Fallout 4 or huge steaming colossal horse turd

Fallout 4 or huge steaming colossal horse turd

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I'm a huge germaphobe, so I'd rather take Fallout 4 despite my immortal hatred for it.
At least I can make all my settlers run around in their underwear and build a giant penis.

So you mean like this?
If you throw a dried horse/cow turd on a camp fire, the smoke will keep flying insects at bay. If you throw Fallout 4 on a campfire you'd likely die from toxic smoke inhalation [but you'd still be rid of FO4 though so it's OK!]
You need to get your layers going, blend the crisp edges so that it looks like she is one with the anus, tbh, I would like some Emil art over on the Emil appreciation thread, I might makes some today...

Edit: Example
Oh... how cute. Look at emil trying out his own driven and linear story controlled by shitty writing (but damn, does she look good).
I was going to say "one's shit, the other's horse turd" but horse turd is also shit so I'm not actually sure how the phrase is going to go now. "Fallout 4 is shit" just doesn't have any charm to it.