Astra said:
That's a lot of Power Armor for such a tiny location!

Well, I guess it could be explained with it is Washington D.C., the capitol, the government, the location of the president, and I would suspect that there would be increased military presence there, especially with the threat of a major war about to go down. Maybe that's why there is so much power armor.

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
I wanna know how they built the new armor, what resources are there? or did they fuck with the Fallout Canon?

Who knows. If there wasn't a big freakin' close up of the top part of both Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave armor right on the front cover of Fallout 1 and 2, it could be said that it was Bethesda's interpretation of what the armor would look like close up. But that's not the case. Could be a new model of armor that came out right before the war and was only on the east coast at the time. Most likely reason: Whoa, looks kewl guys, great job! :P
Per said:
Everyone is barely surviving.

Who is "everyone"? The guys that will pay you for trivial things?

Per said:
But the Power Armor is constructed, and maintained. It’s a step above what any average Wasteland dweller has.

And yet the BoS doesn't care for them, leaving them where everyone can steal them and instead paying you for dogtags. :roll:
The theme of Fallout 3 is what people are willing to give up to survive. The Brotherhood are clearly willing to give up a few suits of power armour. And stuff.
Yup, the default FO3 PA model is the T-45d, the first model that entered active duty and was clunkier than the T-51b.

Anyway, asking Bethesda why they put power armor in FO3 is like asking Peter Jackson why he put magic rings in LotR.
Heh, can you imagine Bethesda's take on LoTR?


“You know, I think in a high fantasy movie like LoTR, when you put on the One Ring, you’re saying to Hobbiton, saying to Middle Earth, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it.’ These are the guys who have gone beyond survival. They’re no longer on the defensive, and are bringing the fight to the enemy."
Paladin #1: Man, those raiders made off with all the babes AGAIN! What do we have to do to get some respect around here?

Paladin #2: I don't know, we have all this power armour we found that's 200 years old or something, maybe we could, I don't know, put it on?

Paladin #1: Hey! Genius! That's making some kind of statement! "I'm badass!" is what it says!

Paladin #2: Yeah, that's the message all right! "I'm determined!"

Paladin #1: "I'm part of an ORGANIZED GROUP."

Paladin #2: That'll show 'em!

Paladin #3: And on occasion it might even turn away some bullets!


Paladin #1: ... "We're not on the defensive! We're on the motherflippin' OFFENSIVE, bitches!"

Paladin #3: Also it offers protection against radiation.

(Longer silence.)

Paladin #3: Aaand it'll allow us to use heavy ordnance.

Paladin #1: Bob, shut the **** up.
Most people only use the term 'badass' to mock cretins who actually use terms like 'badass' and 'kickass' in a serious fashion.

Because, when you think about it, so much of the equipment used by the guys in Fallout 3 is pure crap.

Take the bolded part out of context and he actually tells the truth.
if it was meant to make you feel "badass" then why was the Powerarmor in Fallout 3 not badass ... and raiders armed with spoons and forks would penetrate your lovely armor. Not to start with hillbilies armed with shovels and shootguns ...

So much to the "badass" feeling about it ... yeah. Very badass. My ass ...
My question is, when are people going to stop saying "badass." I really hate that word...

I always thought the dog-tag collecting was kind of a waste. I mean, they're supposed to be the Brotherhood of Steel! They should want a paladin's dog-tags, gun, power armor, and whatever else the fallen was carrying. But I guess it doesn't matter, because, again, there's just power armor and supplies everywhere.

At least the Outcasts were kind of like the old Brotherhood of Steel.
You know, I think in a post-apocalyptic game like Fallout 3, when you put on a suit of Power Armor, you’re saying to the Wasteland, saying to the world, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it.’ These are the guys who have gone beyond survival. They’re no longer on the defensive, and are bringing the fight to the enemy.

Statements like this lead me to believe that the dev team didn't actually play FO1 or 2. Anybody who has played the originals knows the nature of the BoS,and how the BoS in FO3 is very, very out of character. "Splinter group" not withstanding.
“You know, I think in a post-apocalyptic game like Fallout 3, when you put on a suit of Power Armor, you’re saying to the Wasteland, saying to the world, ‘I’m a badass. Bring it.’ ...bringing the fight to the enemy. Because, when you think about it, ...Fallout 3 is pure crap.

Per said:
It’s a step above what any average Wasteland dweller has. And having access to equipment like means you’re probably part of an organized group, like the Brotherhood of steel or Enclave
Yeah or you're just a lonesome lvl. 5 teenager on your first visit to the mutant-ridden downtown, stumbling upon a thousand PA wearing corpses.
You don't understand. Fallout 3 is about destiny. The reason the angsty teenager gets the PA is that he needs it to fulfill his destiny!

Or at least that's the answer if the end game had been supposed to make any kind of sense whatsoever. That is, before they changed the entire destiny thing so you wouldn't actually die.