Fallout 3 to be censored in Germany

Poland is one of the few countries where PEGI is legally binding (not that this law is really enforced in stores).
No... Luftwaffen :P

I don't know. From what I've heard that German Town will be occupied by muties, they might think people in Germany might get offended by it.
they better dont! otherwise, there will be retaliatory geheimstuetzpunktwolffschanzenfuehrerhauptquartiervergeltungswaffenschläge!

those fsk guys cannot be bribed, either, its volontary and unpaid work. so, they are all guys whos only reason to live is to be in the right, and by that, making other peoples lives more complicated. our whole bureaucratic system works that way. were doomed!
horst said:
those fsk guys cannot be bribed, either, its volontary and unpaid work. so, they are all guys whos only reason to live is to be in the right, and by that, making other peoples lives more complicated. our whole bureaucratic system works that way. were doomed!
The FSK is responsible for movies, it's USK for Games. And they are not the ones to blame. There's nothing wrong with their ratings. The only problem is the Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Medien.
This really winds me up.

In the original Half Life they replaced the US-Marines with robots and also reduced the amount of the blood (which was green instead of red anyway).
This completely changed the story for me... I just couldn't work out where the robots came from and what they where doing in black mesa.
Was even more confusing when Oposing force was released with human marines.

And going for the imported versions is allways more expensive and time consuming....

It's really stupid: I can legally buy as much alcohol as I wan't, smoke, drive the fastest cars, prostitute myself (legally as long as I pay taxes... including VAT, obviously), and vote on who is going to sit in the Bundestag and run this country.... but I can't play uncensored games unless I get the imported version u can only sell "under the counter".
Brothels are allowed to advertise in public (they really are!), why aren't game publishers and stores?

The Christian Democratic Union (our conservative party) even wants to make producing or selling (and ownership?) of all violent games ("Killergames") illegal..

But at least we don't censor games because of some titties or sex like the americans....
(which was green instead of red anyway).

LOL, how retarded is that?? :shock:

Americans can't see titties, Germans violence...in what kind of world are we living?
We should combine them to Germaricans and would have the perfect world.
MolotoK said:
In the original Half Life they replaced the US-Marines with robots and also reduced the amount of the blood (which was green instead of red anyway).
The blood was not green. Alien blood was yellow, humans "bled" yellow but left red splats on the walls. However, blood was deactivated by default. You could cheat the game by enabling and disabling the parental lock feature or via console. Human gibbage was also replaced by screws and cogweels. (if you did the parental lock trick, that is, otherwise the critters just faded away when hit by a grenade)
The most ridiculous thing was that "friendly" NPCs (Barney, scientists) sat down and shook their head when <s>you shot them</s> they where killed.
So if a game shows that you can shoot to your friend and nothing will happen to him is less harmful than the original version of HL? I think you must be a politic to devise something so stupid.

Does it concern only computer games or (e.g.) actress playing Lady Macbeth has to scream: "Oh, green paint on my hands!"?
The USK rated the german Fallout 3 (Bonus Disc) now. It got the "Keine Jugendfreigabe"-sign.


So it is 18+ as expected. (And of course is still censored)
They also passed a new law concerning the rating-badges. They will soon occupy a third of the cover.
(I'm exaggerating, they will be damn huge, thoug.)

A mockup comparison:


Say goodbye to box art.
The rating sign on the Stalker DVD cover is already damn big.
Wooz said:
What is that black robot doing to that copper robot?

Damn you for making me laugh out loud at work.

I had make up a story for my boss about a joke I heard last night that 'suddenly' popped into my head - and then I had to make up a joke too.