So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Just how much was setup but not activated in the coding ?
PsychoSniper said:Just how much was setup but not activated in the coding ?
PsychoSniper said:ASM ?
General commands STOMACH(ha stomach, ha ha ha) info
// these are the different amounts food fills the stomach
#define starting_stomach_full (75)
#define drink_meal (5)
#define snack_meal (10)
#define light_meal (25)
#define medium_meal (50)
#define large_meal (75)
#define huge_meal (90)
// these are macros for dealing with the stomach
#define max_stomach_size (100 + (2 * (dude_endurance - 10)))
#define dude_stomach_amt (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH))
#define dude_can_eat_food(amt) ((dude_stomach_amt + amt) <= max_stomach_size)
#define dude_eat_food(amt) inc_global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH, amt); \
if (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH) < 0) then \
set_global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH,0); \
else if (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH) > max_stomach_size) then \
#define dude_stomach_percent_full ((100 * dude_stomach_amt) / max_stomach_size)
#define dude_stomach_full (dude_stomach_percent_full >= 95)
#define dude_stomach_hungry (dude_stomach_percent_full <= 5)
#define dude_can_eat(x) ((dude_stomach_amt + x) <= max_stomach_size)
// these are so that a pid can be compared to see which food class it is
#define pid_is_drink_pid(x) ((x==PID_NUKA_COLA) or (x==PID_BEER) or (x==PID_BOOZE) or (x==PID_WATER_FLASK))
#define pid_is_snack_pid(x) ((x==PID_IGUANA_ON_A_STICK) or (x==PID_MEAT_ON_A_STICK))
#define pid_is_light_meal_pid(x) ((x==PID_BOX_OF_NOODLES) or (x==PID_FROZEN_DINNER))
#define pid_is_medium_meal(x) false // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define pid_is_large_meal(x) false // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define pid_is_huge_meal(x) false // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define dude_has_fast_metabolism (has_trait(TRAIT_OBJECT,dude_obj,TRAIT_fast_metabolism))
#define amt_food_digested_in_time(x) (((1 + dude_has_fast_metabolism) * (game_time - x)) / (ONE_GAME_MINUTE * 3))