Fallout 3: Why the hate?


First time out of the vault
Don't bother reading this, it's just a big post of crap. ;)

Fallout is pretty good, I'm playing it again.

Following things:
-Sorry if you wasted your time on my post quoting everything...
-I enjoyed the discussion I had with several of you.
-I regret posting this thread. I was wrong about you guys...well, some of you, anyway.
-If you really care about my foolish comments, read thew quotes after me.
You do realize that fallout ISN'T about graphics, right?

And the irony of this post is that you are attributing an opinion to all of us, when that is not true at all. I am avidly looking forward to this game.

If visuals are the logical next step from text, then why do people still write books?

I would generally consider Fallout to be somewhere halfway in between an rpg and a choose-your-own-adventure book, with gameplay elements based on the GURPS system. That is what people hee generally want, as well as the slow tactical combat. Ever wonder why people play chess? Because that game is so slow and clunky.

You, sir, are an idiot.

I agree on the general sentiment, but you come across as a fool.
If you are part of the gaming press, then tell me whatever it is you write so that I can make a point to never ever EVER read it.
Yes, yes, thanks for the troll. We're grateful for your patronage.

Aww, you beat Nethack. You're so cute.

So. Are you from Something Awful, or just a lone gunman ragin' against the machine?

I know those jokers over at SA just love NMA to pieces.

Whenever the topic of Fallout comes up, those good ol' SA goons just can't stop talking about us long enough to actually discuss the game!

♫ Love in the air ♫

No matter where you're from, we love you too! Kisses!

Edit: Oh yes, it's interesting to see how everyone's a hardcore old-school RPG player with mad 80's street cred and all that shit. Kind of like how everyone in the gaming media's a Hardcore Fallout Fan from back in the good old days, right?

V.A.T.S. activated! Maybe?
xdarkyrex said:
And the irony of this post is that you are attributing an opinion to all of us, when that is not true at all. I am avidly looking forward to this game.

Well, I'm not surprised by the pointless flaming, of course, that was to be expected. And I said I was NOT of the gaming press, BTW. I am also not from Something Awful, either. I want to discuss. Perhaps that will not happen, and yet I can still laugh at the people who don't try.

First off, I must say that while I know there are people on this board who do like the game, the general consensus is that it will suck, no questions asked. That is who I am addressing, not the people who might try the game out (such as you who posted). For you, I ask conversation, not childish insults.

Fallout is not about graphics...well interesting point there about books. I'm talking about how Fallout's points would be more literal that vague bars on the bottom of the screen that most reasonable players don't read. Not that it's bad, it's just that in gaming, I would prefer to experience it myself than just read about it. Like reading travel magazines instead of actually seeing the Statue of Liberty or something.

As for the slow and clunky part...but say it's more like that crappy Mortal Kombat chess game. You can weaken your foes with the chess and then take them out with action. Thats' what I'm excited about. Fallout is perfectly fine the way it is, not ideal, but okay.

As for the second poster, I'm opening this up. Sure, you can try to figure out why I'm posting here to talk about the game, when in fact it is this: I am some dude from the internet who wants to talk about the new game with hardcore Fallout fans, so first I'm saying hello. See that big post I made above? That's a great big HELLO and a healthy handshake.

So you can insult me some more to feel better, or we can discuss the game and why it might actually be good (e.g, an actual working version of the positive thread) or bad (e.g., the rest of the board for the most part).

(Oh, nice on the Nethack thing. I thought it was funny, but of course, I can't expose any weaknesses here. Suit yourself.)
I have Fallout, and I think it is fun. Super fun? Heck NO!

Very well. Go to Bethesda's forums. We don't need you here. This is a fan-site.

(you know that potty humor will be involved).

Wow! Potty humor! How could one not be a sucker for that?!

I played Fallout for quite a while, and I never laughed. It just was not that funny. Sure, if the offbeat, dry humor was in there that you liked, it's not going to be hard at all to replicate, because Fallout's was just as juvenile.

