Fallout 4 rpgcodex review

This gem found it's way to /RFallout

The moment anyone even gave any praise to this review, they were downvoted like hell. Reddit never dissapoints me with their censorship policies.
Wasn't he just trying to mimic the usual clickbait article and video that run rampant all over the internet?

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Eh, probably.
Not that it matters much, I suppose; it's a nitpick.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Fallout/comments/4eb853/rpg_codex_releases_their_critique_of_fallout_4/

Both NMA and Reddit are circlejerks, but I like our wretched hive of scum and villainy.

They seem to be disregarding the author's opinions based on the argument that "he sounds like a cynical cunt".
Both NMA and Reddit are circlejerks, but I like our wretched hive of scum and villainy.
We actually listen and consider other opinions, Reddit bashes you the moment you criticize there favorite game.
The title is a tongue-in-cheek shot at the stupid clickbait that pervades news sites.

The rest of the article tho, while it has some funny spots, is a fairly straight forward criticism of the various aspects of the game that I think deserved it.

He doesn't gush about the power armor, or make excuses for the game like "it's fun if you don't call it Fallout" but he does mention that the visuals can be interesting or pretty at times.
I may not agree, but he seemed to enjoy the suicider SMs as a thing to break up the monotony of shooting generic enemy mobs.

If there is any bias in it, it's that the author expected RPG mechanics from a game billed as an RPG, made by Bethesda. We've all made that mistake before tho to some degree.
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This is from 10 months old thread, safely locked and archived in order to protect their eternal wisdom from any further comments. Reddit my ass! :lol:
For the uninitiated, NMA is an internet forum dedicated to becoming a bitter and cynical human being, with a small side focus on theFallout video game series. They have an irrational and bizarre hatred of Todd Howard, in the manner of those isolated tribal islanders who throw stones and sticks at helicopters because they think it's a flying metal demon.
They seem to be disregarding the author's opinions based on the argument that "he sounds like a cynical cunt".

To be absolutely fair, that's not always an unreasonable expectation when the Codex is involved.

The review does raise some good points, however. Especially given the complete dissonance between the urgency of finding your baby, and the game encouraging you to go kill raiders at the ass end of nowhere then plant tomates on top of their corpses. That's common to open world games admitedly, but some do it better; in Inquisition, doing side-quests explicitely expands your power base and you know where and when your enemy will strike in advance. In TW3, Geralt does a lot of witchering on the side but that is literally his job. Hell, in Morrowind your handler literally tells you that you should go adventure a bit and cut your teeth before proceeding with the main quest. There's really no reason at all for the PC to be doing menial tasks while their baby is being kidnapped by some dude, but the game throws those quests at you and does its best to shatter any sense of urgency.
Being cynical has a very serious place in the pantheon of methods of higher thought process.

I wouldn't expect redditors to understand that though, since the vast majority of the content there is "look at this and agree with me!!!" in varying forms.
Fallout was the world, not the gameplay.

I never took it that way (that would seem as if Fallout was some sort of interactive lorebook wrapped inside of a "what ever" game).

It was designed gameplay first, and the way it opened up to me was always something like 60/40 for gameplay. Meaning that, if they changed the world something less interesting but left the systems and overall design as they were, I would've still held up to some degree; but if they left the world as is and changed the gameplay to, say, that of Diablo or an FPS, I wouldn't have cared much. That still holds with me. The new Fallouts look and feel almost completely alien to the experience I had and had hoped from sequels, New Vegas had some nice effort to it, but it too ultimately fell short with gameplay. No point in arguing that stuff anymore, though. The series is not the route it is, and that's not likely to change.

I think the codex review sounds pretty spot on from what I've seen, heard and experienced Fallout 4.
My last post was too ranty.

Anyway, after re-reading this review 10 times over, I've still yet to find anything remotely funny in it.

Also, the title being a parody of Buzzfeed posts is really fucking disappointing, couldn't they find anything else?
Most people on Redditnactually think the review is spot on or agree with some points. Of course, there are those who accuse the author of using his opnion as facts...

EDIT: People dismissing it and accusing the reviewer of being an Obsidian fanboy on the Bethesda forum are quite hilarious.
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well mentioning that the last Fallout game and it's mods had a bunch of features that Bethesda could not manage to directly copy and paste for their new one... that obviously means you're an Obsidian fanboy.

It couldn't mean anything else could it?
Ah this is a wonderful review for such a stinker, I think the title was either aimed towards the uninformed fanboys(well straight up oblivious to flaws and other criticisms of the game) or just sarcastic. They're too busy circlejerking to think about it until the RPGCodex stirs the hornets nest for the lulz.