Fallout 3 to be announced?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The following rumour is sneaking around the internet:<blockquote>At any rate, we're getting info on a game that'll be announced on November 1. So please look forward to that date, upon which you will be informed of everything. You'll find out, for example, how I got a thick layer of desert sand all over my white Old Navy shirt. Suspense!</blockquote>Looks like Fallout 3 will finally be announced, which might see the dawning of some info.

Thanks Briosafreak

PS: no it isn't Fallout 3. How surprising. From Gavin 'Kathode' Carter:<blockquote>It is. I don't want to get your hopes up though, so I'll go ahead and post (again) that it's not Fallout 3.</blockquote>And there's an additional disaffirmation at DaC.
Oh hi! Forgot to mention that I'm in Las Vegas until tomorrow afternoon, at a Bethesda Softworks event.

I don't believe him. Never trust anyone who frequents Bethsoft events :wink:
So...I guess there's a possibility that Bethesda is going to turn Planescape: Torment into a steaming pile of Bethesda fanboy binary lip gloss as well.

Next, they'll be trying to buy out Jeff Vogel at Spiderweb Software and kill all remaining hopes of decent CRPGs that haven't been whored out to console trash.

Best quote from RPG Codex in a while:

Admiral jimbob said:
Visbhume said:
The RPG genre is currently at the edge of the abyss. Why should we want to push it forward?
To put it out of its misery.

So *that* is what Bethesda is trying to do!
Kharn said:
white Old Navy shirt

Can it be a new Leisure Suit Larry game???? The last one sucked so much they might have excluded it from history (I tried to but didn't have the rights). That makes "Love for Sail" the latest installment... (on which Larry roams a frikkin' ship).

eh eh?

ooor a new monkey island game (if that's even possible atm)?! that would be awesome...

but I sure hope it's fallout though
In a dramatic move that will merge their Star Trek license with Fallout, Todd Howard is going to announce “Fallout Galaxies - BOS vs. the BORG"

You'll spend three months playing online building your character up to level 99 fighting radiated bears and mutated trolls in an empty and featureless wasteland set around the radioactive ruins of Salt Lake City, Utah. You will max out your HP only to find the BORG have leveled up with you and have also maxed their HP. All the points you spent on your combat skills will be a waste as the BORG assimilate and absorb all forms of damage. However, if you successfully lead an invulnerable General Maxson (voiced by William Shatner) to the mostly-intact Mormon Tabernacle, he will shockingly transform into a giant starship Enterprise with bat wings and flames painted on the side. As you stand there motionless in cut scene mode, he will proceed to attack the Big-Bad-Borg-Cube-Final-Boss. Sit back with a box of popcorn and enjoy the cool ILM-inspired effects as your character stands safe and motionless for 10 minutes in cut scene mode while the final battle reaches its "totally-rad" climax.

Special Encounters will include a crashed Federation shuttle with 3 hypos and a broken hand-phaser, and a shrewd Ferengi used-starship salesman with a Bat’leth LE locked in his shed.
Kathode said:
It is. I don't want to get your hopes up though, so I'll go ahead and post (again) that it's not Fallout 3. I deleted it originally because I was feeling cruel :) . You'll have to savor the anticipation a little longer.

Let's put an end on this then, someone please make this edit to the newsbit.
Mikael Grizzly said:
I am in a fight over this... here

I am thoroughly heartened to see non-members of this forum defend Fallout as much as this one. It seems we have supporters hiding in the shadows...

Also that many here try just as hard as Roshambo to extoll their beliefs even if they may not be as articulate or fiery they are no less valuable.

:boy: ,
The Vault Dweller
- rant -

I've been coming to this site for god knows how many years... and fallout 1 & (especially 2 are my favorite games of all time. hell, my knowledge of the f2 game world is so extensive it's a little embarassing. i have the game installed on my work laptop so i can play while i'm in the office, to this day.

but i registered to say that the hate a lot of people on this forum have for bethesda is pretty ridiculous. i read the other thread on duck and cover as well and some of those people need to seriously get a life and perhaps turn their ignorant and misguided hate into something productive.

i for one am glad that bethesda is making fallout 3; at least SOMEONE is making a sequal to our beloved fallout. there are a hundred mods and spins off coming out from every other group of polish developers everyday. no doubt it won't be as amazing as f1 or f2, but that's how i feel about most current games. i loved my classic 486 / pentium games... newer games, not so much :(

i absolutely LOVED daggerfall, liked morrowind, and enjoyed my 30 or 40 hours of oblivion... true it wasn't as deep as i wanted it to be, but it was an amazing experience.

anyway, sorry to rant like this... but i'm so sick of seeing everyone just bitch and bitch on this forum about beth and the fact that they're making f3. it's quite unmerited.

patience, willow.
As I said on another forum...

