Fallout 3 will be at E3

Morbus said:
Yeah, we're getting more and more games with C&C these days, which is only a good thing. Too bad they only realized that this late, of course, but what can we do?

StarCraft 2 will have C&C too, you know? And Diablo 3 has been said to have more of them, which is already starting to piss some fans off, including me... The irony!

I want to take a major part in the Sin War, and be able to join the legions of hell if I so choose :newevil:
Morbus said:
Brother None said:
Normally I'd say "yeah, Diablo is not the place for that", but let's be honest, the hack 'n slash genre absolutely stagnated after Diablo. The only thing we got were good copies of Diablo. If no one else is going to innovate and move the hack 'n slash genre forward, Blizzard will have to.
Genre blending is not moving forward. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for the moving forward, but choices & consequences may spoil the fun in a game like Diablo. Besides, Blizzard has no experience with it, so it prove to be a failed attempt at providing choices.

Adding choice and consequence to hack 'n slash is not genre blending. Choice & consequence is not as RPG-exclusive as some would lead you to believe, it's a design choice that you can adapt any genre around.
Brother None said:
Adding choice and consequence to hack 'n slash is not genre blending. Choice & consequence is not as RPG-exclusive as some would lead you to believe, it's a design choice that you can adapt any genre around.
It's just that rogue-likes are usually, I don't know, storydriven? It's not that it doesn't fit, it's just that it's the opposite of what it was... I know it's not RPG exclusive, I just said that and said I liked it, but there are some games and some games...
Maybe NMA should be at E3 too. Anyone in the California are interested in going, send me a pm.
DarkLegacy said:
I'm assuming only the press is going to be allowed access to said E3; since regular people suck so much.

But, maybe since no one is attending, they could ease up a bit and let some people in? :)

Don't assume - believe it. it's official. and *maybe* that's why some companies are doing their own and pulling out. Those super nerds that show up to E3 on their own usually have big inroads into the gaming scene in their town. I've never even gone, but if we set up a LAN for some game, I have a guaranteed 8 people that'll show up, out of a pool of 40 or so, depending on the game. The local PC cafe is the same way.

If an uber-nerd goes to E3, goes back to Midtown, USA (insert your country here, if necessary) and tells all his uber-nerd friends who frequent every game forum on the interwebs that "OMFG this game is teh chronic, yo" then you can bet that sways someone's decision to buy said game.

I actually don't plan on buying GTA 4 - why? Because it's GTA w/ better graphics. I've played that game 3 times - GTA 3, Vice City, and San Andreas. I personally am done with it. Obviously I'm a minority here, but I only know of 2 people out of 'my group' that have purchased it.

Maybe I'm just rambling, but long lines or no, public opinion can greatly influence a game's sales - maybe moreso than the gaming media realizes or lets on.