So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Found this glittering gem of wisdom on Reddit.
To be fair, Sims actually have more RPG elements than Fo4.In that case, Sims is an amazing RPG for him. He can role-play a stupidly poor suburban family.
To be fair, Sims actually have more RPG elements than Fo4.
In defense of Fallout Tactics, at least it still keep the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. mostly intact, although i get your point about FO4 have little to no actual RPG elements.Tactics has more RPG elements.
In defense of Fallout Tactics, at least it still keep the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. mostly intact, although i get your point about FO4 have little to no actual RPG elements.
I really need to get round to playing tactics.
.......I'll just leave this old classic here:
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Feel free to gouge your own eyes out if you made it this far.
Rape and Pussy Groping.I bet he don't even know what does RPG really stand for.
The settlement system does have the potential for role-playing opportunities if it were more integrated into the world and story. But alas as it stands.. Its a gimmick.View attachment 6643
Found this glittering gem of wisdom on Reddit.