Fallout 4 review roundup #2

Brash Games 10/10 said:
The game is true masterpiece, its incredible, beautiful and extremely addictive (I’m even thinking about setting up a Fallout Anonymous group although know one would have time to come) and although it has its issues, a few bug here and their, a glitch or ten and the frames per second slightly stuttering I didn’t care. I wanted to explore the post apocalyptic wastelands of Boston, fight my way through hordes of irradiated mutated creatures absorbing experience points and collecting bottle caps (the games currency) to buy better weapons and gear or in reality stimpacks (health) and bullets as you eat through them at a rapid rate of knots.

Ok so this "reviewer" thought the game was about shooting hordes of mutated creatures in order to get currency to by better guns and shoot more mutants. And for this he awarded the game 10/10. He's not even pretending the game is an rpg.

But! If you really like shooters why would you give Fo4 10/10? The AI is poor and the shooter mechanics are below average. Surely Farcry would rate as a better game. I just find it bizarr how you can award such a flawed game 10/10. It's not good compared to other rpg:s and it's certainly not good compared to other shooters.
I'm finding the game to be a lot of fun, but it is badly flawed... That said, currently, I'm having a lot more fun than I had with any other game in the series other than F2 (I started with a few hours of F2, then put it to one side to complete the original, then went back to F2), but that said, it doesn't have legs - Once I'm done with it, I'll be done and the game will be forgotten. It's sort of like comparing ice cream with steak. Sure, the ice cream is fun, but it's not fulfilling.
Exactly, Beth tried to shoot for multiple target audiences and instead were left with a mediocre sludge that wasn't really good at any of the different aspects they tried to implement.

It's not a good RPG because of the shitty writing, leveling and dialogue system. It's not a good FPS because of the terrible AI and low performance. It's not a good hiking simulator due to the bland world and number of bugs. And it's not a good Minecraft because of the clunky interface and generally, terrible implementation of the whole thing (seriously, there is already a mod for F3 that does the exact same thing.)

But hey! 10/10 on the Rool of Cool. Giant airship base? Check. Dog companion? Check. Giant robot, shooting lasers out of it's eyes? Check. Portable nuke launcher? Check.
Here's another beaut:

Fallout 4 Review – Welcome to the Borderlands…No, Wait, What? (7/10)
Read more at http://nichegamer.com/reviews/fallout-4-review/#ml48mCEmFO60yc6l.99

When Bethesda took over the Fallout series and dragged its fans – kicking and screaming – into the first person, real-time, modern world, they did so with very little care as to what the games were about and why they were successful in the first place.

Introducing a version of the Brotherhood of Steel that were law-abiding do-gooders and Super Mutants whose mere existence retconned the previous games’ lore, Todd Howard’s first Fallout game became responsible for most of the hate you see directed at him today. Granted, they explained away the changes to the game’s lore, but it was done in awfully slapdash fashion and, like giving money to a homeless drunk, it was a kind gesture that only made things worse.

For many of those who were upset at the premise (and gameplay elements) of Fallout 3, Obsidian’s Fallout: New Vegas felt like a breath of fresh air. Memorable companions, a branching plot line, multiple endings, real faction play, and quite a few callbacks to the older Fallout games made it a fan favorite. Even an isometric camera loving grognard like me loved it and found myself thinking that yes, a 3D, FPS-focused, modern Fallout game could work.

This brings us to Fallout 4. A sequel that was either going to build on the successes of New Vegas or backpedal and become nothing more than a Fallout “3.5”. Fans fought back and forth on message boards for nearly a year, theorizing what path Bethesda would take. Would they give us faction play? Would we get a non-linear questline? Would we get multiple endings that both were diverse and interesting?


Zero PunctuationFallout 4


"How much garbage can we fit in our underpants competition" - Fallout 4

Wheels falling off the Hyyyype Train?

By the time Fallout 5 rolls around, the first round of reviews will repeat how "Fallout 4 failed in this, here's how Fallout 5 is 100/100 while ignoring the fails."
Brash Games 10/10 said:
The game is true masterpiece, its incredible, beautiful and extremely addictive (I’m even thinking about setting up a Fallout Anonymous group although know one would have time to come) and although it has its issues, a few bug here and their, a glitch or ten and the frames per second slightly stuttering I didn’t care. I wanted to explore the post apocalyptic wastelands of Boston, fight my way through hordes of irradiated mutated creatures absorbing experience points and collecting bottle caps (the games currency) to buy better weapons and gear or in reality stimpacks (health) and bullets as you eat through them at a rapid rate of knots.

Ok so this "reviewer" thought the game was about shooting hordes of mutated creatures in order to get currency to by better guns and shoot more mutants. And for this he awarded the game 10/10. He's not even pretending the game is an rpg.

But! If you really like shooters why would you give Fo4 10/10? The AI is poor and the shooter mechanics are below average. Surely Farcry would rate as a better game. I just find it bizarr how you can award such a flawed game 10/10. It's not good compared to other rpg:s and it's certainly not good compared to other shooters.

The thing to understand is that some of these people consider Borderlands to be an RPG. That is the sort of thing it gets compared to. Heck, even GTA was in the Xbox "RPG Sale".
Ooo, here we go.

"The thing with Bethesda is that ever since Julian Lefay left during the development of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, they have adopted this odd tactic of removing small sections of their game with every sequel."

Thank you, reviewer. You hit the nail right on the head.
But! If you really like shooters why would you give Fo4 10/10? The AI is poor and the shooter mechanics are below average. Surely Farcry would rate as a better game.

This is what I don't understand. The action RPG as designed by Bethesda is such a useless hybrid; the gameplay is inevitably too jenky for the game to actually be fun as a shooter, and obviously there are no real RPG elements to speak of. So we get the worst of both worlds: something that is billed as an "action-RPG" but that's incapable of delivering good action or good RPG mechanics.

I mean, if we're going to compare Fallout 4 to games like Call of Duty, surely Call of Duty is an infinitely better shooter. If you like FPS killfests, I don't understand why Fallout 4 would be appealing to you, any more than it would be appealing to those of us who like RPGs.
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But! If you really like shooters why would you give Fo4 10/10? The AI is poor and the shooter mechanics are below average. Surely Farcry would rate as a better game.

This is what I don't understand. The action RPG as designed by Bethesda is such a useless hybrid; the gameplay is inevitably too jenky for the game to actually be fun as a shooter, and obviously there are no real RPG elements to speak of. So we get the worst of both worlds: something that is billed as an "action-RPG" but that's incapable of delivering good action or good RPG mechanics.

I mean, if we're going to compare Fallout 4 to games like Call of Duty, surely Call of Duty is an infinitely better shooter. If you like FPS killfests, I don't understand why Fallout 4 would be appealing to you, any more than it would be appealing to those of us who like RPGs.

Speaking about Call of Duty, I find it amusing to see fanboys of games that aren't really better bash on it and think they are some sort of hardcore gamer for not playing a "casual" series like it while they defend the latest unoriginal sequel their favorite company put on the market.

Not bashing on Bethesda or any other company, but I find it ironic. People can say all the shit they want about it, I still thinnk CoD 4 is a fantastic FPS.

I realize this has absolutely nothing to do with the subject of the topic but, hey, who cares?:grin: As for the reviews themselves, I simply am amzed at how uncritical they are. And why pur perfect notes when the game clearly isn't? It's just stupid.
It's very funny that in the crowd there was a voice shouting "Dont say Fallout!", "I swear to God", when they were about to annouce GOTY :lol::
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Timestamp for the GOTY award? I'm not going to watch two hours of Dorrito-Dude just for a second of fun :D
Yathzee also released his review of the game. Unlike his pal, Jim "Newer games are better just because" Sterling, he can usually(but unfortunately not always) see trough hype, and call bullshit on the big famous games. He wasn't afraid to point that Fallout 4 is an unbalanced RPG, that it have the worst dialogue ever, the worst character progession and that, in his opnions, was dumbed down for minecraft kids. Ouch.

right now is only available at the escapistweb site, but wait till next week when the review gets up on youtube to see the sh*t storm.
What a shame that Super Mario Maker didn't make it.. He live, he die, he live again!
huge-ass 1 MB gif:
Why? You keep asking Why?

Because the mass of people are perpetually bored, hungry for something new, and above all do NOT WANT TO BE CHALLENGED. They'll gladly pay .99 per track for boring mass produced pop music based on what used to be your favorite underground music style, because it's a new sound, doesn't challenge them, and they're forever HUNGRY. They're line dancing to something not entirely unlike drum and bass breaks. It's happening somewhere right now.

They want a safe digestible verison of your favorite cool thing in super-sized portions, prechewed, and they want to to taste EXACTLY LIKE THE THING THEY ATE YESTERDAY.


And really, that's OK. The masses need games too. There are lots of reviewers catering to their tastes, which is all as it should be and normal. You might not want to judge them; we all play games we're not proud of. :)

From an RPG standpoint, Fallout is a lot like the Alien series. There was that one truely classic one. Then was the second one that wasn't exactly a classic but was a lot of fun, and then... there were the others. If you're still waiting for a new, deep Aliens franchise movie or Fallout game, I envy your optimism.
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Eh? Fallout 2 is a classic and at this point Tactics is one of the golden oldies. I get what you are saying though. Opinions and all that.