Look, we liked this dry humor you claim Fallout had (although, really, no wonder you found it dry if for you only potty humor is funny), and that's what we'd like in a sequel. Don't you think it's normal? Kinda doubt it you do, but I thought I'd ask.

They haven't released ANYTHING of note, and this forum is still slandering everything. You guys haven't heard anything yet, and you're already making fun of what you don't know?

Troll. There are dozens of previews already. I for one seen enough to know this is a bastardization of Fallout, and that's reason alone to bash and boycott the game.
Hmm. Maybe the preemptive strike was ill-considered.

Caution, this is going to be a long and somewhat meandering post. Maybe it'll give you some insight, though, into the thought processes of a lot of the fanbase and possibly myself. It's all in here for a reason.

See, there are several problems here. The first is that your post matches the "template" that people who troll NMA tend to use- make blanket statements, attribute beliefs to the entire group, advance own beliefs as being superior in comparison and ridicule the fact that anyone could believe differently.

This is exactly what the media is doing to "hardcore" Fallout fans at the moment as well. You must forgive my assumption, as this has been happening far too often as of late.

The main problem I have with your post is your seeming belief that your tastes override those held by anyone else. This is also a common problem found in members of NMA.

A former administrator of NMA, Roshambo, had this problem in spades. He's one of the main reasons this place has such a bad name, though there are posters who are contributing to this today in their own special ways.

I generally try not to attack others for their point of view anymore. If it's stupid, they generally destroy themselves. It's all a vicious cycle.

The Owl and the Ouroboros. I'd rather be the Owl.
The way I see it, the current problems in the Fallout fanbase about Fallout 3 all come down to this:


(Note, these labels are used somewhat facetiously)

Orthodox Fallout fans

These are those who believe Fallout should stick to the original design- though a 3D engine with a rotatable camera is acceptable and real-time combat may be. These fans place a very high priority upon the intentions of the original developers of Fallout.

New-Age Fallout fans

Those who don't care what Bethesda does to Fallout 3 (within reason), as long as the "Fallout atmosphere" remains intact. Exactly what the "Fallout atmosphere" entails varies between the members. To them, Fallout is all about the feeling.


Those who want Fallout 3 to be just like Oblivion, those who are going to play it because it's a shooter, who've never heard of Fallout but have heard of "that Bethesda company". These people mostly just want their next hit from the crack pipe, and they don't care about what they have to destroy to get it. To them, "it's just a game anyway who cares right".

Keep in mind, those aren't my perceptions per se. Those are what I've gleaned from watching the fanbase as a whole ever since Bethesda's announcement in 2004.

I'm somewhere between Orthodox and New-age, though I'm hesitant to say where. Both can be pretty irrational. Maybe Protestant? :mrgreen:

Iendicis, I can understand your point of view. VATS... eh. I don't mind it. Frankly, it sounds better than purely real-time combat.

Immersion though, that is a touchy subject. I would argue that just as much immersion is possible from reading well-written descriptive text, the image it creates in your mind as from viewing and walking around in a well-rendered First-person landscape.

The key is that either takes a large amount of skill to convey. Does Bethesda have that level of skill? You believe they do.

I'm not so sure. Morrowind was a very well done game in terms of the architecture- it was incredible, the contrasts they managed to convey between regions. Oblivion was far more bland. There was little variance, and most of the "graphical wow" that was conveyed was enabled by third-party plugins that Bethesda simply dropped in to Gamebryo. For example, SpeedTree. It was lazy.

For the most part, Morrowind wasn't. At least in terms of how it conveyed "atmosphere".

The problem here is: Are we getting Morrowind, or are we getting Oblivion?

Beyond that, Bethesda has been very arrogant in the last few years. The proof is in the handling of add-ons to Oblivion, the rushed nature of Shivering Isles, the debacle that was Star Trek Legacy, the negative expressions about providing a construction kit for Fallout 3, and worst of all:

The disdain they've been trying to convey toward the previous Fallout games. How they're "primitive", "unplayable", and "ultimately deeply disappointing". How the gaming media parrots exactly the same thing, while at the same time expressing "how much they love Fallout".