We bitch because we care about the integrity of Fallout. And Bethesda shown time and time again, that they can't make a true RPG.

The burden of proof is on Bethesda, AND we, as a fanbase, can bitch all we want. :P
ronin84 wrote:
i for one am glad that bethesda is making fallout 3; at least SOMEONE is making a sequal to our beloved fallout

That is faulty reasoning if I ever heard it. Sort of like "better late than never." How many games and movies have been destroyed by bad sequels that never live up to the promise and greatness of the original? Lots, more than I want to name off here.

If I had to choose between never getting FO3 and getting a steaming heap of shiny shit with the Fallout name tagged to it, I'd take never. And I will wager that I am not the only one to feel this way. Reading other posts not only here at NMA, but on other fan sites as well, will quickly show you that the only people who are truly happy about FO3 going to Bethsoft are the ignorant fanboys who are only interested in visual flash and so-called innovations- things which are completely unnecessary if the tried-and-true formula that made Fallout such an enduring hit with true gamers in the first place is stuck to.

Bethesda has been establishing a track record of taking a good thing and beating it to death after giving it an uncalled-for punishfuck. Witness the Elder Scrolls series. I won't go into it too much, as Rosh has said it elsewhere on these boards, and better, but the fact is that Bethesda is making their living by taking classic series' and ruining them by devoting most of their time and capital to SHINY and ignoring what truly makes a game worth playing.

Story and setting is 50% of what it takes to keep a real RPGer interested. Then we have to have 49.95% about gameplay, followed by 0.05% graphics and shiny shit.

The only thing we really want is a game we love to play. They can take the flash and leave it in the box where it belongs, sitting on a dusty shelf in a storage closet. The prettiest graphics in the world
do absolutely nothing in and of themselves. They need a plot, setting, and interesting yet non-fucked gameplay mechanics to make them work. And raping a functional and well-liked system will not do anything but piss of legions of hard-core old school gamers- you know, the ones NOT relying on Mom and Dad to buy them new games. THOSE little shits wouldn't know gaming goodness if it sat on their faces. Those are the people screaming about how 'great' the X-Box is, and how it's versions of games are 'better'. Unfortunately for US, these are the people that Bethsoft is aiming at as a target audience, which is why so many of us fear what may happen to FO3.

So, better a shitty game than no game?

I don't think so.
ronin84 said:
- rant -

I've been coming to this site for god knows how many years... and fallout 1 & (especially 2 are my favorite games of all time. hell, my knowledge of the f2 game world is so extensive it's a little embarassing. i have the game installed on my work laptop so i can play while i'm in the office, to this day.

So everyone claims...right before they make the most uneducated comments, ever. Hell, you'd know what was coming if you had bothered to read the site, don't even bother whining now.

but i registered to say that the hate a lot of people on this forum have for bethesda is pretty ridiculous. i read the other thread on duck and cover as well and some of those people need to seriously get a life and perhaps turn their ignorant and misguided hate into something productive.

So we're not supposed to have standards of what we, as Fallout fans that have been lied to numerous times before, will and will not accept?

So what will your clueless whining do, but waste bandwidth? Well, other than label you as a whore that will lie down and take it like a bitch...

We're actually trying to fight for a GOOD GAME, so excuse us for working on the behalf of the lazy whores like you, who would likely buy anything if it had Fallout slapped onto it.

i for one am glad that bethesda is making fallout 3;

That's nice, you're special, don't breed, ever.

at least SOMEONE is making a sequal to our beloved fallout.

I'm sure you'd suck D.W. Bradley off if he bought the license, too, even if you're too stupid to see that the design of Fallout and that of TES are LEAGUES APART in construction, complexity, and with how Todd and Co have treated TES, quality. The only thing they care about is making the game shiny for the mentally insignificant like you, their target console trash audience.

there are a hundred mods and spins off coming out from every other group of polish developers everyday.

Relevance? None.

no doubt it won't be as amazing as f1 or f2, but that's how i feel about most current games. i loved my classic 486 / pentium games... newer games, not so much :(

So instead of standing up for quality in games, you'll lie down and take it like a bitch. Noted, new avatar assigned to the troll.

i absolutely LOVED daggerfall, liked morrowind, and enjoyed my 30 or 40 hours of oblivion... true it wasn't as deep as i wanted it to be, but it was an amazing experience.

