Rant Warrior
Rant Warrior
... but i registered to say that the hate a lot of people on this forum have for bethesda is pretty ridiculous. ... ignorant and misguided hate ... I'm so sick of seeing everyone just bitch and bitch on this forum about beth and the fact that they're making f3. it's quite unmerited. ...
... hate ... bitch ... ...
My profile of 'action groups', the third party marketers seen in the last two American Presidential campaigns envisions a topic list for native guerillas. "hate" is a label that invalidates dissent.
This list of BUZZ words is ammunition / projectiles in the greater syntax war of world wide marketing. These BUZZ WORDS identify the righteous and damn the fallen.
"hate' profiles the unreconstructed as non human, as bullet sponges.
The last two Presidential elections had "hate" as a buzz word.
Is it too off base for me to suppose that ""hate" would be a buzz word, a label, a propagandist slap in the face, in a multi media image campaign?
A buzz word on a third party mercenary's hit list when they infiltrate as a native guerilla?
A buzz word indoctrinated into the vocabulary of a corporation's ideological fellow travelers?
Is this word, ""hate"", a term learned, embraced, caressed to earn a warm and fuzzy camaraderie on some M-O-Road corporate fan forum?
Is this word, ""hate"" the smear, and mud slinging of an individual opinion or a learned response in a corporate kennel?
""hate"" from a persona that claims FO is still installed for their RPG pleasure.
""hate"" from a persona that has seen Bethesda's Oblivion as half empty / half full.
Where is 'the love' from one with "hate'" so meaningfully ill-defined?
Tell me,
don't tell me,
is this righteous visitation the sniping of a pay to play native guerilla?
the sincere grunting scat of an Eagle Scout / Den Mother exasperated by the ideological warfare that has over run the market place of computer game entertainment?
Tell me,
don't tell me.
Is this apple pie plea true to the Scout's Creed,
or a projectile slab
full of road apples,
full of horse sh-t?
Most every time a missionary trolls through fishing for (dis)agreement,
I witness a clarity of vision amongst ""the lost"".
Conflict builds, nurtures, enhances -- hopes, dreams, perception and intelligence on the independent fan forums.
Maybe this is too much a ... Darwinian concept, too Hegelian a dialectic.
Not politically correct for the warm and fuzzy control freaks.
There are some scholars present who can correct me, whether this is too aggressively Niettche'n (?) or some other disagreeable 19th Century dead European male philosopher, to be acceptable in the double speak media of this Brave New American Century.
The real world is a mean daddy.
A hairy old world patriarch swinging an educating back hand at our abused sensitivities.
Life is not fair. A nasty old Napoleonic carpe diem.
A short sharp shock that impels: deal with it .... and / or move on .... ...and / or lick the boot
... and / or go for it
the ol' Beau Geste -- 'march or die',
party till you puke.
Along with debate skills, and the fortifying of suitable and / or irresponsible expletives and invectives, conflict and disagreement strengthens the independent fan forums.
These verbal intensifiers decorate the opinions of any sentient being struggling for a unique identity on the mean streets of the world wide Kulture.
We all deal with it.
Again. It is understand that there exists a force in the game entertainment market place to redefine existing standards and shape the appetite of the consumer.
These - winds - in the market place are infected with the same morals and tactics witnessed in the last two editions of ""The Selling Of The President"".
We all deal with it.
Tell me,
don't tell me.
ronin84 are you, human, or a marketing spambot?
ronin84 are you here to smear independent fan forums as all wrong and glory in smug self-righteousness?
ronin84 are you, a part of the impossible dream, questing for FO, a preux chevalier tilting at mutant windmills?
ronin84 are you your own man?
ronin84 are you part of '''the problem''' or part of '''the solution""?
Rant Warrior, is your only contribution in an independent fan forum to be a dump, a road apple?
Patience, if you don't 'need' NMA to establish and qualify your self worth,
flex like a willow.
Perhaps perseverance in these adverse conditions
will channel ...
YOUR OWN RAGE against the machine .
Have a nice day.