Fallout 4 multiplayer


Still Mildly Glowing
Now dont get me wrong here, the last thing I want to see is a last minute deathmatch mode thrown in just for the sake of having multiplayer, but I would be okay with a "cooperative" (not that you would actually have to cooperate) style multiplayer for fallout 4. There could be multiple character backgrounds to choose from and both players could interact with and affect the game world at the same time. It would be really complicated to work all the possible choices and quest combinations each player makes into the game in real time, but with the next generation of consoles focusing less on graphics capabilities and more on social components and expanding the ability to do more things at once I think its in the realm of possibility. Is this something you would like to see?
No...I just feel that if multiplayer is incorperated in any form into the next fallout, that it almost becomes an MMO. I have nothing against MMO's, but I don't want a regular fallout game to have multiplayer, unless it is intentionally being made into an MMO i guess.
Honestly, Fallout has never been a multiplayer game and I think the inclusion of either co-op or multiplayer would be weird. It'd start to feel something like Borderlands and I'm pretty sure it'd have its fair share of glitches and all sorts of nonsense like that. For now, I'll stick with my companions :D
You guys are aware than Van Burean was to have co-op multiplayer right? If the game is made in something less shitty, and designed ina way to be more friendly to it, it could easily work.
For isometric ver, I think divinity original sin's multiplay model would be good. actually one of the model of their game is fallout.

For beth's style... wel.. since they failed elderscroll online, I think they won't add mutiplay
AtomBomb said:
Just because Van Buren intended to do it doesn't mean it would have been any good...

There was also supposed to be the ability to have real time or turn based combat do you think this was a bad idea too? cooperative multiplayer, done properly, is actually A Good Thing.

I'd murder to get some Cooperative New Vegas, especially considering how much I made New Vegas. Desert Stalker.
Wintermind said:
AtomBomb said:
Just because Van Buren intended to do it doesn't mean it would have been any good...

There was also supposed to be the ability to have real time or turn based combat do you think this was a bad idea too? cooperative multiplayer, done properly, is actually A Good Thing.

I'd murder to get some Cooperative New Vegas, especially considering how much I made New Vegas. Desert Stalker.
Actully there's multiplay mod of NV. At the time I tried it wasn't completed though.
Funny thing is that 2p player is jesup. :lol:
I personally wouldn't mind it. And if not online, then maybe a split screen where 2nd player becomes one of your companions.
was also supposed to be the ability to have real time or turn based combat do you think this was a bad idea too? cooperative multiplayer, done properly, is actually A Good Thing.

Nope...don't know where the hell you read that I thought that would be a bad thing (regarding the combat system statement). Oh, who made it a fact that it would be a good thing? Can't argue opinion, friend. I don't care for the idea and you can't tell me that just because you like the idea means its a "good thing".
Wintermind said:
AtomBomb said:
Just because Van Buren intended to do it doesn't mean it would have been any good...

There was also supposed to be the ability to have real time or turn based combat do you think this was a bad idea too?

He's right though. Van Buren cut down on many skills, instead of expanding on their use. And real time cut down on the resources that could be invested elsewhere, considering the fact that the game was made for turn-based combat and RT removed a level of strategy from the game.
it was in the design docs i read ages ago on the vault.

VB intended to cut down some skills and expand others. The gun skills all needed a rework, and i still want them to split speech into separate skills.

Realtime was also an intended thing that still relied upon Action Points and actually playing the game. The idea was that some things would be easier in TB and some things easier in RT and you could change between them as you like. RT movement would prevent or cripple AP regeneration.

i'm sorry you guys are so broken that you don't think a solid cooperative function in a game isn't 'good' because nine times out of ten, that lack or poor implementation of it makes games much more awful. the ability to play with friends (split screen or over Lan/internet) makes games that might be otherwise really bad become an amusing interactive rifftrax: see gears of war, and games that are actually good, that much better, because you get share your story with other people who are there and not just whom you are telling like some goony sperg obsessed with video games
Wintermind said:
i'm sorry you guys are so broken that you don't think a solid cooperative function in a game isn't 'good'...

In some cases it's simply unecessary. In all cases, however, there's always a budget and some part of the game will have to suffer because the developers will include multiplayer. Either you put an accent on it (Call of Duty, Battlefield), or you don't have it at all...
BonusWaffle said:
Now dont get me wrong here, the last thing I want to see is a last minute deathmatch mode thrown in just for the sake of having multiplayer, but I would be okay with a "cooperative" (not that you would actually have to cooperate) style multiplayer for fallout 4. There could be multiple character backgrounds to choose from and both players could interact with and affect the game world at the same time. It would be really complicated to work all the possible choices and quest combinations each player makes into the game in real time, but with the next generation of consoles focusing less on graphics capabilities and more on social components and expanding the ability to do more things at once I think its in the realm of possibility. Is this something you would like to see?

I don't know... feels weird for a fallout game, but maby thats just me.
i'm sorry you guys are so broken that you don't think a solid cooperative function in a game isn't 'good'

Yes, makes perfect sense. I don't agree with you about multi player, therefore I am "broken". That's just a stupid comment. Look, you like the idea, that's fine. I don't care for the idea, don't you understand that not everybody likes the same things? Independent thoughts and opinions are a good thing, without them you are just a sheep.
AtomBomb said:
i'm sorry you guys are so broken that you don't think a solid cooperative function in a game isn't 'good'

Yes, makes perfect sense. I don't agree with you about multi player, therefore I am "broken". That's just a stupid comment. Look, you like the idea, that's fine. I don't care for the idea, don't you understand that not everybody likes the same things? Independent thoughts and opinions are a good thing, without them you are just a sheep.

you are soooooooooooooo adorable i must say

esp that use of sheep though im surprised you do go for sheeple

but no really good well made co-operative modes are ideal for basically every game im sorry you dont have any friends
Everyone wanting a Multiplayer function wont pass the citizen test.

Seriously that stuff is a waste of time. And yes, I dont have friends obviously.
Its not like we have control over the game anyways. Whether bethesda does or not, it's really not gonna matter to me.

Jus sayin 'cause you guys sound like you wanna rip eachothers throats out.