ronin84 said:Good lord, Roshambo... last time I heard, stating an opinion wasn't grounds for an absolute lashing such as the one you just gave me.
Then next time, keep it at an opinion, moron.
I didn't register to post a "troll" per say, simply to state how I felt.
And told us what to do.
If i was trolling i think you'd agree it would include me frequenting many threads and giving verbal BJs to Beth, along with reach arounds to Todd.
Given that you're already straining yourself to keep up with one thread, I'm convinced you're just an incompetent troll.
For one, I'm far from the "target audience" console player of TES. As I said, I gave Oblivion 30-40 hours. After upon beating it, I was quite verbal on their forums about how they bastardized the series and basically dumbed it down incredibly for the xbox crowd.
And then fellated them on this forum. Really, give examples of this "quite verbal" or just don't bother trying to bullshit more lies. Actually, don't, I don't care. Your presence on this forum has me believing it was more like "quite oral".
i absolutely LOVED daggerfall, liked morrowind, and enjoyed my 30 or 40 hours of oblivion... true it wasn't as deep as i wanted it to be, but it was an amazing experience.
That doesn't sound like someone who was quite verbal, nor does any of your vacant arguments about "someone" making Fallout 3 and so we shouldn't bitch, if you were in fact "vocal" on their forums about Oblivion.
So, I think I can safely say it again.
Liar. And a hypocrite on top of that. And a moron on top of that, given that you believe the right time to state what you want and critique what the developers say is long AFTER the game was released and turned out to be a giant, shiny, turd in tinfoil.
I am in complete agreement with you that TES has gone down the toilet... hell they released a cell phone game for christsake.
So then you don't see a problem of them doing the same for Fallout? Hey, if having anything with the name "Fallout" on it gets your jollies off, be the 17,001th fucktard to buy F

But if you deny the fact that it was (if you played it that is) an amazing initial experience... then you're simply a Fallout fan boy and don't truly love games.
It was like a dumb blonde. Fun to fuck around with for a while, in particular the shitty AI, but after you take it for a spin, you find that you want something a little more lasting and worthwhile.
So, it's not that impressive of an experience if you've fucked other dumb blondes. Now a fiery redhead on the other hand...
I enjoy games...if there's an actual game to be played that I haven't played literally a hundred times over in the history of CRPGs, in the same lame treadmill used to excuse shiny graphics and empty hype. I don't care to pay for the same experience again, which is why I borrowed Oblivion from someone else who got it simply because their child was drooling at the graphics, and it was for their birthday.
At least we know where you rate.
To simply brush it off because it's not as deep as the other TES games is a little unfair, imho.
If it's just shiny without substance...then there's no gameplay, and thusly, no reason to admire what amounts to wasting 30 hours drooling on empty promises and shiny horse armor.
That's not innovation, or doing anything good, that's fraud.
Excusing that is simply stupidity.
Fallout, is in a league of it's own.
Yeah, and judging from recent TES titles, far out of Bethesda's league except in terms of what seems to get your jollies off: shiny graphics.
I don't know what planet you're from where you're blessed with omniscience... but you don't know me, or my love for Fallout and my wanting to see it progress. that TES has gone down the shitter, you want to see Fallout "progress" into that. I definitely know what state you're from, so please leave your amateur game design theories to those who know what the fuck they are talking about, and continue on with your vocation as an AC monkey.
Yes it's true, I believe Beth is capable of producing a good RPG, albiet it's been a long long time since this has happened... but i can't count them out even with my favorite franchise ever.
And then even Rolston leaves. Kind of hard to go BACK to quality when your top talent folks leave to be replaced by console kiddies straight out of one of those shitty "gaming colleges". Maybe if you had a clue about the state of Bethesda and TES, then we wouldn't consider you a flaming 'tard in regards to expecting anything near Fallout's quality from them.
Or that you seem to expect us to gleefully swallow Fallout 3's treatment when even you could figure out how Oblivion was getting fucked up.
I guess in your mind it's either Black Isle or Bethesda. Or Troika, whatever.
News flash: BIS and Troika are gone, one to become full-time BioWhores, and the others because the mass-market mentality that you seem to enjoy about TES didn't help them get a publishing deal with the mainstream to keep in business, because every publisher cares about shiny and vapid garbage like console porting. over any solid game design
I don't know how I'm a "lying shitbag" for stating my own opinions... clue me in on that please.
Already did, shitbag.
Frankly I don't even consider Tactics or BOS part of the Fallout universe. I played Tactics and it was a decent way to spend a few hours, BOS was garbage. I love games, i give them all a shot, that's why i own more than i can count. That includes Wasteland...
Good for you. I also own Fountain of Dreams, Wizardry, Might and Magic, Albion, Magic Candle, every Ultima game published, and many series that have died due to morons like you excusing such "innovation" as "streamlined gameplay" making it fun for a bit. Well, if you feel like shelling out the money for shit, that's your choice.
Given the doubt that you seriously work for a living, I can understand your views. Who cares when you can simply pirate the game or ask mommy to buy it for you; you weren't the one who put forth work in order to afford...the LACK of work people put into the title.
So, let me know when someone pays you for doing something useful*. (Actually, don't, since you're banned, but I honestly don't care either way.) Well, aside from holding the ladder for AC installation, since I doubt you're observant enough to be hired as a full technician.
*- Yet you see no reason to NOT throw money at the lying shitheads at Bethesda.
When I said i came to this site, i meant exactly that, i didn't mean the forum. I simply enjoy the news and the articles.
Then you log in to bitch about the forums, telling us not to bitch so much, since the news post didn't have any "bitching". So you're a liar again.
I am not so deeply enthralled in the Fallout universe that i know every little thing that's been going on with the franchise or names of company members, other than Feargus, and Sawyer... i just love the two games.
Then don't presume to tell those WITH a clue what to do.
Their universe and everything about them. That being said, if you want to ban me because of my opinions, i'll understand, after all i'm sort of on the dark side, being that i still play Daggerfall and occasionally Morrowind. But then again it would be nice to participate in a little chit chat about the post nuclear masterpiece which we all love... rather than hate on each other because i am fine with Beth making a sequal.
I still have Daggerfall, and even Arena. I remember when the series was something other than console trash. You, apparently, have a little difficulty if your selective understanding allows you to gripe about how TES was treated, and then not see the reason that an even more complex game is given the console rape treatment - to the point of telling those who DO follow current events what to do. To not bitch about it, because you had a few enjoyable hours that turned into a vapid date with Oblivion. Oh, but then you were vocal about it on their forums, so that excuses...well, not much, really.
In fact, that you had problems with Oblivion would infer that you'd be more concerned with the development of Fallout 3, and wouldn't label people getting tired of Bethesda's "hype and squat" method of development as "unmerited".
-- and ps, after reading over my initial post, i realize i was a in a sense... brash with the nma community. for that I am sorry.
Bullshit. You cover up lies and excuses with even more, and then have the balls to try to say sorry in a tack-on apology.