In my opinion, that's telling. Bethesda Softworks is trying to erase the legacy of Fallout, and replace it with "the new Fallout". Fallout has to "change with the times".

Yeah, it does. Improve the TB combat, it sure as hell needs it. Turn based combat isn't bad, it's Fallout's implementation that sucks. 3D engine, go for it. Anyone who still wants 640x480 2D is a fucking kook. Get rid of hexes? THANK FUCKING GOD.

Question is: can what Bethesda's doing be called "improvement"?
It seems to me to be more like they're giving up on the series as it was, and instead trying to "reboot" it in a completely different style- all while claiming they're perfectly upholding the legacy in every way, and that "This is the way the original designers would have done it if they had today's technology".

Problem is, no they wouldn't have. Fallout was made to run directly against all of the trends of the time in 1997 (3D, Real-time, linear stories, FPS, decreasing amounts of text).

It was made to show that there was something else out there. And it did. Both Bioware and Bethesda have adopted parts of Fallout's design for their own, because it showed what else was possible. Thing is, neither of them have done it as well as Fallout. Bioware in particular with their "dialogue trees" and hollow choices that all lead to the same place.

And now we have Bethesda saying that Fallout needs to "get with the trends and the times". Meaning, it needs to become "3D, REAL-TIME, FPS, and simplify the dialogue so it can all be voice acted cheaply because people hate reading".

Wasn't all of that kind of what Fallout was created in opposition to in the first place? Isn't it kind of killing a lot of the purpose?

What the industry needs is another Fallout.

By that, I mean a game that's willing to break from the demands of the "Trends and the Times".

Not another "me-too" game that everyone forgets about within a few days to weeks in anticipation of "The Next Big Thing".

That's why I have no confidence in Bethesda.

Edit: ...Huh, I could probably do something with this. Needs editing, rearranging, some additional content. Could be the start of an essay. Maybe.
For the most part, Kan-Kerai, I'd say that post should be stickied :D

I am much too lazy to say what you said, but it fits my position pretty well.

It does seem to need some brushing up in a few spots, and maybe some elaboration, but it's damn good. I daresay I couldn't explain some of those points better myself.

As for games breaking away from trends...
I say we go worship Katamari Damatchi when this franchie is done with its being raped.
What we have here, on this entire forum, folks, is nothing but hate. Pure hate. And why?
Glittering games of hatred ring any bells? No?
Because we have Bethesda, a software company that was very successful and made games that lots of people enjoyed (http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/elderscrolls4oblivion, (That is, by the way, with user reviews.) Bethesda is making a sequel to a game that you all obviously enjoy very much.
Hey, guess what? I haven't even tried Oblivion, fortunately for me, I didn't fall for the hype and I'm glad.
Looking at your lil' site... hey, oblivion's score is LOWER than Fallout's score! It means that the 'second coming of Christ' by bethesda is WORSE than Fallout 1 and while perhaps more people enjoyed oblivion, Fallout 1 is still better!

I have Fallout, and I think it is fun. Super fun? Heck NO! It's good, sure, but not good enough to keep me playing beyond five hours
Is oblivion 'good enough' to keep you playing for more than 5 hours?

First off, Fallout's graphics aren't very good.
At this point I realized that discussion with you is worthless... Halo? We're talking about game that is 10 YEARS old!
Besides, do you think it's the graphics that keep people playing a game even after 10 years? No, it's god damned gameplay, I bet no one will remember oblivion after 10 years but people will still play and enjoy Fallout 1! Whooooo!

Oblivion made you feel like you were in that world that they had created, and though many of you may not agree, it was a well designed land.
We 'MAY' not agree? AFAIK, one of beth's devs left because they were raping TES lore. I think it was the one who 'wrote' many books in Morrowind.
I think that Fallout 3 will make the graphics great, and really add to that feel of the world that they created in 1997.
Jesus Christ, what a shocker... Hey, wanna hear a secret? Even Van Buren had better graphics!

