Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Apocalyptic Novel

Thanks man. Always appreciate the support, opinions (whether good or bad), and even suggestions. A writer that doesn't take their fans suggestions in thought screws themselves in the long run (won't mention any names.... Dark Tower series).

Also, what do you think about backing my book NMA? :deal:
If it weren't for the legal ramifications that would ensue from Bethesda, I might have sold this after I finish (of course, giving the members of NMA who signed up to a list a free copy).
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I think questions of backing would go to @Brother None or @Per right? I forget who's "in charge" these days, with BN working on/with WL2 team.
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Nah it was a joke. I don't want anybodies name's, slogan's, or advertisement on this book. This book belongs to Fallout fans.

Made by Fallout fans, for Fallout fans.

Technically, Odin is in charge but I don't think he's taken so much as a peek at the site in months. I really wish Miroslav was back. I mean not because Odin's a bad leader, I don't even know the guy. But just because Miroslav was a cool dude. I had a long conversation with the guy right before he handed the website over (this was before I ever signed up to NMA in 07 back with my old account that I abandoned/lost the password too).
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I am Damen Grzelachowski, those on the internet know me by my pseudonym BigBoss.


I've just downloaded your first three chapters, but can't promise you when I'll be able to get through them all. I'll be sure to send a message (and maybe a rad or too) your way once I do, though. Skimming through some passages, it already looks quite promising.
Always appreciate the support, opinions (whether good or bad), and even suggestions.
I'll take the liberty to express my opinion then! :smile:

After reading through the first three chapters, I'd say that writing in third-person narrative style would be much better than the first-person style you've chosen. Can't explain why, perhaps it's because those third-person style written characters leaves much more place for author to mess with them in a nasty ways when there's not that tight and very personal bound between author and his character, but those stories told through a fictional hero are much more interesting to me for reading. (Charles Bukowski and his autobiographic stories told through that Chinaski duder are good examples for what I mean.)

Needles to say, I do not criticize you or the quality of your text in any way! This is just my very own personal preference, just like any other person does prefer something different in movies, games and any other media. Keep up the good work!

Also, I don't think that going the KS way with this would be a good idea. There's a lot of texts taken directly from the game - Overseer's lines, for instance. Beth could sue your pants off for that. ^^
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Yes, for a Fallout novelization I would also probably have picked 3rd person, rather than my usually preferred 1st person. I think one shouldn't get too into the character's mind, or get too specific with him at all, considering he's a blank slate in the game. Of course that only works to an extent.
@BigBoss, your story so far is a very good read, and I hope you keep adding to the chapters. However, I do have some thoughts.

Personally, I feel as if you're being overly descriptive in certain parts of the narrative. In your first chapter, for example, you've provided quite a lot of detail about your protagonist's sleeping quarters than what's necessary to establish the setting. Also, you seem to be fairly descriptive in terms of some of the characters' physical appearances in the same regard, too; the reader is given little prompt to use their imagination to visualise the ambience as well as the people the narrator encounters throughout the desert, and I feel that reducing the amount of written detail to perhaps one or two brief sentences would help to encouage this. Otherwise, you have a great skill in creating fertile grounds for character development, as well as creating realistic dialogue and internal voices. It's apparent that you've drawn inspiration from your own personal experiences, in that regard.

I hope my insights have been helpful in your future writing, and hope that you see your novel to its conclusion. It looks like you're on a creative roll, and it's been a pleasure to read.
Yeah, I get what you mean. I can always experiment in Chapter 4 this way and see how people like it.

And yeah; the novel is still under construction thought it gets hard for me to find the free-time to sit down for more than an hour and just write. So far I've never encountered serious writers block either, though.
In Alec's art thread, you asked for a book cover. So I messed around in Photoshop and Illustrator for a bit.


I thought I'd go for a slightly simple, minimalist look.
Ok firs t I just want to let people know that I'm still alive, and to expect the next chapter by the fourth.

