Fallout 4 is like?.....

The whole game seems just so irrelevant. It is hard to care about anything going on there. I'd say Bethesda is like that 'friend' with great connections, cash, charisma, but little more than an ordinary, even mediocre talent, compared to say, truly talented, but less resourceful Obsidian counterpart. Say what you want about NV, I think that Obsidian was at least on the right path. In at least one aspect is NV > F3, which is the depth and the variations the game offer. F4 is def a step back in relation to both these games, and its advances are more than compensated by its overall shitness.
Trying to sleep at 3am in a 60 degree house in the dead of winter with the blanket somehow pulling back and slowly exposing your legs no matter what you try to do to stop it

basically that
If Fallout 3 was Fallout: D.C. Metro Adventure then Fallout 4 is Fallout: Junk Collecting Simulator.

At some point I became so incredibly sick of having to constantly travel between my home base and any new location, even when I am half way during a quest or when I am going through the place, just because I had to get rid of the cans, shopping baskets, empty plastic bottles, broken lamps, hairbrushes and so on that I had picked up.
The game felt extra frustrating and stretched out because of collecting all this crap you might need sooner or later to modify gear and weapons (not to mention build settlements), and as that was taking in the time I would normally use for said exploration and to do quests it was the moment for me to install a mod that allowed my PC to carry up to 10000 kg so I could finally get back into the campaign again.

And even now I sometimes wonder why I still bother collecting stuff as frequently enemies drop modded weapons and gear.