Well, that's the second part of this whole thing: the perspective. You find this to take away from Fallout what it had...RPG. Well, think about this: many of Fallout's cutscenes were in First Person, and the world does kind of work on a FPS-environment. It will let you see through your character's eyes the vaults, whatever.
God damned, why write 5 lines of bullshit when you can say "let's just ignore what devs intended to do with Fallout and look at some cutscenes and the way you talk with talking-heads".

And the gameplay. Now I'm asking you not to flame me when I say that Fallout is NOT (I repeat) NOT perfect.
Shocker #2. I'm afraid that before reading your whole post I'll read something like "Fallout is 10 years old".

But the funny thing is two things: it's not very realistic
You want realism? Go play Operation: Flashpoint and leave Fallout alone.
and it's very slow and clunky. Hit, hit, enemy retaliates, the whole thing happens again.
And of course the best thing to do is to remove whole tb combat and put lame gymmick like VATS there, huh?
And of course no one wanted to see TB combat improved in Van Buren, huh?
Now, I am a fan of FPS games
Shocker #1337. But it shows, honestly.
but what I'm saying is that would be a whole lot more fun if it didn't slow the game down so much. In FPS mode, it will speed the whole moving-attacking thing so that the combat is more streamlined, and then I can get back to my environment (where I usually forget where I was going).
Here's a little hint- Fallout isn't for people who want to cricle-strafe, bunny-hop and shoot all the time.
Not only will it be faster, but it will be more complicated, too. With technology comes the comcept of where you hit the enemy: if you hit them on the leg, they get hurt there.
Jesus Christ! That's amazing, no one thought of this before! Er, no wait, Fallout devs thought about it :/
Sure, it was in the first Fallout, but here, it's even more complex
Hahaha, seeing the damage on your enemy = more complex?
You can aim for what you want and see the damage on the monster's face, and get more of a visual feedback. Perhaps they would even fall over.
Yes, thank god for the technology today, because things like falling enemies weren't possible 10 years ago.

And then this all comes back to the action idea, where it could be like that...you use the RPG stuff to weaken them
"Use the RPG stuff"- back to oblivion with ye. Go LARP there. Fallout uses "RPG stuff" all the way, not then when you want it to.
That sounds much better that trying to escape Fallout's slow, sluggish movement.
Hmm, to me it sounds more retarded.

At least Bethesda's trying to make it Gameplay-worthy, and still somewhat humorous (you know that potty humor will be involved).
Gameplay worthy like Oblivion or Fallout? Humorous like Fallout 1 or Tood Howard?
Ah, laughter. I played Fallout for quite a while, and I never laughed. It just was not that funny.
Wow, maybe because it wasn't FO's purpose?

But that's what this all narrows down to. They haven't released ANYTHING of note, and this forum is still slandering everything. You guys haven't heard anything yet, and you're already making fun of what you don't know?
You missed all these previews?
Your critiisism would be better off in the Bethesda forum, telling them helpfully what you would like to see from the game.
Been there, done that. 'Closed due to flaming, trolling, being against bethesda- summer'.

They listen to their fanbase more than you all think
No, they listen to their fanbase alright. Oblivionites like you will think of Fallout 3 as third coming of Christ.
Iendicis said:
That's the expression that I got when I visited this forum. What we have here, on this entire forum, folks, is nothing but hate. Pure hate. And why?

I love people that tell me what i am thinking.

There are some people that hate. But most of them, like me, don't hate. They're (we're) disappointed. Why? Because we don't like what we see, and we don't like what we read.

Dislike/disappointment != hate, dude man.
Iendicis said:

That's the expression that I got when I visited this forum. What we have here, on this entire forum, folks, is nothing but hate. Pure hate. And why?



1) if you were a visitor of this forum, you'd know we don't simply hate.
2) go read the nice articles that were written by NMA staff and get a clue about the fanbase.
3) learn to think for yourself.
Iendicis said:
I have Fallout, and I think it is fun. Super fun? Heck NO! It's good, sure, but not good enough to keep me playing beyond five hours.
So you come on to a forum that loves this *style* of gaming to tell everyone that they're wrong and that Bethesda's style of gaming is so much better.
That doesn't make any sense.

