Fallout 4

F1: southern california, 80 years after war (yaw)
F2: northern california, 160 yaw
NV: mojave/nevada, since california is done

From those we know utah/arizona/etc is legion grounds, so why not show the other side of that region, which is texas iirc?

F4: half of texas (developer choice), 80 yaw
F5: other half, 160 yaw
F6, etc: whatever power managed to get a hold of texas (like NCR did with california), make it expand or something, maybe meet NCR etc

the same timframe of F1 and 2 can be used for so many areas of US, no need to make shit like F3 did (DC 200 yaw still in worst shape than anywhere right after the war)
the same timframe of F1 and 2 can be used for so many areas of US, no need to make shit like F3 did (DC 200 yaw still in worst shape than anywhere right after the war)

I support it! If we go on and on in timeline, soon it will be all over, it's just easier and more original to move back in time (not only in space).
I think a lot of people here, even before Fallout 3 agreed with that idea; placing Fallout games in other parts of the US but around the period of Fallout 1 or 2 in order to create the Fallout atmosphere.

Its Bethesda who is against games that are sort of 'prequels', set in earlier time periods after the war.

I am honestly against reseting the setting by starting new holocausts so I see this as a far better idea.

Only problem probably in designers' eyes is that they can not use factions such as the Brotherhood of Steel, Followers of the Apocalypse etc. in regions where these factions are not active at the time according to canon.

Again not a problem in my eyes as this will make designers have to come up with new factions and organizations rather than reusing what has been made up before.
It'd be kind of fun if they made a spin-off during the period of Fallout 2 where you operate around the area of Fallout 1 and a bit of Fallout 2. Getting to meet the Chosen One would be sort of awesome.

And then again, it'd be a spin-off, for canonical reasons. I already have an idea for the main character (i.e. military faction that lost many men and is on the verge of instinction), but it's just an idea for the fun of it, like a mod, not a game. :)
"back to DC"

NOPE. Why return to a setting that would retconn most of the series when they can pretend the DC wasteland never happened?!
Zyelashar said:
Could do it in Florida in the swamps. Can have new creatures in it like mutated gators, and panthers. can take place in the Jacksonville, Tampa, or Miami areas.

I like that Idea, but why not take it out of the US? Some place like Russia, China, or London. A REALLY cool place would be somewhere like Rome, too.
Seasick said:
Zyelashar said:
Could do it in Florida in the swamps. Can have new creatures in it like mutated gators, and panthers. can take place in the Jacksonville, Tampa, or Miami areas.

I like that Idea, but why not take it out of the US? Some place like Russia, China, or London. A REALLY cool place would be somewhere like Rome, too.

Answered that one many times, a big part of Fallout is Americana (American Culture).
Not much of that found in Italy, wouldn't you agree?
Canada and Mexico are the only places outside of the U.S. that would work for a Fallout game.
Courier said:
Canada and Mexico are the only places outside of the U.S. that would work for a Fallout game.

I disagree. I think another country would be possible, but maybe make it a spinoff. I do think there are a ton of great locations in North America though, so there really isn't a reason to deviate from that. Off the top of my head I would say Seattle, Detroit, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, and Chicago would all make good locations for a future games.
What about a place like Vatican City or Rome? I think the style could make a really cool Fallout game.
Seasick said:
What about a place like Vatican City or Rome? I think the style could make a really cool Fallout game.

Nah, it would turn into "Assassin's Creed: Post Apocalyptic Edition".

Fallout is very much rooted in American culture and history. No country outside of North America would really work (not saying that it couldn't make a good game, but it wouldn't really feel like Fallout).
sea said:
Hi, Todd.

"Lol, why don't we like, make a Fallout game, set in SOMALIA!!!!1! THen there can be this faction of Somalian pirates taht you can fight and it'll be like LOL!!!!1!"

Fallout is deeply rooted in Americana and that stark contrast between 50's McCarthyism/war paranoia and unbridled optimism for the future. The game is about a nightmare that's been deeply rooted in the American psyche since the end of WWII, one that couldn't be fully realized or understood outside of North America or Russia.

Fallout set anywhere other than America wouldn't be Fallout. If you're going to set it outside of North America you might as well just create a new intellectual property rather than slapping the "Fallout" name on it in order to sell copies.
Sorry Sea, I thought your "Hi, Todd" comment was to me. That's why I started ranting at you.

Yeah the OP's idea is bad. I agree with you.