Fallout 3 to hit PS3, GI says

My biggest fear when it comes the console idea is the over all control feel.
I have always felt awkward holding a gamepad anyways. I would really hate to have analog control with a game like Fallout.
That particular scheme just wouldn't work for me personally.
When I think Fallout I think computer chair, moniter, keyboard, mouse. Click and drag menus.
I just don't see that in a console game.
Unless they pull the mario paint thing and package a mouse and keyboard.
Looks like Beth secured a guaranteed positive review for FO3 by revealing this <strike>generally expected news</strike> World Exclusive to Game Informer.
Well this confirms my speculation about saying bye bye to those superb dialog trees and the funny message box in the left corner.
Say hello to mini games, good and fun for everyone :roll:

Note that GI says Bethesda would "re-invent" Fallout, then tells us they have some inside info about the game. :idea:

That pretty much says goodbye to anything tactical, strategic, isometric, dialog and even good old text, since most fanboys over at the Beth forum claim Morrowind was waaaay too text heavy. :shock:
I'm fine with this.

But then again I'm a X360 owner.

I gave up PC gaming when it became obvious that epic PC RPGs just were not being made anymore. I couldn't be bothered with the upgrading required if I could get the same games on a console.

Just being a console game won't hurt Fallout. Catan is obviously turn based and it's heaps of fun.
Smoke_Jaguar said:
That pretty much says goodbye to anything tactical, strategic, isometric, dialog and even good old text, since most fanboys over at the Beth forum claim Morrowind was waaaay too text heavy. :shock:

I disagree. The problem with Morrowind (and Oblivion) is that none of the NPCs have any real charater.
They say so much, yet have nothing to say.
The problem with Morrowind (and Oblivion) is that none of the NPCs have any real charater.
They say so much, yet have nothing to say.

During my 30 mins of play, fuck if I wanted to ask them anything.

I disagree

With what? With what the fanboys say? I see that you agree that Bethesda totally craps out on the dialog aspect.
I hope they will soon release information on E3 or that whatever console kiddie magazine it is regarding TB/RT and isometric/shit so I can finally decide after these uncertain years should I move on and leave this product behind once and for all.
Wasn't there some interviews with some devs or whatever where they where talking about how mutch they loved Fallout yadi yadi etc?

How can they even think a console port will do when it comes to Fallout standards? Just allot of sweet talk, argh!!

Its pretty frustrating to see some fuckers destroy one of your favorite game just so they can make some easy cash, really fucking disturbing.

Ok i know we haven't seen anything from gameplay etc, but still, im getting more and more sure every day that F3 is so doomed.
Its pretty frustrating to see some fuckers destroy one of your favorite game just so they can make some easy cash, really fucking disturbing.

You're greatly overreacting. The gaming industry changes dude. We just need to accept that. Just because it's being ported to console doesn't mean it will be a dismal failure. The people developing the game are allowed to profit from it, and thus keep their jobs and feed their families. I could hardly see Fallout 3 being a commercial success as only a PC game, in this day and age. I don't like consoles either, but I'll accept the fact they are a big part of the gaming industry these days.

They need to make a game that's gonna make the most money possible and that means it has to appeal to the mainstream. I love Fallout, but times have changed and that type of game just wont do as well as something designed for the mainstream. It sucks but I'd rather have whatever there gonna give us then not ever have another Fallout game...
NCR_Ranger said:
I could hardly see Fallout 3 being a commercial success as only a PC game, in this day and age. I don't like consoles either, but I'll accept the fact they are a big part of the gaming industry these days.


STALKER has been a comercial success, and it's PC exclusive...
KotoR had dialogue options aplenty and it was also on consoles.

Thought I must say I hope the play style isn't anything like KotoR / NWN. That'd be a nightmare wouldn't it? I'd rather have an Oblivion style FPS than another game like that.

At any rate, I hope the combat is isometric turn based. I've always liked that style of play since D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun for the Sega Genesis.

I just don't see guns working for a non TB system in any RPG.

It'd be funny though if they actually make a first person turn based game that works and actually manages to please the fans...

Hard to imagine something like that, isn't it? :P
PaladinHeart said:
It'd be funny though if they actually make a first person turn based game that works and actually manages to please the fans...

Hard to imagine something like that, isn't it? :P

Very much indeed.
On the bright side, the power armor looks a LOT better (and more true to Fallout) in that cover art than it did in the trailer.
Well, it's nice to hear that there's an Xbox 360 version coming out. I won't have to upgrade my PC after all!

:hugs Xbox 360:

...but how is it going to be controlled? Some games just feel better with a mouse and keyboard. I wonder what's going to happen next... Ah well, Bethseda has until Fall 2008 (which really means Spring 2009) to figure it out. I wonder what the achievements will be like...
Why does the news mainly note PS3 and not 360? Sounds like the point is not that it's going to consoles but that it's going to PS3, am I missing something?
Jonigigolo said:
STALKER has been a comercial success, and it's PC exclusive...

Hey, I've never played any game on a console, tell me, how is it possible to play FPS there??? I mean, without mouse?
PaladinHeart said:
KotoR had dialogue options aplenty and it was also on consoles.

Just because you have a couple of options in a dialogue, does not mean the dialogue is deep and involving.

I enjoyed Kotor for what it was, but face it, most dialogue was like this:

Woman: Oh please Mr. Jedi, save my baby!

1: Of course I will, and please take all my money too.
2: Meh, what's in it for me.
3: I will rape and kill you and your entire family.
4: [FORCE PERSUADE] Do the chicken dance.