Fallout: Between Good & Evil screenshots


Venerable Relic of the Wastes
The Czech Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Between Good & Evil has released a few screenshots and renderings on the project's website, displaying some of the custom graphics created by this team.

</center>Fallout: BG&E is also looking for a people to join, if you want to help on their project.
<blockquote>Now the usual recruiting – we look for:
  • Any programmers, with at least C or Pascal (Fallout scripting engine knowledge would be great), who are willing to work at a tedious task of scripting dialogues, or who can debug and test scripts.
  • Any artists, especially those who can do 3D models or loadingscreens.
  • One high-quality dialogue writer (or more). Only condition – must work a lot. Somehow, high quality and high amount of work don't go together.
  • An English native speaker with perfect grammar and spelling, who will (later) check texts and dialogues for any mistakes or „strange sentences“.
</blockquote>Link: Fallout: Beyond Good & Evil gallery.
Thanks to Karel for informing us.
I meant "in there" as in "in the Fallout setting".

AFAIK, It's a 60's car.
Wooz said:
I meant "in there" as in "in the Fallout setting".

AFAIK, It's a 60's car.
You can't expect every Eastern European to even know what a Dodge Charger is in the first place.
Hmm. Maybe I should send for Pete Hines, he has an answer to every question... :P

Is that car really so big problem?
The REAL problem is Destert Eagle in Fallout 1 (the most canonical Fallout game) What it was doing there If mk1 was created by Magnum in 1979.
So I think fallout universe might have some small and few things in common with our future after 1950s, so even if this car is their mistake it's not a big problem. I hope that's the only thing not from 1950's inspired world . ;)

Wooz said:
What's a Dodge Charger doing in there?

It looks good, it looks a bit like from Mad Max and it replaces the old car from Fallout 1 & 2. The "era" is not correct, but so aren't many technologies in Fallout, they just seem to fit in.
Jesterka said:
Hmm. Maybe I should send for Pete Hines, he has an answer to every question... :P

Is that car really so big problem?
To me, yes :) . It looks too GTAish for Fallout setting and is a ~100 year old RL car.
I think that a Corvega (or maybe a working version of one of Fallout wrecks) from F1 intro would be a lot better...
There weren't any Chargers in the Mad Max movies. It was mostly Australian Fords. Good looking model, though. Too bad it doesn't fit at all.
Okay so maybe the car doesn't belong...why is that fixating everyone?!

The screenshots are excellent! They look both fitting of the setting yet amazingly have new art. That's very rare in mods. I mean the cliff-face with the pipework jutting out is driving me wild. The art looks totally natural to the setting and also makes sense...with lots of miles of underground piping and natural disasters tearing open rifts of land I would expect to see stuff like that. I'm so impressed.

Great work everyone!

The Vault Dweller
I'm siding with VD on this one, I think the art is really good. I've been looking forward to this mod for some time now, and you guys keep amazing me :)
I think it looks great. I'm not sure which year the Fallout world is supposed to diverge from ours, but there could be some parallels.

The Charger looks good to me. Maybe it was a kit car? Anyway, I will agree that the Corvega makes more sense, but the Charger was probably easier to make, given that it really exists. The artist would have to start completely from scratch to do the Corvega.

Bottom line is that it doesn't bother me. :)
Thanks for (most of) comments.

Of course we know that it is not exactly according to the spirit of the fifties. By an irony of fate, Dodge was chosen and modelled by Ghostus who really insists on original atmosphere. Somebody can say that this drag is a big fault, yes, but on the other side, eg. in game dialogs I really hate persistant explanation that all what lived through the war was "incidentally" in 50s. Currently I´m more focusing on not to fuck up gameplay by this car than on some "style violation"...

It is nice to hear that you are (mostly) satisfied with screens and graphic implementation. We hope that you´ll be satisfied with the rest of the game too... one fine day.

And if you have any additional (sensible) questions, just ask.
Yeah really good work on the graphics! :)

I have a few questions for you Jesterka
Where the mod is located?
what are your priorities?
What is the main plot of this mod?
How much have you done already?
Jesterka is "away from keyboard", so I will answer the questions:

Dagon said:
Where the mod is located?
Western coast of the USA.
Dagon said:
What are your priorities?
Finishing a playable mod.
Dagon said:
What is the main plot of this mod?
There is something about the plot at our webpage, we don't intend to "leak" much more. I can only say that your main quest will be more personal, you won't be an unskilled tribal with spear looking for high-tech G.E.C.K. in the beginning.
Dagon said:
How much have you done already?
It is hard to say, so I will just make up an entertaining answer: More than we expected.