Fallout and a food system

PsychoSniper said:
Just how much was setup but not activated in the coding ?

The stomach exists. I'm not sure if there's a way to activate it without going ASM tho.
PsychoSniper said:

Assembler. A low-level language.
It's commonly used for reverse engineering or hacking/"patching" compiled programs.

Instead of manipulating data, you push bytes around. Quite an unthankful way of writing code. I once thought about learning it, but then my level of insanity dropped back to a less lethal level.
Ah, programing ::shudders::

Well, this is where I step back and let others do it (or egg others on to figure it out :-p)
About Fallout 2 food system

There are a lot of macros and other variables for filling player´s stomach (look at command.h, define.h, dude_obj.ssl). It seems that the food system is done(?), but the scripts simply doesn´t use these commands (GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH, etc).

Has anyone tested that does this food system feature actually work?
Food system hidden in Fallout2 engine?

It is possible to this food system work someday?

 General commands STOMACH(ha stomach, ha ha ha) info
// these are the different amounts food fills the stomach
#define starting_stomach_full          (75)
#define drink_meal                     (5)
#define snack_meal                     (10)
#define light_meal                     (25)
#define medium_meal                    (50)
#define large_meal                     (75)
#define huge_meal                      (90)
// these are macros for dealing with the stomach
#define max_stomach_size               (100 + (2 * (dude_endurance - 10)))
#define dude_stomach_amt               (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH))
#define dude_can_eat_food(amt)         ((dude_stomach_amt + amt) <= max_stomach_size)
#define dude_eat_food(amt)             inc_global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH, amt);                             \
                                       if (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH) < 0) then                         \
                                          set_global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH,0);                             \
                                       else if (global_var(GVAR_DUDE_STOMACH) > max_stomach_size) then     \
#define dude_stomach_percent_full      ((100 * dude_stomach_amt) / max_stomach_size)
#define dude_stomach_full              (dude_stomach_percent_full >= 95)
#define dude_stomach_hungry            (dude_stomach_percent_full <= 5)
#define dude_can_eat(x)                ((dude_stomach_amt + x) <= max_stomach_size)
// these are so that a pid can be compared to see which food class it is
#define pid_is_drink_pid(x)            ((x==PID_NUKA_COLA) or (x==PID_BEER) or (x==PID_BOOZE) or (x==PID_WATER_FLASK))
#define pid_is_snack_pid(x)            ((x==PID_IGUANA_ON_A_STICK) or (x==PID_MEAT_ON_A_STICK))
#define pid_is_light_meal_pid(x)       ((x==PID_BOX_OF_NOODLES) or (x==PID_FROZEN_DINNER))
#define pid_is_medium_meal(x)          false    // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define pid_is_large_meal(x)           false    // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define pid_is_huge_meal(x)            false    // this is because we don't have any generic items that qualify
#define dude_has_fast_metabolism       (has_trait(TRAIT_OBJECT,dude_obj,TRAIT_fast_metabolism))
#define amt_food_digested_in_time(x)   (((1 + dude_has_fast_metabolism) * (game_time - x)) / (ONE_GAME_MINUTE * 3))
Old stuff. There is also a global var for food system. Would the food system work, if that variable is set to active in dude_obj?
First i dont see commands to use these food items, maybe when define it?

Already i defined many new things like dude_has_energy_weapons_skills

Who known, maybe its possible?
And how will be viewed dude_stomach_percent_full ?

Probably food must be just misc items with USE option
Only thing i found about stomach is this thread but this dont explain how make this system work.

Anyway i designed my own stomach system.

1. Food will be misc item with USE action flags, and added script makes move this object to antoher inventory

2. This inventory will be container hidden on map like box for schop keepers (and this will be your stomach)

Its important that stomach will not work in worldmap, but only in some town. When you first enter some town (afrer travelling on worldmap) your stomach (food amount) will be deleted. So simple, when you enter town must eat something. When you stay longer here (rest) then you must eat more.

2A. How get food?
-buy in shoop
-hunt for animals (iguana on stick heh)
-found it in plants (that will be placed randomly)

3. All food will be the same kind of items and
-when container got food amount=0 then you are hungry
-when container got food amount=10 (100%) then you can't eat more (script in food item will not work and show some message that you cant eat)

Stomach system designed from Fallout2 programers see only different types of food represents amount. Better thing its i think made only two standard items like food and water.

Food and water will work the same way but make different results: hungry and thirsty.

4. Timed event will make remove items from box, so you must fill it

5. When you are hungry and when you are thirsty:
-lost HP?
-lost stats?
-lost AP?
Remember that stomach system was not implement because may broken fun from gameplay

(its basic plan, now i starting scripting this, hope that will work heh)
if u played the wasteland merc mod, which i dunno if it got posted on nma bcuz i hear the creator has some beefs with this site.. anwyays they designed it so that food replaces stimpacks. U get meat off rats/dogs/geckos/bramhin.. its just an uncooked meat icon, u get different amounst depending on the size of the critter. And then u would go a stove and cook it. The higher your outdoorsman determines whtever or not u can cook it sucessfully and get a cooked meat, which heals hp.

I thought that was a very good idea, bcuz often random encounters and critters in first few lvls are meatable critters like those.
I think a penalty to perception would be appropriate, at least when you're very hungry. Make a new trait too (if thats possible). "Skinny fella" or something like that which gives you more endurance...
In Wasteland Merc2 food is just stimpacks that look different.

Real food system will work other way.
You must fill stomach to avoid hungry effects like:
-lost stats
-lost AP

Made some actions and fight when hungry will be harder

Already i made this system algorytm but it must be rebuild, probably best way is use virtual food in GVARs instead of real items transfered to stomach box and deleted by time_event
Well, there is a really simple and novel way to implement a food system.

Replace the graphics for one of the drugs, with a graphic for one of the foods, and start the character off addicted to that drug/food.

There are a few problems with this idea though
In Fallout you can overcome drug addiction
Only 1 type of food will work for fufilling a characters hunger

Ways around this problem...
Use your imagination? heh.
Its not simple but stupid method
You olways will be addicted (showing red message ADDICT)

Probably its possible ressurect orginal food system, but already i thinking on my own.

First thing: how increase fun from gameplay using food system? F2 programers cant solve this major problem so they dot implement food system into game.
I was just thinking the Food System could be used for a funny mod where in say a special encounter you find an eating contest about to start.

You would then be given the opportunity to compete and dependant on your stomach capacity you could win say 1st, 2nd, or 3rd or lose (depending on size of meal able to be consumed) each place coming with certain amount of experience points. There could also be penality for not placing, say like you getting sick/poisoned or possible the contestants find you a poor loser and a fight breaks out.

Of course this would also mean creating a new map, npc's, dialogue, new food types, etc.

Still it's an idea....
It is surely adding a interesting dimension to the game. Are there any mod currently working to implement this figure?

The problem I am thinking of is at first you find it interesting and worthwhile to look for food and water. Even could be possible to make some areas you can not reach without enough food or water. But in the middle or late game you will find it a tedious micro-management to do. (every now and then go to shops to by 1000 food, or every time click to eat) Maybe it would be better to give player a opportunity later in the game to have a perk or unlimited food capsule or open an option in the control panel to turn off the need for food and water.