Fallout 4


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
My Fallout 4

The game would be set in DC (again) in the year 2299. You start the game off at your dad’s funeral. He was murded. You want revenge on the person who killed him. So you leave Megaton. The first mission is for you to go to the Talon Company, you can do this in a number of ways, sneak in, shoot your way in, disguise yourself as one of the mercs, have a good reputation with them or you can do a mission for them which involves you killing the leader of the regulators, doing this will earn you reo for the Talons, but you lose the rep with the Regulators.

After you get in, you must speak to the leader, depending on which way you get in, he will approach you differently i.e if you shoot your way in, he will say how strong you are or if you have high rep, he will call you his friend. You tell him about your father in which case you gives on of his men as a follower. Note: this follower will remain with you for a period of the game so is considered essential. Also, you can have one other follower.
You are then told that the raiders might know about your father’s death.

You go to the raiders, again, you can approach them in a number of different ways. After you get in, you will talk to the Raider Leader for the area (in this case, the super-duper mart) he will tell you that he spoke to someone in Rivet City who witnessed a murder recently.
You head to Rivet City where you find a raider, he tells you about a murder which took place outside Vault 101.
You investigate the area and find a bullet. You then return to Megaton where you find the bullet matches the bullet that was found in your father’s body.

You examine your father’s body once more and find a folded map in his coat, the map is telling you to go to Raven Rock ruins.
You arrive at the ruins and find a load of notes inside. The notes tell you that your father knew he was going to die. The notes tell you to go the Canterbury commons and speak to a friend of his there.

You arrive at Canterbury Commons, he tells you that there were four of them who were given a secret code to a weapon at the Pentagon ruins. He tells you his code. You are then told to head to the pentagon but first, you are invited to sleep at Canterbury Commons for the night.
The next morning, you find out that your dads friend is dead.

You go to the Pentagon where you have to shoot your way through Feral Ghouls.
You come to a big metal gate. You soon learn that you were being followed the entire time since leaving the Talon Company Mercs. You then learn that your follower was also the person that killed your dad. However, you find out that there there are underground factions planning a war with each other. You learn that these factions are:
The Brotherhood of steel
The Outcasts
You then have a choice, either kill your follower or kill the person following you

If you kill your follower, then the other person decides to take you to the Outcasts who want to get all the tech in the wastes. Doing this, leads you into missions like collecting tech and gaining the respect of Factions and Settlements.

Killing the other guy will let your follower open the gates to find Liberty Prime. Your mission is to find tech to build him up stronger. You are then lead to the BoS where they tell you to gain the respect of Settlements and Factions.

Finally, you have to go to the Super Mutants and try to gain their respect. To do this, you have to speak to Fawkes and do a few missions for him.

The battle between Outcasts and BoS depends on the actions you have taken throughout the game, all the Factions who have your respect will fight for your side and those that don’t, will fight against you.

You are then brought into the final part of the game, after the battle of the wasteland, Fawkes gets shot in the head, but instead of dying, he turns crazy. The final mission is to kill him, however, all the Super Mutants in the wastes now see Fawkes as a leader, so they will try to kill you.

Once you have killed Fawkes, a gang of super mutants find you.
You then have a choice, shoot your way out of the gang of mutants, or let yourself be killed.

The Ending depends on the actions you have taken throughout the game.
I wouldn't want to play what is almost the exact same game. In my opinion, DC is finished. Future games can talk about it (obviously) and maybe even a section of the mmo could deal with it, but I don't think this would be a good idea. It's even a worse idea because you don't incorporate any other factions or gameplay elements and the storyline honestly kind of sucks.
Time to hit Mexico...

"You then have a choice, shoot your way out of the gang of mutants, or let yourself be killed. "

Right, stop that! It's silly!
I dislike this idea for a Fallout game. Why would anyone want to go back to DC anyway? I would much rather go somewhere new.
Walpknut said:
"You then have a choice, shoot your way out of the gang of mutants, or let yourself be killed. "


Why are you so mean yaar?

.Pixote. said:
Time to hit Mexico...

I'd like that. I'm starting to get into Latin America lately.
Fallout 4 : New New Mexico and New Mexico.

The new Fallout happening in Mexico would be great, I think.
Actually, I was thinking alaska might be interesting. Just think of the environment :

Instead of wandering in a desert, you could wander in a snowstorm.
It'll be like skyrim...but with guns and radiation instead of bows and magic.
My vote goes to Charlotte, NC. The energy capital of America.



Millim said:
My Fallout 4

The game would be set in DC (again) in the year 2299. You start the game off at your dad’s funeral. He was murded. You want revenge on the person who killed him. So you leave Megaton. The first mission is for you to go to the Talon Company, you can do this in a number of ways, sneak in, shoot your way in, disguise yourself as one of the mercs, have a good reputation with them or you can do a mission for them which involves you killing the leader of the regulators, doing this will earn you reo for the Talons, but you lose the rep with the Regulators.

After you get in, you must speak to the leader, depending on which way you get in, he will approach you differently i.e if you shoot your way in, he will say how strong you are or if you have high rep, he will call you his friend. You tell him about your father in which case you gives on of his men as a follower. Note: this follower will remain with you for a period of the game so is considered essential. Also, you can have one other follower.
You are then told that the raiders might know about your father’s death.