Second, I read all of your opinions and take them into deep consideration, though for those who've suggested the story in third person, I'm sorry but for two reasons I've chosen to forego this. First I've established a bit of a personal connection with our protagonist, which my mentor explained can be a bad thing, se one it's too late to turn back.

Third, I didn't get to see your book cover akratus, would you mind reposting it?

Forth, I'd like to explain my absence. My phone carrier stopped allowing me to connect to the internet through my PC, so I must wait until I get paid pin the first to reconnect... Thus I've only been able to get on the net with my phone, explaining my absence.

As a more personal note note, I've been reading other books to gain knowledge from other writers, as I have much to learn. This one book I'm reading, Artgas: Rise of the Loch King has a great basis for story teliing, but too much romance for my enjoyment. Any of you who know anything about me know that I've suffered my own romantic problem with my loved one Kate, which has led to loneliness for me, which is why I hate anything romantic, as it brings up negative feelings and reminds me of my own loneliness. But this is not the point. What I'm asking is, would you like to see more romance in the novel, particularly of the story I've developed between Jason and Kate (you can guess where I got the name)? I was planning on letting.g the reader know why Kate left our protagonist, but would you guys like to see more of their story, which would bring romance into the novel? Let me know.

Sorry for the typos, but as I said I'm on a phone.
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I was planning on letting.g the reader know why Kate left our protagonist, but would you guys like to see more of their story, which would bring romance into the novel? Let me know.

I think you should only add a romantic backstory if you think it's going to be functional. I do some writing myself and I only ever add a sentence to a story when it'll do any of these two things:
[1] further the action
[2] add to character development
If it doesn't do any of that, the sentence has to go.

If you think a romantic backstory would shed some light on the behaviour of one of the main characters in the story you are writing, adding an extra layer, clarifying things the reader should know to understand the story, then you should do it for it'll make for a more interesting character and a deeper story. If a romantic backstory will only divert attention from what's really going on, if it's a backstory that isn't necessary to understand all the finesses of your novel, then dump it and forget about it.

Just think about all the action movies out there that have a romantic element in them. I don't know about you, but most of the time, when the romance kicks in, I'll just sigh out loud and think something along the lines of 'jesus, just fuck her and get it over with, mister macho man, you've got criminals to catch'. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the title of an action movie that had a romantic twist that didn't make me gag. It's why Band of Brothers is better than The Pacific: if I'm watching a series about WW2, I want to see soldiers, trenches, tanks, and bayonets, not the love interests of said soldiers.

My two cents, bro.

Also: fuck Kate. :wink:
Is it healthy to name the character Kate? We don't want this endeavor to be painful for you :(
EDIT: books coming along great, I'm in the middle of Jason and Ian's visit to the Khan camp.

EDIT 2: EDIT everythings fixed, books back on.
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I was planning on letting.g the reader know why Kate left our protagonist, but would you guys like to see more of their story, which would bring romance into the novel? Let me know.

I think you should only add a romantic backstory if you think it's going to be functional. I do some writing myself and I only ever add a sentence to a story when it'll do any of these two things:
[1] further the action
[2] add to character development
If it doesn't do any of that, the sentence has to go.

If you think a romantic backstory would shed some light on the behaviour of one of the main characters in the story you are writing, adding an extra layer, clarifying things the reader should know to understand the story, then you should do it for it'll make for a more interesting character and a deeper story. If a romantic backstory will only divert attention from what's really going on, if it's a backstory that isn't necessary to understand all the finesses of your novel, then dump it and forget about it.

Just think about all the action movies out there that have a romantic element in them. I don't know about you, but most of the time, when the romance kicks in, I'll just sigh out loud and think something along the lines of 'jesus, just fuck her and get it over with, mister macho man, you've got criminals to catch'. In fact, I'd be hard pressed to come up with the title of an action movie that had a romantic twist that didn't make me gag. It's why Band of Brothers is better than The Pacific: if I'm watching a series about WW2, I want to see soldiers, trenches, tanks, and bayonets, not the love interests of said soldiers.

