Fallout 3 turnbased?


Carbon Dated and Proud
Briosafreak informed the DAC guys about a thread (Original thread)on the Elder Scrolls forum which kinda hinted at Fallout 3 being turn based:<blockquote>caseylantz:
I would like to see a elder scrolls game that is large and open ended like morrowind but has a turn based battle system put in it. You would play it just like morrowind and be able to customize your character like you want but when you see an enemy and come in contact with it you go into a battle where you have option like attack, magic, items and maybe something else.

MrSmileyFaceDude (Bethesda Dev):
An Elder Scrolls RPG with turn-based combat would be an Elder Scrolls RPG "in name only." :D

That was for all the Fallout fans out there.

MrSmileyFaceDude (Bethesda Dev):
Who rule, by the way. Just my way of saying "TES isn't Fallout, Fallout isn't TES" :)</blockquote>Well take this with a bucket of salt untill Bethesda confirm or deny it..
Spotted at DAC
Comissar Lauren is putting her nice Victoria Secret tongue just for you FaceDude, or so i`ve heard. The problem is Suaside is also doing that... :shock:

This is just his view folks, Bethesda might think very diferently, let`s not forget about that.
Johan said:
I wouldnt mind having F3 looking and feeling like KOTOR. Nothing wrong with that.

/me pulls out Minigun

It wouldn't be Fallout....so yeah, there is a HUGE problem with that..
From DAC:
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Don't read too much into it, guys -- I just meant to let folks know that we are aware that the TES and Fallout series are totally different kinds of games. This wasn't a hint about any possible features of Fallout 3.
Briosafreak said:
From DAC:
MrSmileyFaceDude said:
Don't read too much into it, guys -- I just meant to let folks know that we are aware that the TES and Fallout series are totally different kinds of games. This wasn't a hint about any possible features of Fallout 3.
So they are aware. We're saved!. Then I guess there's no problem. Let's close this discussion. Let's go in the streets. Let's twist and shout! Hurraaah!!!
Why do I get some strange feeling about this though :?:
I have little doubt that Van Buren would more closely resemble the first two Fallout games than will Bethesda's effort. I'd be shocked (though not unhappy) if Bethesda offers a turn-based combat system in Fallout 3 that's anything more than an afterthought to real-time play.

That's not to say that Fallout 3 will necesarily be a bad game if it has real-time combat. I enjoyed playing a thief in Morrowind. I thought the game handled sneaking and stealing fairly better than did the Fallout or Infinity Engine games, even if the combat was tedious and uninteresting.

If nothing else, we should at least see some breathtakingly beautiful (or perhaps I should say "astonishingly, vividly grotesque") deathclaws and radscorpions in the game. :wink:
If nothing else, we should at least see some breathtakingly beautiful (or perhaps I should say "astonishingly, vividly grotesque") deathclaws...

Here's to hoping that they aren't covered in fur!
I was gonna say how far from a statement for turn based combat that was, but it seems the bethesda guy already covered that so instead im gonna comment on this piece

Johan said:
I wouldnt mind having F3 looking and feeling like KOTOR. Nothing wrong with that.

okay people, i'm sorry for this, i usually dont use any smileys, but i just cant avoid it this time
:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
Now if only we could take it with more than a grain of salt...I really dont think I should judge unless its confirmed by the company...though I pray it will be.

The Vault Dweller
I wouldn't be suprised if this would turn out something like [speaking with the mouth of Thor Thorsen]: "This rumour is officaly BOGUS! Back to you Tim!"
Odin said:
/me pulls out Minigun.
Me duckandcover.net (ok maybe not then :shock: )

It wouldnt be fallout etc.. Troll.. head2brick etc..
True True.. But the odds that its gonna happen aren't that big, so what i'm saying is that; The way KOTOR was made up with a 3d Person cameraview ( wich you could rotate around if i'm not mistaken) and this SEMI TB ( ala Baldurs Gate) is quite ok.
rotatable camera and 'semi' turnbased are NOT ok.

Why the FUCK should FO have to have 'kewel' systems and looks like 'that kewel game' ? FO isnt that fucking game, it's Fallout, and should be like FALLOUT not FUCKING KOTOR.
Johan said:
True True.. But the odds that its gonna happen aren't that big, so what i'm saying is that; The way KOTOR was made up with a 3d Person cameraview ( wich you could rotate around if i'm not mistaken) and this SEMI TB ( ala Baldurs Gate) is quite ok.
Why must people bring up KOTOR when talking about Fo3!?!?!?

*Edit* Damn, Psych beat me to it...
Capelworth said:
If nothing else, we should at least see some breathtakingly beautiful (or perhaps I should say "astonishingly, vividly grotesque") deathclaws and radscorpions in the game. :wink:

I just have to add something here. See, as there are no earlier BIS employees or anyone that worked on fallout, hardly even fallout fans in bethesda,(well at least not real fans). Now because of that, they will most likely have a "look" at the deathclaws and radscorpions. So they give the assignment of modeling the deahclaw to an artist that's used to urghy morrowind and fantasy stuff games(yaknow the deal). Now he thinks that he's so brilliant and makes modifications to it..bluhbluh, I'll add some fur..and a cuple of spikes here and there...no, I wander if it will be kewl if I put the horns backwards instead...
This is what will happen, most likely...
Mesageto Beth FO3 artists.

IGNORE FUCKING FALLOUT TACTICS for art. (execpt the smoke rings for the Gauss weapons)