You go to the raiders, again, you can approach them in a number of different ways. After you get in, you will talk to the Raider Leader for the area (in this case, the super-duper mart) he will tell you that he spoke to someone in Rivet City who witnessed a murder recently.
You head to Rivet City where you find a raider, he tells you about a murder which took place outside Vault 101.
You investigate the area and find a bullet. You then return to Megaton where you find the bullet matches the bullet that was found in your father’s body.

You examine your father’s body once more and find a folded map in his coat, the map is telling you to go to Raven Rock ruins.
You arrive at the ruins and find a load of notes inside. The notes tell you that your father knew he was going to die. The notes tell you to go the Canterbury commons and speak to a friend of his there.

You arrive at Canterbury Commons, he tells you that there were four of them who were given a secret code to a weapon at the Pentagon ruins. He tells you his code. You are then told to head to the pentagon but first, you are invited to sleep at Canterbury Commons for the night.
The next morning, you find out that your dads friend is dead.

You go to the Pentagon where you have to shoot your way through Feral Ghouls.
You come to a big metal gate. You soon learn that you were being followed the entire time since leaving the Talon Company Mercs. You then learn that your follower was also the person that killed your dad. However, you find out that there there are underground factions planning a war with each other. You learn that these factions are:
The Brotherhood of steel
The Outcasts
You then have a choice, either kill your follower or kill the person following you

If you kill your follower, then the other person decides to take you to the Outcasts who want to get all the tech in the wastes. Doing this, leads you into missions like collecting tech and gaining the respect of Factions and Settlements.

Killing the other guy will let your follower open the gates to find Liberty Prime. Your mission is to find tech to build him up stronger. You are then lead to the BoS where they tell you to gain the respect of Settlements and Factions.

Finally, you have to go to the Super Mutants and try to gain their respect. To do this, you have to speak to Fawkes and do a few missions for him.

The battle between Outcasts and BoS depends on the actions you have taken throughout the game, all the Factions who have your respect will fight for your side and those that don’t, will fight against you.

You are then brought into the final part of the game, after the battle of the wasteland, Fawkes gets shot in the head, but instead of dying, he turns crazy. The final mission is to kill him, however, all the Super Mutants in the wastes now see Fawkes as a leader, so they will try to kill you.

Once you have killed Fawkes, a gang of super mutants find you.
You then have a choice, shoot your way out of the gang of mutants, or let yourself be killed.

The Ending depends on the actions you have taken throughout the game.

This seriously has to be the worst future game idea ever created. Who says Megaton even exists still, what if it was blown up by the previous protagonist (antagonist?). How on earth would you gain reputation with a bunch of psychopaths who attacked anyone on site in the previous game? The plot becomes a stupid "go to this point now" type of game with no impact on the storyline. Why the hell would a raider be at Rivet City without getting shot by the security and tell you to go to the leader of the raiders (and I'm not even going to bother mentioning that Capital Wasteland raiders are not the sociable type and would attack on site anyway). Come on, their headquarters are the Super-Duper Mart? It was a great place to explore in the previous game, but their headquarters are a supermarket? That's bleeping pathetic. You manage to search an entire area for a goddamn bullet, you DO know how small bullets are right? And what, you think that a shack with a doctor have CSI equipment for checking the bullet a man was shot by? Why the bleep would your father have access to a weapon in the Pentagon? This is exacerbated by the fact that the Pentagon isn't even in D.C, it's in Virginia retard! I'M NOT EVEN AMERICAN AND I KNOW THAT! Skipping ahead since story is even more terrible, and wow. What a choice, kill a bunch of super mutants or bend over and let them take away your masculinity by their lead bullets. Your choices are impeccable.

Ahhh, that felt better.
I'm sorry but this is not that great of a idea. The plot has too many cliches, and is too much like Fallout 3. You need to think more about the plot rather than cool things that would happen. That is where Bethesda typically fails. You have a lot to do, but no real impact on the game world.
I want it in Texas

Fallout games are too short and everything is bigger in Texas.

Plus, John Wayne could be in it
"Raiders leader", right. Which gang? Do you actually think raiders are an organized group across the wasteland?
The only raiders with that kind of organization are the Khans, the Vipers, the Jackals, and the ones who attacked Vault City. There was no leads about an organized raider crew in DC.

Also, the Talon company's leader actually willing to talk to you and cooperate after you kill his crew is not likely to happen. "Oh, right, you killed half my company, but it's OK because you have balls, I will not try to make you eat your own guts nor will I run like hell from here, because I like you", yeah, right.

Also, why would you kill a member of a faction you know nothing about? You can cooperate with one side without sharing lead with every person in the wasteland, you know?
Yeah, I can see now that this was a fucking alfull idea. I guess I'm trying too hard at amking the game look cool then stick on the fallout path which is basically survival. So I retake this idea and instead call it, Fallout 4 Satire. Yes, even I hate this idea now.
Could do it in Florida in the swamps. Can have new creatures in it like mutated gators, and panthers. can take place in the Jacksonville, Tampa, or Miami areas.