Fallout 4 Bobbleheads


Not Australian
Agility - Your Agility has been permanently increased by 1
Barter - Prices are permanently 5% better
Big guns - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with heavy weapons
Charisma - Your Charisma has been permanently increased by 1
Endurance - Your Endurance has been permanently increased by 1
Energy weapons - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with energy weapons
Explosive - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with explosives
Intelligence - Your Intelligence has been permanently increased by 1
Lockpicking - Lockpicking is permanently easier
Luck - Your Luck has been permanently increased by 1
Medicine - Stimpaks permanently heal 10% more damage
Melee - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with melee weapons
Perception - Your Perception has been permanently increased by 1
Repair - Fusion Cores last 10% longer
Science - Get one extra guess when hacking terminals
Small Guns - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with ballistic weapons
Sneak - You are Permanently 10% harder to detect
Speech - All vendors permanently have 100 more Caps for bartering
Strength - Your Strength has been permanently increased by 1
Unarmed - Permanently gain +25% critical damage with unarmed attacks
I guess "you get a boring, potentially unique perk" isn't necessarily less interesting than "you get more skill points." That's really the most positive thing I can say about it.

The speech one really is funny though.
The Science one may be just about the most useless perk of them all. So you get one more go at a terminal before you back out of the minigame and start all over again with a fresh set of guesses. Now that's some really awesome stuff.
That might encourage more scavenging and weapon mod usage.
That might encourage more scavenging and weapon mod usage.

Weapons don't degrade anymore though, do they? So you really only need one [best gun], and the rest can be sold or reduced to scrap.
Eh this is one change I can actually get behind, having to repair weapons was annoying. It kind of turns FO4 into Borderlands, but if you're gonna turn a series of RPGs into an open world FPS, there are much worse games to copy than Borderlands.
By scavenging and mod usage I'm referring to the many customization options for the guns. Basically the Borderlands style shit we are speaking about.
Just reading the effects of the Skill Bobbleheads pisses me off... this new system sucks balls...

There is a Perk that makes all Stimpaks Heal 100% so that means the Medicine Bobblehead is basically worthless...
This thing is just so badly thought out....
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True but heck this looks like it will be in line with the previous Bethesda titles. You have to be able to max out everything and then some, and you have to be able to do every quest and open every door. Oh and if you become a werewolf and then become a vampire and lose the werewolf bit then you have to STILL be able to become a werewolf, dig! Such epic.
So... Wait... Skills are put into bobbleheads?

What were BGS thinking, honestly?

Oh right, they weren't
This thread inspired me to create another thread about complaining. I agree, they need to think this system out better.

Guess we'll see how it plays out soon enough.
Wow, Such scorn twice!

I still feel positive about it. Most people now seem to want lighter RPG elements, which is upsetting I admit.The amount of customization through buildings and weapons will keep me satisfied even if it's considered an excuse for lack of substance by others.