Iendicis said:
The world will be well designed, and instead of getting "You step out and see the sunlight for the first time," you actually are doing so yourself. That's what I call role-playing, not reading all that damn text.
A swing and a miss. There is nothing more 'roleplaying' about seeing the sun rise, than getting an atmospheric description. In fact, in case you hadn't noticed, all classic role-playing games rely on atmospheric descriptions.

Iendicis said:
Well, that's the second part of this whole thing: the perspective. You find this to take away from Fallout what it had...RPG. Well, think about this: many of Fallout's cutscenes were in First Person, and the world does kind of work on a FPS-environment. It will let you see through your character's eyes the vaults, whatever.
Ah, right, because it's not about having a good overview of a battle or a well-designed turn-based combat interface, in which a first-person perspective has no place. No sirree.
Iendicis said:
And the gameplay. Now I'm asking you not to flame me when I say that Fallout is NOT (I repeat) NOT perfect. Sure, you have the fun turn based element that reminds me of those old table-top miniatures games that I played a few years ago (horrible habit, quit) and that brought back memories. But the funny thing is two things: it's not very realistic (which is what you guys like to proclaim about the game in general)
No we don't.
And a turn-based system is a shitload more realistic than Bethesda's approach of standing toe to toe and exchanging swings of a sword. Abstraction is a powerful thing, and maybe you should try taking things for more than they appear to be. You know, actually *think* about systems other than going 'I walk in real-time, so real-time combat is automagically more realistic!!!'

Iendicis said:
Hit, hit, enemy retaliates, the whole thing happens again. Now, I am a fan of FPS games, but what I'm saying is that would be a whole lot more fun if it didn't slow the game down so much. In FPS mode, it will speed the whole moving-attacking thing so that the combat is more streamlined, and then I can get back to my environment (where I usually forget where I was going).
Ah yes, because combat is about getting through it as quickly as possible, not about actually thinking about your actions and having the time to implement some tactics.
Another swing and a miss.

Iendicis said:
Not only will it be faster, but it will be more complicated, too. With technology comes the comcept of where you hit the enemy: if you hit them on the leg, they get hurt there. Sure, it was in the first Fallout, but here, it's even more complex. You can aim for what you want and see the damage on the monster's face, and get more of a visual feedback. Perhaps they would even fall over.
Maybe you should learn the meaning of the word 'complicated', because having *fewer* places to aim at is pretty much the opposite of complicated.
But let me get this straight, you're saying 'this real-time combat deal is so much better because we can now see the damage on a model'.
How the hell is real-time combat related to graphical embellishments?

Iendicis said:
You all complain about Fallout 3 not being realistic.
Nice straw man.
We don't complain about Fallout 3 not being realistic, we complain about Fallout 3 not being realistic *within Fallout's setting*.
Look up 'verisimilitude' and then get back to us.

Iendicis said:
t least Bethesda's trying to make it Gameplay-worthy, and still somewhat humorous (you know that potty humor will be involved).
Ah yes, because Fallout's humour was potty, not darkly ironic and at least somewhat intelligent.

Iendicis said:
Ah, laughter. I played Fallout for quite a while, and I never laughed. It just was not that funny. Sure, if the offbeat, dry humor was in there that you liked, it's not going to be hard at all to replicate, because Fallout's was just as juvenile.
Ah yes. The hallmark of someone who didn't understand Fallout's humour. 'Meh, it was juvenile'.
Nope, sorry, you fail.
Iendicis said:
Besdies, we haven't seen anything for this game yet, how can you say they already ruined the humor?
I'm sorry, did you miss the previews describing the picketing signs outside the vault, the incessant cussing, the 'humour' that is 'GORE EVERYWHERE' and a few other examples?
Yes, sir, we have a buttload of information and we are judging *that information*.