Irrelevant. Morrowind was ass compared to Daggerfall, and Oblivion wasn't much better. So what makes you think they can do Fallout when they have yet so far been unable to speak with any coherency about the subject? You kind of forgot the part to have a point, unless we're supposed to take your verbal fellatio of Bethesda as said point.

anyway, sorry to rant like this...


but i'm so sick of seeing everyone just bitch and bitch on this forum about beth and the fact that they're making f3. it's quite unmerited.

With what Bethesda has said, we have a right to bitch, you little retard. Amusing that you come onto our forum and decide to tell us what to do, after we've had a history of...you know what? It's now quite clear you're a lying shitbag. You obviously have no clue about the franchise, and to make this whorish remark you'd have to be wholly ignorant about FOT and F:POS. Yet someone bastardizes TES onto a console and you're instantly throwing your face into their lap.


Your idiocy is just like excusing Fountain of Dreams, because "someone is making a sequel to Wasteland". Yet that game sucked so much, Fallout had "Remember Wasteland?" on the inside flap. And yet again, for the insipid, inbred little shits like you, we'd rather see a "Remember Fallout?" than YET ANOTHER "Fountain of Dreams" for Fallout. We're past Fountain of Dreams. We're to WHAT THE FUCK?! For you to not understand this makes you to be a clueless idiot that not only lied about having read the site, but also missed the numerous Wasteland/Fallout historical mentions.

Yes, you truly are stupid.

patience, willow.

I'd say that you only have one chance to explain yourself, otherwise you're banned.
Herve canned the game, Beth's grabbed the license now
And it stings like a bitch but you know, that's just the way it is
I said oh no, where the hell'd Van Buren go?
I said I feel like I've been off to war, but the war might never change again
Oblivion's the best, why can't they just see the light
I'm posting and posting with no, with no end in sight
And I really should quit, but alas, I'm naught but a cow
And I don't even have new things to say, but I moo anyhow

And when you see, Fallout 3
Bethsoft's there, it's in their care
But in all my hopes, in all my dreams, I never believed they'd get Fallout 3
Beth's bringing the magic to Fallout 3
I post on the net, lies running through my head
Going over and over and over, the things that Beth's said
I'm caught in a trap, I don't know what to do
The conclusion's been reached and Fallout's never comin' home
And when you dream Fallout 3
Bethsoft's there, but I still care
In all my dreams, this wouldn't be
Beth's the Dev with rights to 3
Beth with rights to the series

And when you dream Fallout 3
Bethsoft's there, but I still care
In all my dreams, this shouldn't be
Beth's the Dev with rights to 3
Beth with rights to the series

And when you dream, Fallout 3
Bethsoft's there, but I still care
In all my dreams, this couldn't be

Beth's the Dev with rights to 3
Beth with rights to the series
Should I laugh, cry, or scream?
Songs always manage to make everything so clear! They speak to the heart, ya' know.
Rant Warrior

Rant Warrior

... but i registered to say that the hate a lot of people on this forum have for bethesda is pretty ridiculous. ... ignorant and misguided hate ... I'm so sick of seeing everyone just bitch and bitch on this forum about beth and the fact that they're making f3. it's quite unmerited. ...

... hate ... bitch ... ...


My profile of 'action groups', the third party marketers seen in the last two American Presidential campaigns envisions a topic list for native guerillas. "hate" is a label that invalidates dissent.

This list of BUZZ words is ammunition / projectiles in the greater syntax war of world wide marketing. These BUZZ WORDS identify the righteous and damn the fallen.
"hate' profiles the unreconstructed as non human, as bullet sponges.


The last two Presidential elections had "hate" as a buzz word.

Is it too off base for me to suppose that ""hate" would be a buzz word, a label, a propagandist slap in the face, in a multi media image campaign?


A buzz word on a third party mercenary's hit list when they infiltrate as a native guerilla?


A buzz word indoctrinated into the vocabulary of a corporation's ideological fellow travelers?

Is this word, ""hate"", a term learned, embraced, caressed to earn a warm and fuzzy camaraderie on some M-O-Road corporate fan forum?

Is this word, ""hate"" the smear, and mud slinging of an individual opinion or a learned response in a corporate kennel?

""hate"" from a persona that claims FO is still installed for their RPG pleasure.
""hate"" from a persona that has seen Bethesda's Oblivion as half empty / half full.

Where is 'the love' from one with "hate'" so meaningfully ill-defined?

Tell me,


don't tell me,

is this righteous visitation the sniping of a pay to play native guerilla?


the sincere grunting scat of an Eagle Scout / Den Mother exasperated by the ideological warfare that has over run the market place of computer game entertainment?