My two cents, bro.

Also: fuck Kate. :wink:

Got it. I'll make it quick and painless for the reader then.

Off topic, I remember I was watching The Pacific with one of my friends and her boyfriend who was British and came to live here while he went to college or some shit. We watched a few episodes of Band of Brothers and the Pacific back to back with a few other guys and their girls (I was the only dumbass with no date) because it was kind of like movie night or what the hell ever they want to call it, but all he did was talk shit about the US and US Soldiers throughout the whole goddamn thing. It kind of turned me off from both series, because now I hear that dickhead's voice and annoying British midlands accent every time I watch it.

Back on topic, Akratus, what happened?
Looks good man. Check the front page.

Here's a little sneak peak inside the fourth chapter:

Fallout: A Post-Nuclear Apocalyptic Novel said:
I was going to have to ignore the pain if I was going to do this somehow, and I'm not talking about the rope burn that just burned the hell out of my right hand a moment ago. My body was exhausted, but I couldn't give up yet. I'd die down here from hunger or dehydration if my wounds didn't get my first. No, screw that. "I HAVE to do this" I told myself in more of a grunt than speech, quickly pulling on the rope with my right hand and lifting my body up higher, lifting my left hand up to the rope and grabbing hold of it. Both hands were gripping the rope, the left hand not so tightly as the right. I think I sat there for a good fourty-five seconds, just fighting the pain in my left arm and the urge not to let go. At this point, both my body and mind were begging me to simply let go. A whisper in the back of my head; "It's so easy, just let go and I promise this pain will all be over". You'd think it was the devil himself, trying to sway me with the simple sweet pleasure of being pain-free in exchange of being stuck down here. I looked up, and the elevator shaft seemed to stretch for miles. I knew that was just the sheer exhaustion of my mind playing tricks on me, but hell, climbing ten floors like this isn't easy. Might as well be a mile...

I wrapped the bottom of the rope around my arm and tied it, that way if my hand let go I wouldn't fall, though it would probably rip my arm right out of my shoulder, letting me experience a level of pain that would cripple anybodies will to live. After I made sure the rope was securely fastened along my arm and tied tightly around my elbow, I prepared myself to let my right hand go so I could position it higher on the rope, as is the elementary basics to climbing. I would be bringing the entire rope up with me along the way though, as the bottom was tied around my left arm. I clenched my left hand tightly around the rope, fingers digging in and waves of pain being sent along my neural pathways, and let go of the rope with my right hand and quickly grabbing a higher position on the rope with it. I had done it so fast I didn't even remember what had just happened a second ago, but that kind of speed was needed if I was to block out this pain. I did the same with my left hand, and again with my right, though it was always easier with my left hand as my right hand was able to handle holding the full weight of my body, while when I did so with my left hand it hurt like hell.

It began to get harder and harder. The speed I had climbed with my first lift was no longer there, and my left arm was hurting more and more each time I had to give it my full weight. Eventually though, dispite everything, foremost being pain and exhaustion, I reached the top. I kicked my leg out of the elevator shaft and unto the floor of the first level, and rolled myself out of the elevator shaft. There, I lie there on the floor just taking it easy, just resting, just breathing. For a moment I nearly fell asleep, until I realized my hungry furry friends were there to greet me.
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Ok guys, work on the novel has resumed.

There is a new update on the page in the NEW section, which I would also like you guys to check out if you have the time. Also, sorry for the double post.
Awww man. you got my support on this. How far along are you and can I see the book cover? When do you think you'll have it published?
The book cover is posted up on the first page. It's there that you can read the chapters (for free), see the Q&A's, and the News section.

So far, I'm working of the fourth chapter, which I've started today. As of now, there's no finish date for the entire book, since I'm not even close. The fourth chapter will tell of Jason entering the Khan camp. But yeah, check the front page for any information you want to know about man, including to read the book.