Fallout Anthology is on its why via UPS...


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I wont be getting it until Friday, according to my UPS. The awesome thing is that the shipping info. states the package weighs 4.30 lbs.! That is one heck of a decent mininuke gamecase! :P



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this is my first time buying any really substantial collectors edition of a game, or buying anything like this online. i am so glad the shipping price was low!
i still have the original discs for for fallout 1 and 2, how is it a ripoff if i only have the first 2 games? i dont have fallout 3 or NV or any dlc for them, nor have i got tactics. i think it is a great deal, already it is $10 for fallout 1 and 2 each on steam and more for fallout 3 and NV with all dlc on steam, as well as tactics costs money as well. so how is it a rip off when it costs $50 for all that plus an awesome bombshell game case, and i only have 2 of the games?
I suppose it could be considered a ripoff to some since it only comes with little CD sleeves. The thick manuals were part of the charm. Not a bad little set if you don't have them though.
Yeah, 40 dollars for 5 games and a cool stand is not a bad deal. I would buy it if I didn't already have 4 of those games or if the sleeves didn't have Bethesda's name plasttered on them and the money wasn't going to Bethesda.