Fallout 3 video interview

If you think level scaling is bad, then loot scaling is 100x worse. Imagine doing a quest in one game, and getting a VERY nice item, and then doing the same quest in your next game, and just because you're level 1, you get a piece of crap. Oblivion did this with all their quest rewards, regardless of how difficult the quest was. Even quests that involved no killing.

The reward should always be the same...

Stupid crap like this is why people are forced to kill monsters and build up their character to the level 50+ before they even start their first quest. Bethesda can be so stupid. >.< It's hard to believe they even made Morrowind, after having played Oblivion....

I hope they do not have quest loot scaling in Fallout 3. I think that would be a very good question to ask the devs about.
Ravager69 said:
Isn't there a save option in Fallout 3?

Can't someone save the game before going to a suspicious area?

Why will there be any areas where you'll get locked?? This is ridiculous.

Maybe it'll have predefined save points. You can't save until you reach the next save point. Sucky, but so is Beth !
GammaRay said:
Just an example (might not be the best): Imagine getting from Arroyo armed only with a spear and getting into the Military Base - the wolves at the entrance would be a problem not mentioning the SM on level1. Now imagine F2 had level scaling and you could beat the shit out of your enemies almost with bare hands. Would it be fun/challenging? Don't think so.

Far be it for me to defend bad design, but this isn't a very good example. This is a case that pretty obviously wouldn't get scaled according to what was said in the interview (since this would seem to be something you could "run away from" if you end up there by mistake.)

A better example would be the Enclave platform that you have to go through a bit of work to get to and to escape from. Mind you, I agree that auto-levelling in this case sucks too, just throwing out another example.
It might be interesting to note that Planescape: Torment level scaled the final confrontation as well. Although there is a pretty high base level there as well, and I think it's the only occasion of level scaling in the game.