Fallout and Mad Max series, the similarities...


Vault Senior Citizen
We know Fallout is inspired by Mad Max and last night, I just watched the re-run of Mad Max: The Road warrior and Mad Max: Beyond thunderdome. Watching both movie has given me an ironic feeling of how Fallout and Mad max had the same fate.
Here's my thought:

Both franchise got their massive attention from the 2nd sequel. In this case, Fallout 2 and Mad Max: The Road Warrior (or FO2 and MM:TRW)
Conclusion: Their sequels are sucky/will suck/will not appeal to even the most casual player.

MM:TRW has engaging car chase scene which in turns like the combat of Fallout. But in MM:Beyond Thunderdome, the car chase scene has been reduced. For me:
Car chase scene in MM:BTD = Fallout 3's V.A.T system.
Conclusion: One of the major element of both franchise suck so bad in their sequel.

MW:TRW has better character development. Lord Humungous is a better villian than Aunt Entity. The master is better than president.
(Especially Lord Humungous, I feel sad when the scene of he took out his Smith and Wesson Model 29 and have a small glimpse of a family picture in it, while the master try to unify humans but knowing his failure made him decided to suicide while saving the rest of the normal humans so his creation will not destroy themselves.
Villians of MW:TRW and Fallout > better than their sequels.

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome has Tina Turner,
Fallout 3 has Liam Nelson.
Conclusion: having a A-star performer doesn't always guarantee the success of the work.

Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome turns into a disney film at the second part by introducing those orphans. Fallout 3 has unkillable children.
Conclusion: One step ahead, two steps back.

Mad Max Beyong Thunderdome has received bigger budget but produced only standard quality work. Fallout 3 has 20mil budget and only god knows what the end-product will be.
Conclusion: Having a bigger budget doesn't as always, guarantee the success of the work.

Just my one-man thought at the afternoon, in my office. :ugly:
I find comparing Liam Neeson and Tina Turner an almost unforgivable sin.
I found the Fallout series more like Clint Eastwood's spaghetti western trilogy, A Fistful of Dollars, For a Few Dollars More, and The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. Not only do both games reference all three movies, but the setting's also eerily similar.
"Clint Eastwood's spaghetti western trilogy"? Man, Clint isn't even Italian. You mean "Sergio Leone's dollar trilogy."

And on that topic, I disagree. Fallout 2 borrows pretty heavily from the dollar trilogy in some areas, mostly Redding. Fallout 1? Not at all.

Mad Max is a stated and recognised source of inspiration
Hello all,

Really not meant to irritate you all but what is wrong with Redding?

I neither like nor hate the place.
Oh, Redding is a fine place, not nearly as un-Fallout as some of the other Fallout 2 locations, but imagine it in Fallout 1...kind of doesn't make any sense, does it?
Brother None said:
"Clint Eastwood's spaghetti western trilogy"? Man, Clint isn't even Italian. You mean "Sergio Leone's dollar trilogy."

Eastwood didn't direct 'em, but I think they're more his than Leone's. But meh, it's what I think.

Brother None said:
And on that topic, I disagree. Fallout 2 borrows pretty heavily from the dollar trilogy in some areas, mostly Redding. Fallout 1? Not at all.

Mad Max is a stated and recognized source of inspiration

Not just Redding. New Reno reminds me a lot of Yojimbo/Fistful of Dollars, the way you pit the families against one another, primarily the Richard Wright quest. Granted, not so much FO1. And I'm not dismissing Mad Max as a source. Hell, there's a horrifically bad Bruce Dern movie about lack of water in a post-apocalyptic universe that can also be related to FO1. (They even got in trouble with Scientology, same as FO2.)
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome has Tina Turner,
Fallout 3 has Liam Nelson.
Conclusion: having a A-star performer doesn't always guarantee the success of the work.

Why am I picturing Liam Neeson singing "Simply the Best" in a short skirt and really frizzy hair?
the4thlaw said:
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome has Tina Turner,
Fallout 3 has Liam Nelson.
Conclusion: having a A-star performer doesn't always guarantee the success of the work.

Why am I picturing Liam Neeson singing "Simply the Best" in a short skirt and really frizzy hair?

You have a sick imagination, sir.