Fallout 3 to hit PS3, GI says

Yeah, after reading what I wrote it seems like it might be kinda fun, for what it is.

"Hooker coughs, spits out something green. Blow for 50 bottlecaps?"
:) :(
It makes good business sense to sell to all the platforms they can. That said I do hope it's a pc game that's ported over to the consoles. If it is an isometric large view game and it takes off it may well inspire more of that same from Beth and other makers. One can hope. :)
Hold on. If FO3 is on cells, doesn't that mean it's more likely to be iso?!?!?!?!
Slicerdicer said:
It makes good business sense to sell to all the platforms they can.
Nope, it doesn't. It only makes good business sense if that means you can turn a profit on those platforms. Porting a game to other platforms can be very, very expensive and margins are generally smaller.
fallout 3 ...ill slit them...

if those bastards make it a ps3 product only ill shit on everyone of their door steps and leave my own little mutants slaves for them.... ill go friggen insane i swear it... fallout bible is my bible... its like to mne what starcraft is to the koreans.... only i wont kill someone for saying it sucks... crazy koreans... but fallout 3 trailor shows promise.. i realy hope they dont fubar F3.... ill cry... then might go postal..
Re: fallout 3 ...ill slit them...

kanedog said:
if those bastards make it a ps3 product only ill shit on everyone of their door steps and leave my own little mutants slaves for them.... ill go friggen insane i swear it... fallout bible is my bible... its like to mne what starcraft is to the koreans.... only i wont kill someone for saying it sucks... crazy koreans... but fallout 3 trailor shows promise.. i realy hope they dont fubar F3.... ill cry... then might go postal..

Dude, go pop some LSD or something, chill in a corner, and take a break. It's inevitable that this would happen, even as far back as when Bethsoft bought it. Plus, there's a 360 version also slated. Even if you killed all of Bethsoft, it wouldn't help. Zenimax would just hire more employees, and go "Work, slave! *whip*" on their asses. Well, then again, I have no problem with that.

Edit: Almost forgot to mention, I'm hoping for the 'PC game port to consoles' outcome for this.
Nology500 said:
Almost forgot to mention, I'm hoping for the 'PC game port to consoles' outcome for this.

Quite strange for a company known for doing games about computers taking over the world. :D
Ze Financial Buzz Sez ...

Ze Financial Buzz Sez ...

Don't recall the reference, so use your own discretionary street smart-z.

A financial talk touched on Sony.
Mentioned slow start of PS3.
PS2 still selling, low price entry point AND large library of games.
PS3 only ONE ""good"" title "Resistance: Fall Of Man"".... an unpretentious Sci-Fi alternate time line, self proclaimed --shooter--.
{ In-Game video's show: run like a chicken with head cut off, (as Jimmious sez) and gun down a multitude of like minded targets. Auto lock. We having fun yet?}

Sony's PS3 appears to need more titles, real and future, to please the business sensitivities of the money minders.
Recall how VHS beat Betamax ...
As war never changes ... the Xbox rags are still preaching console wars hysteria. Universe not safe for Xbox until every PS3 has a stake pounded through it's evil Blu Ray heart.

Announcing a title for PS3 (!woot - w00t!) is how GI plays the information sharing (de-facto payola) game, and wins Sony Karma Points(TM) for future revelations.

GI. Good ol' boys, going along to get along.

Sony Karma Points(TM), I'd trade mine in for a small CD player that didn't go brain dead, or console chicken smart-z, in 3 months .... no disc ... no disc ... no disc ...

I know I'm in the minority here, but being that the PS3 is the most powerful of all the current consoles, probably about ten times faster than the computer I'm currently using, I'm not sure what the big worry is about Fallout 3 being on it. It won't have the "look at these horribly small maps and long, way too common loading times because I'm an obviously console oriented game" syndrome ala Thief 3. Sure it will probably be a bit different because of the controls...but maybe that's a good thing. I like to keep an open mind, and it could still be fun.

Unless it's PS3 only...THEN I would blow a gasket. :)