Fallout 50% off on GOG

el_jefe_of_ny said:
I wish they carried things like Lucasfilm games or kings quest... text based games, Zork... etc.

They recently made a deal with Activision, and currently have King's Quest 4, 5, and 6 in a bundle.
You can get some of the Lucasfilm games on Steam, might not have the DRM free indie feel of GoG but it has Loom.
jomiyo said:
I'm such a box hoarder.

I've the 'dvd style' Fallout Trilogy case, but I'd kill to have original-release, mint-condition 1 & 2 boxes... Oh well.

As for GOG.com, even though I've got the hard copies, I bought the digital versions too. ...*Fallout cred +1* :lol:

How much? Not that I'd sell, but I have everything from the genesis including manuals to the latest, wondering more what someone would be willing to part with to get them?
draeke said:
jomiyo said:
I'd kill to have original-release, mint-condition 1 & 2 boxes...

How much?

Just give me your full address and I'll take care of the rest. :twisted:

Seriously, no, I likely couldn't afford as much as some people surely would pay on ebay and the like. :wink: