Fallout 3 to hit PS3, GI says


Night Watchman
Staff member
With every silver-lined cloud there comes a bit of acid rain, and GameInformer revealed today that Fallout 3 is also going to be a PlayStation 3 product.<blockquote>With the trailer arriving today, we felt it would be rather fitting to announce our July cover. We're blowing the lid off of one of the most anticipated returns of a franchise - Fallout 3. We bring you inside Bethesda and give you the first details about this post-apocalyptic open-ended RPG that's hitting the PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 in 2008.</blockquote>Stand by for their June issue.

Link: Game Informer's July Cover Revealed!

Thanks to pnutz and our anonymous informers.
Ok, thats the head shot i have been waiting for.

First a bit of hope in the form of the teaser/trailer and now this 8)
bad call, of course, but what can we do :/ I think the armor looks bad ass, when I seen the teaser i felt like ti was starwars all over again tho.
Heck, it's welcome to any platform, as long as they don't mess things up, and make it more platform-friendly than PC-friendly.
keyser Soeze said:
Ok, thats the head shot i have been waiting for.

First a bit of hope in the form of the teaser/trailer and now this 8)

Dude, cut with the crap. Pete has said that fallout was going to be multi-platform back at 2004, and he wasn't talking about no mac.
Well... I'm trying to think how exactly will you aim a grenade in a grid-based ground with a pad. Sigh...
Once again, I don't see how this is new news...bad or otherwise. We've known it was going to Xbox 360 and PS3 since the beginning.
i seriously hope this year and a few months before release they spend a LOT of fucking time creating a great PC game, and then leave the port for the end, or perhaps another developer.
doesnt matter much to me if it's just an Xbrick product or an Xbrick AND PS3 product.

equally screwed.
The helmet of this Power Armor look nice...very similar to oryginal PA.

But the overall style in which this cover art is done is....too modern and common... to xboxy and psy I'd say...
I just can't stop thinking, is this a bye-bye for isometric turn-based Fallout...

It's hard to imagine how turn-based combat would work with a gamepad. (Then again, I don't know much about consoles...)

Of course, the PC version could have a turn based / real time option and mouse controls... But it wouldn't be balanced, would it.
I guess I haven't been keeping up. Until I saw this, I was under the impression that it was PC-only.
Autoduel76 said:
There is nothing, from a gamepad, that would prevent turn based combat
Oh yeah... And some Fallout style hexes could actually be quite handy with that.
I'm excited as all hell. I might just buy a Playstation 3 and own Fallout 3 for pc AND console.

Of course I'm gonna have to see some gameplay first...

Well Hines?
sanyok21 said:
keyser Soeze said:
Ok, thats the head shot i have been waiting for.

First a bit of hope in the form of the teaser/trailer and now this 8)

Dude, cut with the crap. Pete has said that fallout was going to be multi-platform back at 2004, and he wasn't talking about no mac.

Well this is the final yes, it hasn't been 100% sure before, but now i feel that it is.
This is just depressing. This means that the game has been developed, at least partially, with the idea of appealing to console gamers, and, thusly, the mainstream, which Fallout is not.