Iendicis said:
But that's what this all narrows down to. They haven't released ANYTHING of note, and this forum is still slandering everything. You guys haven't heard anything yet, and you're already making fun of what you don't know?
So how can you judge what you don't know?

Also, dozens of previews surely means 'some' information, right?

Iendicis said:
Your critiisism would be better off in the Bethesda forum, telling them helpfully what you would like to see from the game. They listen to their fanbase more than you all think, as all developers do, and what they want to hear from you is fact-based reasonable requests, not slander for nothing but air.
And the dumb-assed 'they do listen to you!' comes back again.
Here's a hint: they have *not* listened over the past *three* years to us, as is evident from their failure to implement Fallout's style or gameplay. Instead, they've made a post-nuclear FPS/RPG hybrid that does not come close to Fallout in terms of setting, story, gameplay or humour. There is *nothing* that they've done that actually shows they've listened to us. So do tell, please, how they listen to us and how our going to Bethesda's boards to stipulate factually what Fallout's design consists of will get them to change everything?

Also, for your information, they *do* read these boards and do know what we want.

EDIT: Also, people, quit calling people trolls consistently without adding something yourself. It's useless.
Iendicis said:
Well, I'm not surprised by the pointless flaming, of course, that was to be expected. And I said I was NOT of the gaming press, BTW.

I misread, and apologize.

It still doesn't absolve you of being someone who simply didn't grasp fallout though.

If you didn't like Fallout, then why are you here, at a Fallout fan forum, to tell us how good the game wasn't? Are you just here to be a dick? Would you walk into a church and tell a bunch of christians that their God is kinda lame anyways? (over exaggeration, but the point remains valid)

Please lurk the forum for a while and read the news reports and use the search tool, this kind of thread is entirely unnecessary, and people here have generally lost their patience with it. Do you know how often these kinds of threads appear? Way too many. And if you want to make a thread like this, at the very least, do your research first before making a bunch of opinionated claims about something the people here tend to know very very well. It IS a fan forum, after all.

Also the most vocal fans are not the majority of fans. Remember that.

Sander said:
'I walk in real-time, so real-time combat is automagically more realistic!!!'

I realize this was a typo, but it is SO going into my vocabulary.

Black said:
500 points question. Why do people mistake LARPs with RGPs?

Because they both roxxorz? :roll:
Sander doesn't make typos.

First off, Fallout's graphics aren't very good. But that's a given, and Bethesda does their stuff so well.
Iendicis, the graphics in Fallout are as good as they need to be. If you are such a kiddy gamer that you can't play a 2D game, and in fact complain about the graphics therein, you clearly need to stop playing games, because you're a lost soul.

Fallout's graphics work perfectly well for the game, they complement a text heavy game. Again, if you can't be bothered to *read*, then you need to quit playing games, and quit complaining.

Graphics do not make a game. As it has been said before, immersion is not made through graphics. When reading a good book, upon putting it down, I will immediately begin to worry about what I've just read, e.g., I began to worry about being late for a party after reading part of Notes From Underground. That is immersion, not how many shaders are being used or how high the pixel count is.
Stag said:
Sander doesn't make typos.


Stag said:
That is immersion, not how many shaders are being used or how high the pixel count is.

It could be argued that pixel shaders ARE immersion for the unimaginative.
It's a crutch for the simple and the literal.

Which is really not what caters to... welll... them there book readin types.
I can be and have been immersed by particularly good graphics, e.g., falling off the tanker in Far Cry, but it doesn't last as well as a great story. There can be great story in a game, complemented by great graphics. That would be ideal. I have seen no game with both of these, nor do I see Fallout 3 possessing these.
Either do I.

Fallout 3 will be fun for me, I am sure of it.

But I worry that it won't be more.

Yeah, it'll probably also be tons better than oblivion, or even morrowind.

but in the end, it won't be good enough to etch a memory into my brain.

I won't play it in 10 years :(

oh, and half life is also an example that, the first time i played it, I felt like I was in black mesa. It was beautifully done.