Fallout 50% off on GOG

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Our digital classics friends at Good Old Games are running a Spring Promo, with eight games 50% off and two 30% off. Amongst the 50% offs is Fallout, which is now available for $2.99.

Don't bother asking if it's worth it, the answer is yes. Sorry for not posting on this earlier, but heck, we kind of figure you all own Fallout already anyway. The promo will run until Tuesday, April 6 at 11:59 p.m. EDT.
aenemic said:
will Bethesda get any of those $2.99?

The right to exploit the Fallout 1/2/Tactics/BoS sales has been retained by Interplay. Money from sales of those games goes to Interplay.
Well, unless they win the lawsuit. But even then Interplay won't have much to pay Bethesda with.
Brother None said:
The right to exploit the Fallout 1/2/Tactics/BoS sales has been retained by Interplay. Money from sales of those games goes to Interplay.
I like how all this stuff says "1/2/Tactics/BoS", but everyone knows Brotherhood of Steel will never, ever be re-released like the Fallout Trilogy is.
Ausir said:
Well, unless they win the lawsuit. But even then Interplay won't have much to pay Bethesda with.

Man, i have totally forgotten that there was a lawsuit between the two. I wonder how long can they keep it up.

Fallout 1/2/Tactics/BoS sales

Hahahahahaha! BoS "sales" Hahahahahaha!
They could still sell FoBoS except that it would probably cost them more to make a PS2 game than it'd worth.

It's actually OK for one playthrough at $5 or whatever it is worth now. But then again you can get the original for $2.99 at GOG right now..

Oh well, I still think some bargain bin titles are worth playing through at least once. There are far worse games than FoBoS. It was "playable". Kinda like how that thick bread that didn't quite rise when you baked it was kinda "edible". :P

If it were a PC title they could still make money on it. Seems kinda ironic.
Ausir said:
Well, unless they win the lawsuit. But even then Interplay won't have much to pay Bethesda with.

Since Interplay won the preliminary injunction hearing I'm pretty sure Bethesda can not claim money from sales made up to and until the point where the contract is actually unmade, which would be the exact moment Interplay loses the lawsuit.

Also if that happens the contracts between Interplay and GOG/other Fallout publishers becomes unmade, and they can no longer distribute Fallout.

Man that'd suck.
Brother None said:
Also if that happens the contracts between Interplay and GOG/other Fallout publishers becomes unmade, and they can no longer distribute Fallout.

Man that'd suck.

Buying a game digitally and then having that company lose the right to distribute it would suck. One of the reasons I bought it off of GOG was to have it on their servers and available to me whenever I wanted, and to easily move it to a new computer when I get one.
I got the two for a discount, fallout 1 and 2.

8.99 for both together. I think that is more than what it is today, but mine was only 2 days ago. 9 dollars for 2 games cant be beat. They seem to do promotions of things if you buy more than one at a time sometimes.

GOG is good stuff. they give you whatever the original install disks are. works with killap's stuff.

I wish they carried things like Lucasfilm games or kings quest... text based games, Zork... etc.
Since Interplay won the preliminary injunction hearing I'm pretty sure Bethesda can not claim money from sales made up to and until the point where the contract is actually unmade, which would be the exact moment Interplay loses the lawsuit.

Also if that happens the contracts between Interplay and GOG/other Fallout publishers becomes unmade, and they can no longer distribute Fallout.

Man that'd suck.

I am not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that despite the lack of preliminary injunction, a court can still decide that Interplay's previous digital sales were illegal and that Interplay has to pay money for these to Bethesda.
I am not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that despite the lack of preliminary injunction, a court can still decide that Interplay's previous digital sales were illegal and that Interplay has to pay money for these to Bethesda.

But only the one that has been sold as fallout trilogy, right?
Beside, I don't think they care that much about the money made by the previous fallout. For them it's only a way to put pressure on Interplay. The real battle is about the right to make a fallout mmo
Ausir said:
I am not a lawyer, but I'm pretty sure that despite the lack of preliminary injunction, a court can still decide that Interplay's previous digital sales were illegal and that Interplay has to pay money for these to Bethesda.

"pretty sure" based on?
I'm not a lawyer but I have studied Law. Not copyright law though. But my first take would be; no, the court won't do that. Interplay is legally acting under a valid contract, and its right to continue to do so has been affirmed in the court by denying the preliminary injunction. You can invalidate the contract, but you can't invalidate it in the past. Not unless Bethesda sues for damages and can prove bad faith.
a friend of mine had the boxed version of f1 and f2 and when he moved out of his house he trashed them...

wonder if they were worth something like y'know those comics that go up in value with time
Manu said:
a friend of mine had the boxed version of f1 and f2 and when he moved out of his house he trashed them...

wonder if they were worth something like y'know those comics that go up in value with time

My mother trashed my f1 and f2 boxes back in the day. I don't think they have any value but they had f*ing symbolic value to me.
Manu said:
a friend of mine had the boxed version of f1 and f2 and when he moved out of his house he trashed them...

wonder if they were worth something like y'know those comics that go up in value with time

Heresy! Where is the guy with that heresy-stamp?!

I moved flat four times and my f2-box made it every time :D. I guess they don’t have any monetary "Value", I would not buy one but I certainly will not sell mine 8-).

*cuddles his f2-box"
I'm such a box hoarder.

I've the 'dvd style' Fallout Trilogy case, but I'd kill to have original-release, mint-condition 1 & 2 boxes... Oh well.

As for GOG.com, even though I've got the hard copies, I bought the digital versions too. ...*Fallout cred +1* :lol: