Fallout Archaeology: Ancient Fallout 1 advertisement

Continuum said:
I thought Aradesh/Maxon and Nicole/Jain were the only ones...
Even Killian/Loxley looks pretty suspicious to me:

Nope. They're pretty different... But of course, you can find some similarities between heads, but they're not clones. And that Shady Sands Elder is basically a carbon copy. Two clones I mentioned earlier at least have textures/clothes altered...
Heh, I love how one ad says "the end of role-playing as you know it" while the other says "the return of the old school RPG" :P
Continuum said:
Nope. They're pretty different... But of course, you can find some similarities between heads, but they're not clones. And that Shady Sands Elder is basically a carbon copy. Two clones I mentioned earlier at least have textures/clothes altered...

All the heads were originally clay models (thats why they were so exceptional for their day). If only one person built them then it's understandable that certain characters do resemble each other.

They were scanned with a plotting machine, and finally fine tuned in the 3D software. I asked Chris Taylor about the heads - who had them - apparently when the studio was closing down people just grabbed them and took them home. Better them than Herve.

The Deathclaw clay model is fantastic.




All is revealed here -
