Fallout: BoS vs Fallout 1

I personally think that Fallout: BoS is equal with the original masterpiece.

What do you think?

EDIT: I supposedly have to back up this claim as I asked a sort-of-not-really similar question already.

BoS has:
* Better gameplay
* Better graphics
* Better dialogue
* Invents lore so good that it isn't canon
* Awesome music and art direction

F1 has:
* A story
* Gameplay
* Art direction
* Music and dialogue

As there is more points in the BoS section, I think you'll all agree that BoS is the better game.
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What do I think?

I think you shouldn't be starting a new thread with practically the same topic as a thread you've made very recently.

I think you probably should've just posted the message you've just made here on that thread.

I think that if your opinion is serious, you should at least back it up with why.

Oh noes, I've been court in the act!

In all serious though, this thread isn't the same as the other one. I just want to know your comparison of the two games.
Easiest way to compare the 2. One's shit and the other's not. Here, the openings of each game provide the clearest example.

BOS's literally sounds like a 10 year old recounting the events from Fallout 1. And with heavy metal.
Easiest way to compare the 2. One's shit and the other's not. Here, the openings of each game provide the clearest example.

BOS's literally sounds like a 10 year old recounting the events from Fallout 1. And with heavy metal.

The intro to BoS is my favourite intro to any form of entertainment I've ever had the privilege of experiencing.

What you described is out of context and simply wrong.
The intro to BoS is my favourite intro to any form of entertainment I've ever had the privilege of experiencing.

What you described is out of context and simply wrong.

Your favourite, your standards, your thing. Fine. But out of what context? "Simply wrong?" Wrong about what?
You're not very good at this whole trolling thing. You're being way too obvious, learn to be more subtle in your trolling son.
Better dialogue
:naughty: Quote a single line from PoS.
Invents lore so good that it isn't canon

Awesome music and art direction
Music from this:

Compared to music from this:

You figure out which one is out of place.
If you like BoS... then that's fine I guess.
It's nowhere near as good as F1, and you have to understand it's a bad Fallout game.
I mean, I dislike it but I keep it around for completion.

I will say this, it's not as bad as people have made it out to be, but it's still rather bad.
Comparing it to F1 through... really?!

F1, even for all its flaws is still a good game.
A Very good game in fact.

BoS really is just one big flaw.

But you're bored so I may as well amuse you for a second.
But c'mon man, I was pulling this trolling shit when I was 12.
You should really grow up man.
Fallout 1 is on a completely different level than PoS. It's actually a good game.

Maybe you could get away with saying Fallout 2 was worse t- *gets shot*
I never played Fallout BoS but now I will have to get it for my dusty old PS2 that I haven't touched for years and check it out :postviper: all because of this thread.