Tell me,


don't tell me.

Is this apple pie plea true to the Scout's Creed,
or a projectile slab
full of road apples,
full of horse sh-t?

Most every time a missionary trolls through fishing for (dis)agreement,

I witness a clarity of vision amongst ""the lost"".

Conflict builds, nurtures, enhances -- hopes, dreams, perception and intelligence on the independent fan forums.

Maybe this is too much a ... Darwinian concept, too Hegelian a dialectic.
Not politically correct for the warm and fuzzy control freaks.
There are some scholars present who can correct me, whether this is too aggressively Niettche'n (?) or some other disagreeable 19th Century dead European male philosopher, to be acceptable in the double speak media of this Brave New American Century.

The real world is a mean daddy.
A hairy old world patriarch swinging an educating back hand at our abused sensitivities.
Life is not fair. A nasty old Napoleonic carpe diem.
A short sharp shock that impels: deal with it .... and / or move on .... ...and / or lick the boot
... and / or go for it
the ol' Beau Geste -- 'march or die',
party till you puke.

Along with debate skills, and the fortifying of suitable and / or irresponsible expletives and invectives, conflict and disagreement strengthens the independent fan forums.

These verbal intensifiers decorate the opinions of any sentient being struggling for a unique identity on the mean streets of the world wide Kulture.

We all deal with it.

Again. It is understand that there exists a force in the game entertainment market place to redefine existing standards and shape the appetite of the consumer.
These - winds - in the market place are infected with the same morals and tactics witnessed in the last two editions of ""The Selling Of The President"".

We all deal with it.

Tell me,


don't tell me.

ronin84 are you, human, or a marketing spambot?

ronin84 are you here to smear independent fan forums as all wrong and glory in smug self-righteousness?

ronin84 are you, a part of the impossible dream, questing for FO, a preux chevalier tilting at mutant windmills?

ronin84 are you your own man?

ronin84 are you part of '''the problem''' or part of '''the solution""?

Rant Warrior, is your only contribution in an independent fan forum to be a dump, a road apple?

Patience, if you don't 'need' NMA to establish and qualify your self worth,
flex like a willow.
Perhaps perseverance in these adverse conditions
will channel ...
YOUR OWN RAGE against the machine .

Have a nice day.

Good lord, Roshambo... last time I heard, stating an opinion wasn't grounds for an absolute lashing such as the one you just gave me. I didn't register to post a "troll" per say, simply to state how I felt. If i was trolling i think you'd agree it would include me frequenting many threads and giving verbal BJs to Beth, along with reach arounds to Todd.

For one, I'm far from the "target audience" console player of TES. As I said, I gave Oblivion 30-40 hours. After upon beating it, I was quite verbal on their forums about how they bastardized the series and basically dumbed it down incredibly for the xbox crowd. I am in complete agreement with you that TES has gone down the toilet... hell they released a cell phone game for christsake. But if you deny the fact that it was (if you played it that is) an amazing initial experience... then you're simply a Fallout fan boy and don't truly love games. To simply brush it off because it's not as deep as the other TES games is a little unfair, imho.

Fallout, is in a league of it's own. I don't know what planet you're from where you're blessed with omniscience... but you don't know me, or my love for Fallout and my wanting to see it progress. Yes it's true, I believe Beth is capable of producing a good RPG, albiet it's been a long long time since this has happened... but i can't count them out even with my favorite franchise ever. I guess in your mind it's either Black Isle or Bethesda. Or Troika, whatever. I don't know how I'm a "lying shitbag" for stating my own opinions... clue me in on that please. Frankly I don't even consider Tactics or BOS part of the Fallout universe. I played Tactics and it was a decent way to spend a few hours, BOS was garbage. I love games, i give them all a shot, that's why i own more than i can count. That includes Wasteland...

When I said i came to this site, i meant exactly that, i didn't mean the forum. I simply enjoy the news and the articles. I am not so deeply enthralled in the Fallout universe that i know every little thing that's been going on with the franchise or names of company members, other than Feargus, and Sawyer... i just love the two games. Their universe and everything about them. That being said, if you want to ban me because of my opinions, i'll understand, after all i'm sort of on the dark side, being that i still play Daggerfall and occasionally Morrowind. But then again it would be nice to participate in a little chit chat about the post nuclear masterpiece which we all love... rather than hate on each other because i am fine with Beth making a sequal.

Now if you'll excuse me... all this cursing has reminded me of how hillarious Myron is when you've got high charisma and intell. Time to head to the stables.

-- and ps, after reading over my initial post, i realize i was a in a sense... brash with the nma community. for that I am sorry.