Fallout 4: One Year Later


Buried alive in Golgotha

Fallout 4 was a piece of shit, we all know that, but what is with the recent influx of two to three hour critique videos?
I think a lot of people ate some taco bell and had hot fiery poop for an hour and were like
"this is Fallout 4"
People stepped on a Lego brick : this is Automatron
People had their houses burglarised : this is Wasteland Workshop
People ate a burger that tasted like feet but otherwise was decent : this is Far Harbor
People shat themselves in front of all of their co-workers : this is Contraptions
People were drugged and lost a kidney to black market traders : this is Vault-Tec Workshop
People got gang raped at an amusement park with no rides and contracted HIV from the ordeal : Nuka World
I used the ignore tool on him for a week or two, and only read 1 out of every 10 posts @CT Phipps makes. Also, if you pretend he is Emil Swagliarulo it's easier to not get angry at him, and it explains a lot.

I love Mothership Zeta and Nuka World because they don't take themselves seriously and are just pure fun in the post-apocalypse. Probably why I love the Hubologists in Fallout 2, New Reno's mini-games, and the Bishop women.


There's not much of that in Fallout 4.

Fallout 4 was a piece of shit, we all know that, but what is with the recent influx of two to three hour critique videos?

Came to say that this video is actually interesting. I wish whoever makes Fallout 5 if it's ever even made has the critiques in this video always in mind.
you have got to be a troll dear god please be a troll

Actually the guy in the video is discussing this: Bethesda didn't decided if FO4 is a god or a troll.

The result is this mish-mash of loose opportunities, lazyness and good ideas being wasted in the shallowest possible manner.

For those - like me - who like to read a text instead of view a video, there's a version here:

Also, the video is very good.
This video is what convinced me that Fallout 4 was an irrevocable waste of time. This thing is a pure skinner box with no actual content. And what he doesn't mention the loot SUCKS, the world is hideously ugly, all those abandoned wooden houses should have burned down a long time ago, and the combat is so basic bitch it should come with a pumpkin spice latte.*

This guy could have written a better story than Bethesda. I want to play HIS Fallout 4. Hell, I'm artistically bankrupt, and I could write a better story than this. They just don't give a shit. Games for them are a toy, with no pretentions to artistic worth. I didn't like Lonesome Road all that much, but it was art.

*Note I love me some pumpkin spice